Volcanoes Building Towards Catastrophic Eruptions
Citizens' Initiative Omega | 04.08.2003 19:37 | Ecology | Globalisation | Health | London | World
The problem of health effects of mobile for the first time discussed in public in Denmark - Hans Snook opened a state of the art diagnostic clinic in London - Effects of Microwave Radiation (Western View)
The problem of health effects of mobile for the first time discussed in public in Denmark
For the first time the problem of health effects of mobile phones have been discussed in public in Denmark. Last Friday it was extensively referred in most of the media. They also discovered my existence, since I am the only expert in Denmark on biological and health effects.
The reason I went into this debate is that now UMTS/3G basestations are raised everywhere close to living environments and the people are not even informed about it. My argument is that this is a completely new technique and type of EMF and now introduced before any research has been done at all on its health effects. Moreover that the number of these new basestations will be very high and there will be a dense forest of mobile phone masts. From the present GSM we already know a lot about its health effects.
You can understand that I am now under heavy attack from the mobile phone industry and their socalled independent experts. You know their usual arguments. I want and they asked for it, to send out a list of all the published research and links that show that there are health and biological effects. Of course they know, but it is also for the ordinary public, that is not or misinformed.
Unfortunately there are no published studies on the effects of basestations and also not on the 3G system. After the last meeting in London Leila Kheifetz from WHO urged that such studies should be initiated and that also socalled anecdotal reports from the general public should be taken seriously.
Unfortunately she has (made to ?) left WHO and Mike Repacholi is back again and as you know he has denounced the precautionary principle. This suits the industry very well. One of their experts' advice was, that they just should start using the new techniques and afterwards they could always see if anybody will get killed or get sick!
The big issue is of course the non-thermal effects, of which they have never heard! They comply to ICNIRP standards.
Kind regards
Sianette Kwee
Hans Snook opened a state of the art diagnostic clinic in London
Dear Klaus
I have been amazed to see that Hans Snook, originator and former chief
executive of `Orange', who used aggressive marketing techniques involving
children using hand sets, has publicly declared his love for alternative
medicine. As far as I know, he still owns the Carphone Warehouse and Orange Thailand. But now, by his own admission, he approves of a comprehensive approach to health including eastern methods of healing and has just opened a state of the art diagnostic clinic in London near Harley Street. The diagnostic consultation fees are extremely high and the market is aimed at the corporate sector. He hopes to open more clinics if his latest venture takes off.
For a man who now must know the negative health effects of mobile phone
frequencies, what will he be doing in the future ? Will he offer diagnosis of health effects from electromagnetic pollution caused by mobile phones in his clinic?
The question is: Knowing how the mobile technology works, and as a result of his latest declaration of interest in the health industry, is Hans Snook now going to use his influence to develop a new bio-compatible mobile phone system??? Is he now realising the harm this technology does to all Life on earth? Let's hope that he had a revelation on this! Let's hope that the more he studies about alternative medicine, the more he recognises the harm it does and that now he regrets his influence in helping to market it. Let's hope he uses this knowledge to reverse the damage. If he uses the same amount of energy and power to solve this crisis as he helped to create it, he will go down in history as the one who turned the tide.
Ingrid Dickenson
Snook to quit as Orange changes hands
By Dan Sabbagh (Filed: 29/11/2000)
HANS SNOOK, the founding chief executive of Orange, is to stand down from the mobile phone company early next year to spend more time pursuing personal interests in alternative medicine.
The Orange boss denied that he had had a bust-up with France Telecom, the company that acquired Orange for £25.1 billion in May. Mr Snook will remain as a "special adviser" to the company's board, and be replaced as chief executive by Jean-Franois Pontal from France Telecom once Orange is relisted in February or March next year.
Mr Snook, 52, said: "If I had stayed on in an executive role beyond the flotation, it would have been reasonable to expect me to stay on another three, four or five years. I couldn't commit to that on a personal basis because there are alternative therapies, homeopathy and nutritional treatments that I need time to learn more about."
France Telecom's executive chairman, Michel Bon, said that he was disappointed but added: "I do not feel I am losing out. He is free to deal with the things he is good at - vision and branding. Anyway, all the rest of Orange is here, and the company is strong enough to go on beyond this." Mr Snook's departure became inevitable once the French government refused to waive an £8 billion capital gains tax bill on the company, which will combine France Telecom's and Orange's original mobile holdings.
In the summer, Mr Snook said he wanted to take on a non-executive role, and he was originally earmarked to become chairman. However, this had assumed that Orange would be legally incorporated as a British company, in which the role of non-executive chairman is normal. During the autumn, it emerged that if France Telecom wanted to transfer its own mobile interests across the Channel, it would be charged the £8 billion.
This means that while Orange will be headquartered and run from London, its legal home will remain in France. French law also requires that a chairman is a full time executive - making the job unacceptable to Mr Snook.
A minority stake, expected to be 15pc, of Orange will be floated in February or March. The company's value is currently estimated at between Eu75 billion (£45 billion) and Eu100 billion - a sharp drop since France Telecom's acquisition. At that time, the enlarged Orange was valued at between Eu100 billion and Eu150 billion. Orange's primary share listing will be in Paris, with a secondary listing in London. The company will account in euros, but its London shares are expected to be denominated in sterling and investors will be able to receive dividends in sterling.
It is not clear how much time Mr Snook will spend advising the Orange management. Mr Snook said that there was "no long contract" detailing how many hours he would spend with the company, although he added that he did not intend to act as a corporate advisor to any other related company.
France Telecom also unveiled the rest of the new company's management structure, combining French executives with existing Orange staff. Deputy chief executive and chief financial officer Graham Howe will retain his role in the new group.
Mr Snook's departure will end an eight-year reign, which has seen him take the group from a little-known subsidary of Hong Kong trading conglomerate Hutchison Whampoa to Europe's second largest mobile phone group.
