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World Television network, who are they?

Nina | 04.08.2003 21:41

In Sweden yesterday Sunday and today Monday the big news is World Television Network finding smoking gun in Iraq with help of 2 Swedish WMD specialists.

Quick and fast news:

In Sweden yesterday Sunday and today Monday the big news is World Television Network finding smoking gun in Iraq with help of 2 Swedish WMD specialists.

The specialist have been put under a contract where they have no right to talk about there trip to Iraq for the next 5 years. While the World Television Network will make documentaries, films and write books.
The female journalist says that Sweden should be happy that it will contribute to motivating the war and helping UK and USA.



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does not "google"

05.08.2003 07:28

"world television network" does not come back from a google search, FYI


Ref world telivision network.

05.08.2003 08:25

It is realy quite irrelivent if we have a world telivision network or not.All telivision in all countries is controlled by the ruling elites eg. corporate entities.People are brainwashed just the same as if a world telivision network does exsist.Free your minds and throw the brainwashing , propoganda machine in the trash can where it belongs.I did this years ago and do not miss it one bit.


BBC monitored report

05.08.2003 08:44

Here is the text of the report monitored by the BBC:

'Text of report by Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter web site on 4 August

The Swedish government risks being sued for several million kronor if the experts sent by the military to Iraq talk about what they saw there.

According to Svenska Dagbladet, the officials from FOI, the Swedish Defence Research Agency, signed a secrecy agreement with the commercial television company WTN [World Television Network], with which they were working. In the agreement they commit themselves not to say a word about the inspections for the next five years.

The agreement was written in order for WTN to assure itself that the news does not leak out to other mass media.

"I was not involved in this. It's an agreement between them and WTN. But I trusted them to make their own decisions," Aake Sellstroem, head of the Swedish Defence Research Agency's department for protection against weapons of mass destruction and the person who gave the task to the experts, tells Svenska Dagbladet.'

Paul Edwards

here's how bad it is in the USA, land of free.......

05.08.2003 15:28

First, a thanks to paul edwards for the info

meanwhile this recently in. there is a weblink and the info is very "interesting"
