Human Experimentation, State Sponsored Torture, and The US Government
Muhammad Ali | 04.08.2003 01:35 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles
It is about the life that I have personally received from the United States government and its agencies for last many years. It is about Systematic and Deliberate Human Destruction. It is about US agencies engaging in denial of Universally Acceptable Human Rights. It is about the HUMAN RIGHTS of one COMMON MAN and his family. NOTHING MORE and NOTHING LESS.
July 27, 2003
To: His Excellency The Right Honorable Tony Blair
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
London, UK
cc: His Excellency The Right Honorable Jack Straw
Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
London, UK
His Excellency The Right Honorable Sir David Manning
Ambassador of the United Kingdom to the United States of America
Washington, DC
His Excellency The Right Honorable William S. Farish
Ambassador of the United States of America to the United Kingdom
London, UK
The British Government
The British Parliament – House of Lords
The British Parliament - House of Commons
RE: Muhammad Ali, a subject of Human Behavior Experimentation, State Sponsored Torture, and the United States Government
His Excellency The Right Honorable Prime Minister Tony Blair,
I am writing this letter to draw your attention to an important matter that I believe should be a concern of your government and the International community. The matter revolves around fundamental Human Rights, State Sponsored Torture, and Human Behavior control and experimentation.
My name is Muhammad Ali. I am a US resident for last twelve years. I am a citizen of Pakistan and married with two young sons. I live in the Washington, DC suburb of Ashburn, VA along with my family. I would like to inform you and your government about our ordeal last eight to nine years in America and kind of terror, torture, and abuse that we have suffered at the hands of the United States government and its agencies.
His Excellency The Right Honorable Prime Minister Tony Blair,
I became a victim of state sponsored Human Experimentation, behavior control, and torture as practiced by the US Intelligence agencies. Routinely US agencies pick foreign nationals and subject them to cruel, inhuman, and barbaric torture to achieve experimental results for their arsenal of human behavior control. These terror, torture, and inhuman tactics cross all boundaries of civilization.
The tactics and methods include constant psychological torture by federal agents, round the clock physical and electronic surveillance last several years, sleep deprivation, electronic and physical surveillance of your home, manufacturing a false life (life experiences), creating an unbearable living and working environment, engaging in barbaric conduct at your home, engaging you in a social circle of federal agents to cause psychological and mental trauma, subjecting you to electronic form of torture, and using Hypnosis to control a human being and deny him a right to recovery and/or to seek a recourse against the uncivilized and barbaric treatment that he has endured.
His Excellency The Right Honorable Prime Minister Tony Blair,
I have testified before the forum on National Security and the Constitution held by US congressman John Conyers, Jr., ranking minority member on the house judiciary committee. The story of forum was published by the Boston Globe on February 2, 2002.
I have also spoken at a forum titled “Flying While Brown” that was broadcast live by C-SPAN TV on June 07, 2002. A recording of the event can be found on C-SPAN web site at The URL is:
The Washington Post reported the story on Sunday June, 09, 2002.
His Excellency The Right Honorable Prime Minister Tony Blair,
I am a family man with no criminal history or political cause against the United States government and the American people. I am a man of utmost integrity and character. I have been subjected to cruel, inhuman, and extreme torture without ever being charged of any crimes and suffered tremendous psychological and mental damage at the hands of the United States agencies especially the National Security Agency (The NSA).
These human behavior experiments were unleashed upon us for a long time without my consent and the power of state was completely and unjustly applied for human destruction. I have been targeted based on my political views and my courage to stand up against our unjust treatment and defend our undeniable and God given human rights.
I have a long list of federal agents from United States agencies that engaged in systematic and deliberate human destruction. I was chosen to become a Human Guinea Pig by US agencies without my consent based on their certain flawed assumptions. The power of state was used to obtain experimental results by torturing us day in and day out.
His Excellency The Right Honorable Prime Minister Tony Blair,
Every denial of civil and human rights by the United States government and its agents constitute a denial of my universally guaranteed human rights. I requested that United States government should bring me before a court of law and I will stand trial for all crimes and let an independent and unbiased jury decide my fate. But, there is no trial.
I was born a free and a dignified man and God has given me certain unalienable rights that are protected by Universal Declaration of Human Rights, The United States Constitution, and the International Convent on Civil and Political Rights.
My basic need is to be treated with respect and dignity in all places like any other human being. I should be free from torture in my daily life.
His Excellency The Right Honorable Prime Minister Tony Blair,
I am including several quotes by the US Presidents on Human Dignity that has been denied to me and my family and a travesty of my life has been made by US agencies.
President George W. Bush:
“We will speak out honestly about violations of the nonnegotiable demands of human dignity using our voice and vote in international institutions to advance freedom; We will champion the cause of human dignity and oppose those who resist it.”
Source: The White House Web site
President Bill Clinton:
“I believe that everywhere, people aspire to be treated with dignity… to give voice to their opinions… to choose their own leaders…. To associate with whom they wish… to worship how, when and where they want. These are not American rights or European rights or developed world rights. These are the birthrights of people everywhere.”
Source: Amnesty International Book – United States of America and Rights for All
His Excellency The Right Honorable Prime Minister Tony Blair,
I am seeking help from your kind self, His Excellency Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, the British Government, the British Parliament, and the British people to SAVE MY LIFE and appeal to the British government and people to assist me in reclaiming my life.
Since I was made a HUMAN EXPERIMENT by the US agencies without my consent I am offering myself to any institution that wishes to study the impact of human behavior control/modification using electronic torture and hypnosis. I hope that the British government will help me get back on my feet as an honorable and complete human being and I would be able to return to society and support my children.