29 October 2000: Snook to quit as Orange chairman
14 October 2000: France Telecom delays Orange listing
10 October 2000: France Telecom reshapes Orange
30 May 2000: France Telecom to buy Orange for £25bn
16 April 2000: City Profile: Second time around for Snook
Wednesday, 4 April, 2001, 18:17 GMT 19:17 UK
Snook says 3G delayed
Snook: "The cynics are going to be proved wrong again"
By BBC's News Online Technology Correspondent Mark Ward in Florida High-speed third-generation mobile phone networks are going to arrive later than expected, but mobile operators are going to make money out of them.
Hans Snook, former boss of the UK's Orange phone network, said he does not expect to see serious use of the new networks before 2004, almost two years later than expected.
A bullish Mr Snook said mobile phone firms have not paid too much for licences to operate the third-generation networks that will let operators offer a slew of novel services.
But operators will have to work hard to drive customers to new services or risk getting pushed out of the way by other companies keen to reach consumers via a mobile phone.
Mobile future is bright
Speaking at the Accenture Global Communications Forum held in Miami Beach
this week Mr Snook said pessimism about the future fortunes of mobile phone firms was misplaced.
Third generation mobile phones could take much longer to come to market
"The price operators have paid for third-generation (3G) licences will ultimately be seen as conservative once the true potential of these networks is realised," he said, "today people think it is expensive because they do not understand where the revenue is going to come from."
He added that many mobile companies suffered the same sort of cynicism when they launched analogue services. "The cynics are going to be proved wrong again," he said.
There will be no "meaningful" building of 3G networks until the end of 2003, said Mr Snook, until then mobile phone firms will continue to get the bulk of their revenues from charging for voice calls.
New services
But once the new networks are in place operators will be able to drive customers to new types of services, and not just give customers access to the internet while they are on the move.
The price operators have paid for third-generation licences will ultimately be seen as conservative once the true potential of these networks is realised.
Hans Snook: "As we move into the wirefree future we will see 50-60% of revenues coming from new services whether they be internet or life service based," he said, "after that they will grow rapidly."
The new types of services will turn a phone from a device that can make and take calls to a "remote control for life" said Mr Snook.
Already Orange is working with many technology developers to create devices and applications that can be used or managed by mobile.
As one example the company is working with the Royal College of Art on a t-shirt that can monitor vital signs and inform doctors or health workers if someone is at risk.
Pass the remote control
Phones will also be used to manage money and control many household devices said Mr Snook.
But the challenge for mobile operators is finding ways to make these services work well and persuading customers to sign up for them. The technical and business obstacles to overcome are immense said Mr Snook.
He said operators will have to be creative to find ways of managing customers so the new networks are exploited to their full potential.
The role for operators is to brand themselves as the trusted route that people are happy to use and rely on for access to the new realm of "life services".
Effects of Microwave Radiation (Western View)
The public is now understandably wary of safety assurances from "official" government scientific sources w.r.t. [with regard to] electromagnetic pollution. This skepticism is enhanced when views contrary to official perceived wisdom is, at worst silenced or, at best, studiously ignored.
March 2001 report by the European Parliament STOA
We’re all participating in a giant experiment in involuntary epidemiology - irradiated by cell phones and towers, cordless phones, satellites, broadcast antennas, military and aviation radar, TVs, computers, wireless internet, wireless LANs in schools and the workplace, and now these meters, waiting to see what it does to us. Actually, we know what it does to us, so the results shouldn’t come as any surprise.
The main problem isn’t cancer, although the industry would like you to believe that, because then they can pull out statistics showing how infrequently it occurs as a result of low-level radiation. Cancer takes a long time to develop. Typically, other problems show up first: neurological, reproductive, and cardiac. Problems with severe headaches, sleep disturbances, memory loss, learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, and infertility show up long before cancer. When cancer does appear, it’s typically brain tumors, leukemia, and lymphoma.
Here are a few things to keep in mind about the health effects of microwave radiation:
1. Effects at low levels can be more noticeable than at higher levels. The existence of a "window effect" is well documented, in which effects occur at certain frequencies and power densities but not at those immediately above or below them. However, it’s not as simple as just mapping these frequencies and power levels, because the local geomagnetic field and individual susceptibility also influence the result.
Following are a few examples of the nonlinear nature of the effects, from Arthur Firstenberg’s book Microwaving Our Planet (see bottom of page for information). In each case, emphasis has been added: Firstenberg points out (p. 41) that "calcium ion efflux from brain tissue is extremely sensitive to irradiation with radiofrequency waves." He cites four studies and a literature review. In particular, a 1986 study by Dutta et al. at 915 MHz and various exposure levels showed that "The effect at 0.0007 mW/g SAR [specific absorption rate] was quadruple the effect at 2.0 mW/g, in other words 3000 times the intensity had 4 times less of an effect under these particular conditions." Looking at it the other way, an intensity three thousand times lower had an effect four times greater.
Firstenberg describes a number of studies on microwave radiation and blood cells. In one, "Chiang et al. (1989) in their epidemiological study found that white blood cell phagocytosis was stimulated by chronic exposure to the lowest intensities of radio waves and inhibited, sometimes severely, by higher intensities. . . . Exposure levels ranged from 0-4 mW/cm2 to 120 mW/cm2." (p. 22)
In another study on blood, "These results were further refined by a 30-day experiment with guinea pigs at 1, 5, 10, and 50 mW/cm2 (Shandala and Vinogradov 1978). All these intensities increased complement in the blood and stimulated phagocytosis by neutrophils, but 1 mW/cm2 had the biggest effect, and 50 mW/cm2 the smallest effect." (p. 23)
The September 2000 newsletter of the Cellular Phone Taskforce, No Place To Hide, reported on some studies presented at the June 2000 European Parliament meeting on mobile phones and health. In one presentation, Dr. Lebrecht von Klitzing, of the Medical University of Luebeck, Germany, said, "Some people become ill at power densities of less than 10 nanowatts/cm2. . . . Small children are very sensitive to these emitters, down to field densities of 1 nanowatt/cm2."
