Cross-Canada protests against G8
Imc Uk | 27.06.2002 22:00 | Globalisation | World
On June 26th and 27th two days of action took place in Ottawa as the leaders of the G8 countries met in the secluded mountains of Kananaskis, Alberta. Protesters took the streets of different Canadian cities to oppose the destructive agenda perpetuated by the G8.
While representing a small proportion of the world's population, the leaders of the G8 nations control the majority of the world's economic resources, thus imposing a neo-liberal form of development that benefits the rich and powerful elites and leaves the rest behind. The G8's support of FTAA, the IMF/World Bank, and the WTO, results in the privatisation and corporatisation of the planet, with Africa being one of the continents most affected through the G8's sponsored NEPAD. On the other hand, the self-serving "war on terrorism", orchestrated by the leaders of the G8, continues to militarise and brutalise countries and communities in every continent, while cynically making appeals for civilization and freedom.
In Kananaskis, the executive board of global Capitalism met for photo-ops and to push forward the G8 agenda. In Ottawa, Calgary and Alberta thousands of protesters loudly declared their opposition to the G8, and showed their solidarity with the people criminalised and marginalised by its policies. The days of action, titled Take the Capital, involved different types of demonstrations, popular education, a freedom festival, civil disobedience, squatting (pics), direct action, caravans, a Critical Mass and a 1000 flags of Resistance demo under the banner "No One is Illegal!".
On the 23rd in Calgary, the closest city to the summit, five thousand people marched through the streets. On the 26th and 27th thousands took the streets of Ottawa despite heavy police and army intimidation photo | Ottawa protests photo links.
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