I can be reached at 703-723-4725 or at my below email and home address or in person at my below home address.
Very Sincerely,
Muhammad Ali
21308 Hidden Pond Place
Ashburn, VA 20148
July 27, 2003
To: His Excellency The Right Honorable Tony Blair
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
London, UK
cc: His Excellency The Right Honorable Jack Straw
Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
London, UK
His Excellency The Right Honorable Sir David Manning
Ambassador of the United Kingdom to the United States of America
Washington, DC
His Excellency The Right Honorable William S. Farish
Ambassador of the United States of America to the United Kingdom
London, UK
The British Government
The British Parliament – House of Lords
The British Parliament - House of Commons
RE: Muhammad Ali, a subject of Human Behavior Experimentation, State Sponsored Torture, and the United States Government
His Excellency The Right Honorable Prime Minister Tony Blair,
I am writing this letter to draw your attention to an important matter that I believe should be a concern of your government and the International community. The matter revolves around fundamental Human Rights, State Sponsored Torture, and Human Behavior control and experimentation.
My name is Muhammad Ali. I am a US resident for last twelve years. I am a citizen of Pakistan and married with two young sons. I live in the Washington, DC suburb of Ashburn, VA along with my family. I would like to inform you and your government about our ordeal last eight to nine years in America and kind of terror, torture, and abuse that we have suffered at the hands of the United States government and its agencies.
His Excellency The Right Honorable Prime Minister Tony Blair,
I became a victim of state sponsored Human Experimentation, behavior control, and torture as practiced by the US Intelligence agencies. Routinely US agencies pick foreign nationals and subject them to cruel, inhuman, and barbaric torture to achieve experimental results for their arsenal of human behavior control. These terror, torture, and inhuman tactics cross all boundaries of civilization.
The tactics and methods include constant psychological torture by federal agents, round the clock physical and electronic surveillance last several years, sleep deprivation, electronic and physical surveillance of your home, manufacturing a false life (life experiences), creating an unbearable living and working environment, engaging in barbaric conduct at your home, engaging you in a social circle of federal agents to cause psychological and mental trauma, subjecting you to electronic form of torture, and using Hypnosis to control a human being and deny him a right to recovery and/or to seek a recourse against the uncivilized and barbaric treatment that he has endured.
His Excellency The Right Honorable Prime Minister Tony Blair,
I have testified before the forum on National Security and the Constitution held by US congressman John Conyers, Jr., ranking minority member on the house judiciary committee. The story of forum was published by the Boston Globe on February 2, 2002.
I have also spoken at a forum titled “Flying While Brown” that was broadcast live by C-SPAN TV on June 07, 2002. A recording of the event can be found on C-SPAN web site at The URL is:
The Washington Post reported the story on Sunday June, 09, 2002.
His Excellency The Right Honorable Prime Minister Tony Blair,
I am a family man with no criminal history or political cause against the United States government and the American people. I am a man of utmost integrity and character. I have been subjected to cruel, inhuman, and extreme torture without ever being charged of any crimes and suffered tremendous psychological and mental damage at the hands of the United States agencies especially the National Security Agency (The NSA).
These human behavior experiments were unleashed upon us for a long time without my consent and the power of state was completely and unjustly applied for human destruction. I have been targeted based on my political views and my courage to stand up against our unjust treatment and defend our undeniable and God given human rights.
I have a long list of federal agents from United States agencies that engaged in systematic and deliberate human destruction. I was chosen to become a Human Guinea Pig by US agencies without my consent based on their certain flawed assumptions. The power of state was used to obtain experimental results by torturing us day in and day out.
His Excellency The Right Honorable Prime Minister Tony Blair,
Every denial of civil and human rights by the United States government and its agents constitute a denial of my universally guaranteed human rights. I requested that United States government should bring me before a court of law and I will stand trial for all crimes and let an independent and unbiased jury decide my fate. But, there is no trial.
I was born a free and a dignified man and God has given me certain unalienable rights that are protected by Universal Declaration of Human Rights, The United States Constitution, and the International Convent on Civil and Political Rights.
My basic need is to be treated with respect and dignity in all places like any other human being. I should be free from torture in my daily life.
His Excellency The Right Honorable Prime Minister Tony Blair,
I am including several quotes by the US Presidents on Human Dignity that has been denied to me and my family and a travesty of my life has been made by US agencies.
President George W. Bush:
“We will speak out honestly about violations of the nonnegotiable demands of human dignity using our voice and vote in international institutions to advance freedom; We will champion the cause of human dignity and oppose those who resist it.”
Source: The White House Web site
President Bill Clinton:
“I believe that everywhere, people aspire to be treated with dignity… to give voice to their opinions… to choose their own leaders…. To associate with whom they wish… to worship how, when and where they want. These are not American rights or European rights or developed world rights. These are the birthrights of people everywhere.”
Source: Amnesty International Book – United States of America and Rights for All
His Excellency The Right Honorable Prime Minister Tony Blair,
I am seeking help from your kind self, His Excellency Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, the British Government, the British Parliament, and the British people to SAVE MY LIFE and appeal to the British government and people to assist me in reclaiming my life.
Since I was made a HUMAN EXPERIMENT by the US agencies without my consent I am offering myself to any institution that wishes to study the impact of human behavior control/modification using electronic torture and hypnosis. I hope that the British government will help me get back on my feet as an honorable and complete human being and I would be able to return to society and support my children.
I can be reached at 703-723-4725 or at my below email and home address or in person at my below home address.
Very Sincerely,
Muhammad Ali
21308 Hidden Pond Place
Ashburn, VA 20148
Muhammad Ali