Another article in the newsletter says that Dr. Leif Salford, of Lund University, Sweden, "had previously reported that short exposure to microwaves at 915 MHz damages the blood-brain barrier. . . . ‘The most remarkable observation in our studies,’ said Salford [at the conference], ‘is the fact that SAR values lower than 1 mW/kg give rise to a more pronounced albumin leakage than higher SAR values. . . . The situation that the weakest fields, according to our findings, are the biologically most effective, poses a major problem.’"
2. Another effect independent of power level is resonance, which occurs at certain frequency ranges where the wavelength is near the size of a body part. An example is the 900 Mhz range, which has a wavelength of approximately one foot - a size that can cause resonance in a child’s head (because some of the radiation is absorbed, and the wavelength decreases). This intensifies the biological effect. Also, children’s skulls are thinner, so microwaves penetrate more easily. (Another problem is that children’s cells are dividing rapidly, which creates more chance for DNA damage. Their immune systems are not fully developed and can’t defend them against this.)
3. Pulsed radiation, of the type produced by these meters, is more harmful at the cellular level than continuous-wave. The meters emit pulses twice in two seconds, although the interval is random.
4. Studies are typically done for short exposure periods at higher intensities, because running studies longer costs more money. This allows the industry to claim that few studies have been done that show effects for long-term, low-level exposure and that "nonthermal" effects do not exist. But public health scientists point out that duration is also important, and long-term, low-level exposure can have equivalent effects.
5. The effects of radiation are cumulative, in both senses. The meters add to the cumulative radiation as sources proliferate, and microwave radiation is cumulative in sense of increasing the body’s sensitivity over time. Research shows that test subjects don’t always recover completely and that subsequent exposures can cause effects at lower levels.
6. There are no longer any control groups, because we are now exposed to so much radiation. Alasdair Phillips points out the problem in an email to the Roy Beavers list (archived on the Library page at
Recently an American epidemiologist, Dr Sam Milham, re-analysed Doll’s own data presented in his 1956 (Doll & Hill) paper which showed that heavy smokers were 23.7 times more likely to die from lung cancer than non-smokers. However when you compare the figures for heavy smokers vs light and moderate ones the ORs [odds ratios] fall to 3.5 and 1.9. When you compare light smokers with moderate ones you get an OR of only 1.8.
Applying this concept to microwaves, there are no unexposed and few highly exposed subjects. So experimental results showing harm compared to a control group can be deceptively low-like comparing lung cancer in heavy smokers to light or moderate smokers rather than nonsmokers. This allows the industry to downplay the implications of health effects.
7. Even in full studies, sometimes the abstract and/or conclusion may not accurately reflect the study’s data, especially if the industry was involved or the researcher is concerned about funding.
For example, Kathleen Thurmond, M.D., in a 1999 talk, said, a study presented by Dr. Ross Adey at the 1996 annual meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society in Victoria, B.C., Canada, showed a decrease in the incidence of brain tumors in rats chronically exposed to digital cellular telephone fields. However, there was no mention in his sstudy of the increased incidence of spinal column tumors found in his research according to a reliable source. It would be standard scientific practice to at least note this finding regarding spinal column tumors. Dr. Ross Adey’s research funding by Motorola has now been terminated.
Dr. Henry Lai was quoted in the London Times as saying, "They are asking me to change my whole interpretation of the findings in a way that would make them more favorable to the mobile phone industry. This is what happened in the tobacco industry. They had data in their hands but when it was not favorable they did not want to disclose it."
The European Parliament report says, "[A] relatively recent reanalysis of the Lilienfeld report on the Moscow US Embassy irradiation during the ‘cold’ war, based on information that only became fully available following the Freedom of Information Act . . . reveals that the original verdict of no serious health effects was, in fact, a sanitised version of Lilienfeld’s findings, in which his statements of concern had been deliberately removed by the State Department."
Alternatives to reading every study include abstracts, books or reports that summarize the research, and capsule descriptions of studies in tabular format. Following are some sources for each of these:
Dr. Henry Lai, a well-known bioelectromagnetics researcher at the University of Washington, Seattle, has compiled a 97-page collection of abstracts from studies conducted between 1995 and 2000. The list, in pdf format, can be found on the Research page of the EMR Network’s web site. As the web site points out, "80% of these studies demonstrate some kind of biological effect."
http://www.electric-words.com contains abstracts of many studies.
The Physiological and Environmental Effects of Non-Ionising Electromagnetic Radiation is a 34-page report issued in March 2001 by the European Parliament Directorate General for Research, Scientific and Technological Options Assessment (STOA). Written by Dr. Gerard Hyland, it pulls no punches in warning of the hazards of microwave radiation.
Potential and Actual Adverse Effects of Radiofrequency and Microwave Radiation at Levels Near and Below 2 uW/cm2, is a 200-page report by Dr. Neil Cherry, of Lincoln University, New Zealand. The introduction says, "Strong claims by industry representatives and their consultants that there is no scientific evidence to justify the public’s fears is scientifically demonstrably wrong."
An April 2001 press release by the ECOLOG-Institut, in Hannover, Germany, says that the institute’s report on cellular microwave exposure presents "the results and recommendations of the comprehensive study carried out by order of the German T-Mobil, in which physicists, medical scientists, and biologists took part." (The press release and study are available in German on the Institute’s web site.)
There are a number of scientific findings from investigations on sub-populations with an elevated exposition to high frequency electromagnetic fields and from animal experiments that have to be taken seriously. These findings point on a cancer-promoting effect of high frequency electromagnetic fields used by cellular telephone technology.
Experiments on cell cultures yielded clear evidence for geno-toxic effects of these fields, like DNA breaks and damage to chromosomes, so that even a cancer-initiating effect cannot be excluded any longer. The findings that high frequency electro-magnetic fields influence cell transformation, cell promotion and cell communication also point on a carcinogenic potential of the fields used for cellular telephony. Moreover disturbances of other cellular processes, like the synthesis of proteins and the control of cell functions by enzymes, have been demonstrated.
In numerous experiments on humans as on animals influences on the central nervous system were proven, which reach from neuro-chemical effects to modifications of the brain potentials and impairments of certain brain functions. The latter effects for instance have been demonstrated by animal experiments and e.g. showed up as deficits in the ability to learn simple tasks when exposed to the fields. From experiments with volunteers, who were exposed to the fields of mobile telephones, there is clear evidence for influences on certain cognitive functions. Possible risks for the brain also arise from an increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier to potentially harmful substances, observed in several experiments on animals exposed to mobile telephone fields.
The scientist at the ECOLOG-Institute also found some evidence for disturbances of the hormone and the immune system. High frequency electromagnetic fields cause stress reactions, showing up in an increased production of stress hormones in experimental animals and they lead to a reduction of the concentration of the hormone melatonin in the blood of exposed animals. The latter finding is important, because melatonin has a central control function for the hormone system and the diurnal biological rhythms and it is able to retard the development of certain tumours.
Dr. Peter Neitzke, coordinator of the institute’s working group, says this: "80 per cent of the papers published in scientific journals do not contribute anything to the evaluation of possible health risks due to the electromagnetic fields emitted by cellular telephones and their base stations. The remainder however, on which our assessment relies, is made so good and is in itself so consistent that we must take the findings referring to health risks seriously. In order to improve the protection of the public against the possibly harmful effects of the electromagnetic fields from cellular telephones and their base stations, we need much lower precautionary standards. . . ." [Italics added.]
The report says, "The ECOLOG-institute recommends not to exceed a precautionary standard of 0,01 W/m2 [ = 1 microwatt per square centimeter] when siting cellular telephone base stations in the proximity of dwellings, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, and similarly sensitive uses."
In a commentary to this, Dr. Neil Cherry, a well-known EMF researcher in New Zealand, says, "The actual expose levels at which these genetic effects are shown are about 0.5 to 1.2 microWatt/sq cm. These are not safe levels, they are just experimental levels that show that at extremely low experimental levels genotoxic response occur-cell-by-cell. There is no safe threshold."
In other words, the maximum level the ECOLOG-Institute recommends is already the level at which, as Dr. Cherry points out, genetic effects occur. This also happens to be about the same exposure level from a cell-phone tower with a single set of antennas, sometimes as much as 1000 feet away or more, depending on terrain, obstructions, signal strength, etc. When another telecom with the same signal strength colocates on the tower, the radiation increases.
A list of about two dozen studies on low-level microwaves, compiled by Cindy Sage, a consultant on EMF mitigation, can be found on the Library page at www.wave-guide.org. The list is grouped by exposure level (from .1 to 120 mW/cm2) and SAR (Specific Absorption Rate).
As part of his Radio Wave Packet, Arthur Firstenberg, president of the Cellular Phone Taskforce, has created a list of about 40 studies grouped by exposure level, beginning as low as 10-13 mW/cm2 and extending to 10 mW/cm2. Therefore, it has little overlap with Cindy Sage’s list and is more applicable to the levels encountered with microwave meters and cell towers. It also includes Soviet and Russian research.
Arthur Firstenberg has also written a book, Microwaving Our Planet (currently out of print), with brief descriptions of studies grouped by the affected system (nervous, reproductive, heart, respiratory, etc.) and, under each system, by whether the study was done on humans, animals, or cells.
Volcanoes In California, Idaho, and Pacific Northwest Building Towards Catastrophic Eruptions
Faults resonate naturally in scalar. Power is built within faults from collapse of this resonance leading to even stronger resonant conditions. Strong resonating faults can be detected at distances over thousands of kilometers. Un-impeded, the process continues until the climax burst with earthquake following.
Biological entities such as humans, animals, and insects are affected by scalar emanations. Strong scalar emanation causes indirect ‘ear tones’ in auditory complex in the ears, cause magnetic sensitive biologicals to be affected, results in changes in magnetic fields (sliding refrigerator magnets) - thus insect disruption & bird sensitivities, cause sudden ionization in upper atmospherics leading to ‘bubble chamber’ like condensations, causes luminous phenomena such as glowing lights, the list goes on and on.
What is interesting is that the earthquake starts much earlier than the traditional mechanical movement. Recent discovery of ‘Silent’ or ‘Slow’ earthquakes - which violate ‘brittle fracture’ theory - are just the beginning phase of a traditional quake. However, this occurs more on a molecular basis in that crustal rigidity or modulus of elasticity changes (i.e. becomes rubbery). This is why P-waves are observed to travel slower before large earthquakes.
How did all of this knowledge come to be? From years of measurements of hundreds of earthquakes in California, Washington, and Oregon using very radical technology unknown to mainstream science. It has taken a number of generations of sensory equipment to perfect while also unravelling the mysteries of the complex processes leading to the genesis of the earthquake.
United Kingdom: 'Rogue radio waves' lock out drivers
ISABEL COCKAYNE July 29, 2003 19:36
Dozens of shoppers were stranded in Thetford today after their cars locked them out. Immobilisers and electric locking systems shut down, locking several people out of their cars parked at the Forest Retail Park. The mystery mass lock-out has been blamed on rogue radio waves. Although it is unclear where the radio waves were transmitted from, the incident is to be investigated by the Radio Broadcasting Commission. Sainsbury's staff provided cups of tea and help for stranded families, who had to wait for mechanics to fix the problems.
Informant: KD Weber
For the first time the problem of health effects of mobile phones have been discussed in public in Denmark. Last Friday it was extensively referred in most of the media. They also discovered my existence, since I am the only expert in Denmark on biological and health effects.
The reason I went into this debate is that now UMTS/3G basestations are raised everywhere close to living environments and the people are not even informed about it. My argument is that this is a completely new technique and type of EMF and now introduced before any research has been done at all on its health effects. Moreover that the number of these new basestations will be very high and there will be a dense forest of mobile phone masts. From the present GSM we already know a lot about its health effects.
You can understand that I am now under heavy attack from the mobile phone industry and their socalled independent experts. You know their usual arguments. I want and they asked for it, to send out a list of all the published research and links that show that there are health and biological effects. Of course they know, but it is also for the ordinary public, that is not or misinformed.
Unfortunately there are no published studies on the effects of basestations and also not on the 3G system. After the last meeting in London Leila Kheifetz from WHO urged that such studies should be initiated and that also socalled anecdotal reports from the general public should be taken seriously.
Unfortunately she has (made to ?) left WHO and Mike Repacholi is back again and as you know he has denounced the precautionary principle. This suits the industry very well. One of their experts' advice was, that they just should start using the new techniques and afterwards they could always see if anybody will get killed or get sick!
The big issue is of course the non-thermal effects, of which they have never heard! They comply to ICNIRP standards.
Kind regards
Sianette Kwee
Hans Snook opened a state of the art diagnostic clinic in London
Dear Klaus
I have been amazed to see that Hans Snook, originator and former chief
executive of `Orange', who used aggressive marketing techniques involving
children using hand sets, has publicly declared his love for alternative
medicine. As far as I know, he still owns the Carphone Warehouse and Orange Thailand. But now, by his own admission, he approves of a comprehensive approach to health including eastern methods of healing and has just opened a state of the art diagnostic clinic in London near Harley Street. The diagnostic consultation fees are extremely high and the market is aimed at the corporate sector. He hopes to open more clinics if his latest venture takes off.
For a man who now must know the negative health effects of mobile phone
frequencies, what will he be doing in the future ? Will he offer diagnosis of health effects from electromagnetic pollution caused by mobile phones in his clinic?
The question is: Knowing how the mobile technology works, and as a result of his latest declaration of interest in the health industry, is Hans Snook now going to use his influence to develop a new bio-compatible mobile phone system??? Is he now realising the harm this technology does to all Life on earth? Let's hope that he had a revelation on this! Let's hope that the more he studies about alternative medicine, the more he recognises the harm it does and that now he regrets his influence in helping to market it. Let's hope he uses this knowledge to reverse the damage. If he uses the same amount of energy and power to solve this crisis as he helped to create it, he will go down in history as the one who turned the tide.
Ingrid Dickenson
Snook to quit as Orange changes hands
By Dan Sabbagh (Filed: 29/11/2000)
HANS SNOOK, the founding chief executive of Orange, is to stand down from the mobile phone company early next year to spend more time pursuing personal interests in alternative medicine.
The Orange boss denied that he had had a bust-up with France Telecom, the company that acquired Orange for £25.1 billion in May. Mr Snook will remain as a "special adviser" to the company's board, and be replaced as chief executive by Jean-Franois Pontal from France Telecom once Orange is relisted in February or March next year.
Mr Snook, 52, said: "If I had stayed on in an executive role beyond the flotation, it would have been reasonable to expect me to stay on another three, four or five years. I couldn't commit to that on a personal basis because there are alternative therapies, homeopathy and nutritional treatments that I need time to learn more about."
France Telecom's executive chairman, Michel Bon, said that he was disappointed but added: "I do not feel I am losing out. He is free to deal with the things he is good at - vision and branding. Anyway, all the rest of Orange is here, and the company is strong enough to go on beyond this." Mr Snook's departure became inevitable once the French government refused to waive an £8 billion capital gains tax bill on the company, which will combine France Telecom's and Orange's original mobile holdings.
In the summer, Mr Snook said he wanted to take on a non-executive role, and he was originally earmarked to become chairman. However, this had assumed that Orange would be legally incorporated as a British company, in which the role of non-executive chairman is normal. During the autumn, it emerged that if France Telecom wanted to transfer its own mobile interests across the Channel, it would be charged the £8 billion.
This means that while Orange will be headquartered and run from London, its legal home will remain in France. French law also requires that a chairman is a full time executive - making the job unacceptable to Mr Snook.
A minority stake, expected to be 15pc, of Orange will be floated in February or March. The company's value is currently estimated at between Eu75 billion (£45 billion) and Eu100 billion - a sharp drop since France Telecom's acquisition. At that time, the enlarged Orange was valued at between Eu100 billion and Eu150 billion. Orange's primary share listing will be in Paris, with a secondary listing in London. The company will account in euros, but its London shares are expected to be denominated in sterling and investors will be able to receive dividends in sterling.
It is not clear how much time Mr Snook will spend advising the Orange management. Mr Snook said that there was "no long contract" detailing how many hours he would spend with the company, although he added that he did not intend to act as a corporate advisor to any other related company.
France Telecom also unveiled the rest of the new company's management structure, combining French executives with existing Orange staff. Deputy chief executive and chief financial officer Graham Howe will retain his role in the new group.
Mr Snook's departure will end an eight-year reign, which has seen him take the group from a little-known subsidary of Hong Kong trading conglomerate Hutchison Whampoa to Europe's second largest mobile phone group.
29 October 2000: Snook to quit as Orange chairman
14 October 2000: France Telecom delays Orange listing
10 October 2000: France Telecom reshapes Orange
30 May 2000: France Telecom to buy Orange for £25bn
16 April 2000: City Profile: Second time around for Snook
Wednesday, 4 April, 2001, 18:17 GMT 19:17 UK
Snook says 3G delayed
Snook: "The cynics are going to be proved wrong again"
By BBC's News Online Technology Correspondent Mark Ward in Florida High-speed third-generation mobile phone networks are going to arrive later than expected, but mobile operators are going to make money out of them.
Hans Snook, former boss of the UK's Orange phone network, said he does not expect to see serious use of the new networks before 2004, almost two years later than expected.
A bullish Mr Snook said mobile phone firms have not paid too much for licences to operate the third-generation networks that will let operators offer a slew of novel services.
But operators will have to work hard to drive customers to new services or risk getting pushed out of the way by other companies keen to reach consumers via a mobile phone.
Mobile future is bright
Speaking at the Accenture Global Communications Forum held in Miami Beach
this week Mr Snook said pessimism about the future fortunes of mobile phone firms was misplaced.
Third generation mobile phones could take much longer to come to market
"The price operators have paid for third-generation (3G) licences will ultimately be seen as conservative once the true potential of these networks is realised," he said, "today people think it is expensive because they do not understand where the revenue is going to come from."
He added that many mobile companies suffered the same sort of cynicism when they launched analogue services. "The cynics are going to be proved wrong again," he said.
There will be no "meaningful" building of 3G networks until the end of 2003, said Mr Snook, until then mobile phone firms will continue to get the bulk of their revenues from charging for voice calls.
New services
But once the new networks are in place operators will be able to drive customers to new types of services, and not just give customers access to the internet while they are on the move.
The price operators have paid for third-generation licences will ultimately be seen as conservative once the true potential of these networks is realised.
Hans Snook: "As we move into the wirefree future we will see 50-60% of revenues coming from new services whether they be internet or life service based," he said, "after that they will grow rapidly."
The new types of services will turn a phone from a device that can make and take calls to a "remote control for life" said Mr Snook.
Already Orange is working with many technology developers to create devices and applications that can be used or managed by mobile.
As one example the company is working with the Royal College of Art on a t-shirt that can monitor vital signs and inform doctors or health workers if someone is at risk.
Pass the remote control
Phones will also be used to manage money and control many household devices said Mr Snook.
But the challenge for mobile operators is finding ways to make these services work well and persuading customers to sign up for them. The technical and business obstacles to overcome are immense said Mr Snook.
He said operators will have to be creative to find ways of managing customers so the new networks are exploited to their full potential.
The role for operators is to brand themselves as the trusted route that people are happy to use and rely on for access to the new realm of "life services".
Effects of Microwave Radiation (Western View)
The public is now understandably wary of safety assurances from "official" government scientific sources w.r.t. [with regard to] electromagnetic pollution. This skepticism is enhanced when views contrary to official perceived wisdom is, at worst silenced or, at best, studiously ignored.
March 2001 report by the European Parliament STOA
We’re all participating in a giant experiment in involuntary epidemiology - irradiated by cell phones and towers, cordless phones, satellites, broadcast antennas, military and aviation radar, TVs, computers, wireless internet, wireless LANs in schools and the workplace, and now these meters, waiting to see what it does to us. Actually, we know what it does to us, so the results shouldn’t come as any surprise.
The main problem isn’t cancer, although the industry would like you to believe that, because then they can pull out statistics showing how infrequently it occurs as a result of low-level radiation. Cancer takes a long time to develop. Typically, other problems show up first: neurological, reproductive, and cardiac. Problems with severe headaches, sleep disturbances, memory loss, learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, and infertility show up long before cancer. When cancer does appear, it’s typically brain tumors, leukemia, and lymphoma.
Here are a few things to keep in mind about the health effects of microwave radiation:
1. Effects at low levels can be more noticeable than at higher levels. The existence of a "window effect" is well documented, in which effects occur at certain frequencies and power densities but not at those immediately above or below them. However, it’s not as simple as just mapping these frequencies and power levels, because the local geomagnetic field and individual susceptibility also influence the result.
Following are a few examples of the nonlinear nature of the effects, from Arthur Firstenberg’s book Microwaving Our Planet (see bottom of page for information). In each case, emphasis has been added: Firstenberg points out (p. 41) that "calcium ion efflux from brain tissue is extremely sensitive to irradiation with radiofrequency waves." He cites four studies and a literature review. In particular, a 1986 study by Dutta et al. at 915 MHz and various exposure levels showed that "The effect at 0.0007 mW/g SAR [specific absorption rate] was quadruple the effect at 2.0 mW/g, in other words 3000 times the intensity had 4 times less of an effect under these particular conditions." Looking at it the other way, an intensity three thousand times lower had an effect four times greater.
Firstenberg describes a number of studies on microwave radiation and blood cells. In one, "Chiang et al. (1989) in their epidemiological study found that white blood cell phagocytosis was stimulated by chronic exposure to the lowest intensities of radio waves and inhibited, sometimes severely, by higher intensities. . . . Exposure levels ranged from 0-4 mW/cm2 to 120 mW/cm2." (p. 22)
In another study on blood, "These results were further refined by a 30-day experiment with guinea pigs at 1, 5, 10, and 50 mW/cm2 (Shandala and Vinogradov 1978). All these intensities increased complement in the blood and stimulated phagocytosis by neutrophils, but 1 mW/cm2 had the biggest effect, and 50 mW/cm2 the smallest effect." (p. 23)
The September 2000 newsletter of the Cellular Phone Taskforce, No Place To Hide, reported on some studies presented at the June 2000 European Parliament meeting on mobile phones and health. In one presentation, Dr. Lebrecht von Klitzing, of the Medical University of Luebeck, Germany, said, "Some people become ill at power densities of less than 10 nanowatts/cm2. . . . Small children are very sensitive to these emitters, down to field densities of 1 nanowatt/cm2."
Another article in the newsletter says that Dr. Leif Salford, of Lund University, Sweden, "had previously reported that short exposure to microwaves at 915 MHz damages the blood-brain barrier. . . . ‘The most remarkable observation in our studies,’ said Salford [at the conference], ‘is the fact that SAR values lower than 1 mW/kg give rise to a more pronounced albumin leakage than higher SAR values. . . . The situation that the weakest fields, according to our findings, are the biologically most effective, poses a major problem.’"
2. Another effect independent of power level is resonance, which occurs at certain frequency ranges where the wavelength is near the size of a body part. An example is the 900 Mhz range, which has a wavelength of approximately one foot - a size that can cause resonance in a child’s head (because some of the radiation is absorbed, and the wavelength decreases). This intensifies the biological effect. Also, children’s skulls are thinner, so microwaves penetrate more easily. (Another problem is that children’s cells are dividing rapidly, which creates more chance for DNA damage. Their immune systems are not fully developed and can’t defend them against this.)
3. Pulsed radiation, of the type produced by these meters, is more harmful at the cellular level than continuous-wave. The meters emit pulses twice in two seconds, although the interval is random.
4. Studies are typically done for short exposure periods at higher intensities, because running studies longer costs more money. This allows the industry to claim that few studies have been done that show effects for long-term, low-level exposure and that "nonthermal" effects do not exist. But public health scientists point out that duration is also important, and long-term, low-level exposure can have equivalent effects.
5. The effects of radiation are cumulative, in both senses. The meters add to the cumulative radiation as sources proliferate, and microwave radiation is cumulative in sense of increasing the body’s sensitivity over time. Research shows that test subjects don’t always recover completely and that subsequent exposures can cause effects at lower levels.
6. There are no longer any control groups, because we are now exposed to so much radiation. Alasdair Phillips points out the problem in an email to the Roy Beavers list (archived on the Library page at

Recently an American epidemiologist, Dr Sam Milham, re-analysed Doll’s own data presented in his 1956 (Doll & Hill) paper which showed that heavy smokers were 23.7 times more likely to die from lung cancer than non-smokers. However when you compare the figures for heavy smokers vs light and moderate ones the ORs [odds ratios] fall to 3.5 and 1.9. When you compare light smokers with moderate ones you get an OR of only 1.8.
Applying this concept to microwaves, there are no unexposed and few highly exposed subjects. So experimental results showing harm compared to a control group can be deceptively low-like comparing lung cancer in heavy smokers to light or moderate smokers rather than nonsmokers. This allows the industry to downplay the implications of health effects.
7. Even in full studies, sometimes the abstract and/or conclusion may not accurately reflect the study’s data, especially if the industry was involved or the researcher is concerned about funding.
For example, Kathleen Thurmond, M.D., in a 1999 talk, said, a study presented by Dr. Ross Adey at the 1996 annual meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society in Victoria, B.C., Canada, showed a decrease in the incidence of brain tumors in rats chronically exposed to digital cellular telephone fields. However, there was no mention in his sstudy of the increased incidence of spinal column tumors found in his research according to a reliable source. It would be standard scientific practice to at least note this finding regarding spinal column tumors. Dr. Ross Adey’s research funding by Motorola has now been terminated.
Dr. Henry Lai was quoted in the London Times as saying, "They are asking me to change my whole interpretation of the findings in a way that would make them more favorable to the mobile phone industry. This is what happened in the tobacco industry. They had data in their hands but when it was not favorable they did not want to disclose it."
The European Parliament report says, "[A] relatively recent reanalysis of the Lilienfeld report on the Moscow US Embassy irradiation during the ‘cold’ war, based on information that only became fully available following the Freedom of Information Act . . . reveals that the original verdict of no serious health effects was, in fact, a sanitised version of Lilienfeld’s findings, in which his statements of concern had been deliberately removed by the State Department."
Alternatives to reading every study include abstracts, books or reports that summarize the research, and capsule descriptions of studies in tabular format. Following are some sources for each of these:
Dr. Henry Lai, a well-known bioelectromagnetics researcher at the University of Washington, Seattle, has compiled a 97-page collection of abstracts from studies conducted between 1995 and 2000. The list, in pdf format, can be found on the Research page of the EMR Network’s web site. As the web site points out, "80% of these studies demonstrate some kind of biological effect."

The Physiological and Environmental Effects of Non-Ionising Electromagnetic Radiation is a 34-page report issued in March 2001 by the European Parliament Directorate General for Research, Scientific and Technological Options Assessment (STOA). Written by Dr. Gerard Hyland, it pulls no punches in warning of the hazards of microwave radiation.
Potential and Actual Adverse Effects of Radiofrequency and Microwave Radiation at Levels Near and Below 2 uW/cm2, is a 200-page report by Dr. Neil Cherry, of Lincoln University, New Zealand. The introduction says, "Strong claims by industry representatives and their consultants that there is no scientific evidence to justify the public’s fears is scientifically demonstrably wrong."
An April 2001 press release by the ECOLOG-Institut, in Hannover, Germany, says that the institute’s report on cellular microwave exposure presents "the results and recommendations of the comprehensive study carried out by order of the German T-Mobil, in which physicists, medical scientists, and biologists took part." (The press release and study are available in German on the Institute’s web site.)
There are a number of scientific findings from investigations on sub-populations with an elevated exposition to high frequency electromagnetic fields and from animal experiments that have to be taken seriously. These findings point on a cancer-promoting effect of high frequency electromagnetic fields used by cellular telephone technology.
Experiments on cell cultures yielded clear evidence for geno-toxic effects of these fields, like DNA breaks and damage to chromosomes, so that even a cancer-initiating effect cannot be excluded any longer. The findings that high frequency electro-magnetic fields influence cell transformation, cell promotion and cell communication also point on a carcinogenic potential of the fields used for cellular telephony. Moreover disturbances of other cellular processes, like the synthesis of proteins and the control of cell functions by enzymes, have been demonstrated.
In numerous experiments on humans as on animals influences on the central nervous system were proven, which reach from neuro-chemical effects to modifications of the brain potentials and impairments of certain brain functions. The latter effects for instance have been demonstrated by animal experiments and e.g. showed up as deficits in the ability to learn simple tasks when exposed to the fields. From experiments with volunteers, who were exposed to the fields of mobile telephones, there is clear evidence for influences on certain cognitive functions. Possible risks for the brain also arise from an increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier to potentially harmful substances, observed in several experiments on animals exposed to mobile telephone fields.
The scientist at the ECOLOG-Institute also found some evidence for disturbances of the hormone and the immune system. High frequency electromagnetic fields cause stress reactions, showing up in an increased production of stress hormones in experimental animals and they lead to a reduction of the concentration of the hormone melatonin in the blood of exposed animals. The latter finding is important, because melatonin has a central control function for the hormone system and the diurnal biological rhythms and it is able to retard the development of certain tumours.
Dr. Peter Neitzke, coordinator of the institute’s working group, says this: "80 per cent of the papers published in scientific journals do not contribute anything to the evaluation of possible health risks due to the electromagnetic fields emitted by cellular telephones and their base stations. The remainder however, on which our assessment relies, is made so good and is in itself so consistent that we must take the findings referring to health risks seriously. In order to improve the protection of the public against the possibly harmful effects of the electromagnetic fields from cellular telephones and their base stations, we need much lower precautionary standards. . . ." [Italics added.]
The report says, "The ECOLOG-institute recommends not to exceed a precautionary standard of 0,01 W/m2 [ = 1 microwatt per square centimeter] when siting cellular telephone base stations in the proximity of dwellings, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, and similarly sensitive uses."
In a commentary to this, Dr. Neil Cherry, a well-known EMF researcher in New Zealand, says, "The actual expose levels at which these genetic effects are shown are about 0.5 to 1.2 microWatt/sq cm. These are not safe levels, they are just experimental levels that show that at extremely low experimental levels genotoxic response occur-cell-by-cell. There is no safe threshold."
In other words, the maximum level the ECOLOG-Institute recommends is already the level at which, as Dr. Cherry points out, genetic effects occur. This also happens to be about the same exposure level from a cell-phone tower with a single set of antennas, sometimes as much as 1000 feet away or more, depending on terrain, obstructions, signal strength, etc. When another telecom with the same signal strength colocates on the tower, the radiation increases.
A list of about two dozen studies on low-level microwaves, compiled by Cindy Sage, a consultant on EMF mitigation, can be found on the Library page at www.wave-guide.org. The list is grouped by exposure level (from .1 to 120 mW/cm2) and SAR (Specific Absorption Rate).
As part of his Radio Wave Packet, Arthur Firstenberg, president of the Cellular Phone Taskforce, has created a list of about 40 studies grouped by exposure level, beginning as low as 10-13 mW/cm2 and extending to 10 mW/cm2. Therefore, it has little overlap with Cindy Sage’s list and is more applicable to the levels encountered with microwave meters and cell towers. It also includes Soviet and Russian research.
Arthur Firstenberg has also written a book, Microwaving Our Planet (currently out of print), with brief descriptions of studies grouped by the affected system (nervous, reproductive, heart, respiratory, etc.) and, under each system, by whether the study was done on humans, animals, or cells.

Volcanoes In California, Idaho, and Pacific Northwest Building Towards Catastrophic Eruptions

Faults resonate naturally in scalar. Power is built within faults from collapse of this resonance leading to even stronger resonant conditions. Strong resonating faults can be detected at distances over thousands of kilometers. Un-impeded, the process continues until the climax burst with earthquake following.
Biological entities such as humans, animals, and insects are affected by scalar emanations. Strong scalar emanation causes indirect ‘ear tones’ in auditory complex in the ears, cause magnetic sensitive biologicals to be affected, results in changes in magnetic fields (sliding refrigerator magnets) - thus insect disruption & bird sensitivities, cause sudden ionization in upper atmospherics leading to ‘bubble chamber’ like condensations, causes luminous phenomena such as glowing lights, the list goes on and on.
What is interesting is that the earthquake starts much earlier than the traditional mechanical movement. Recent discovery of ‘Silent’ or ‘Slow’ earthquakes - which violate ‘brittle fracture’ theory - are just the beginning phase of a traditional quake. However, this occurs more on a molecular basis in that crustal rigidity or modulus of elasticity changes (i.e. becomes rubbery). This is why P-waves are observed to travel slower before large earthquakes.
How did all of this knowledge come to be? From years of measurements of hundreds of earthquakes in California, Washington, and Oregon using very radical technology unknown to mainstream science. It has taken a number of generations of sensory equipment to perfect while also unravelling the mysteries of the complex processes leading to the genesis of the earthquake.
United Kingdom: 'Rogue radio waves' lock out drivers

ISABEL COCKAYNE July 29, 2003 19:36
Dozens of shoppers were stranded in Thetford today after their cars locked them out. Immobilisers and electric locking systems shut down, locking several people out of their cars parked at the Forest Retail Park. The mystery mass lock-out has been blamed on rogue radio waves. Although it is unclear where the radio waves were transmitted from, the incident is to be investigated by the Radio Broadcasting Commission. Sainsbury's staff provided cups of tea and help for stranded families, who had to wait for mechanics to fix the problems.

Informant: KD Weber
Citizens' Initiative Omega