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Dr kelly

captain wardrobe | 01.08.2003 22:53

i posted this earlier today and it disappeared

Dr Kelly found with cardiogram pads on his body????
captain wardrobe, 01.08.2003 12:41

bbc says it true...

i have just seen a reference to 'cardiogram pads' being found on the body of Kelly on BBC news 24
can anone verify this...
i have searched many sites and found nothing ...

also Lord Hutton was in charge of the David Shayler case, one which
the jury were not allowed to know the details of the allegations
Shayler had made about the Gaddaffi murder plot by MI6...
fair trail then? Fair inquiry now?

captain wardrobe


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Hidden cause there was no references...

01.08.2003 22:58

For example, you said BBC says stuff, any links? If not this will also be hidden....


here are some links found

01.08.2003 23:29

sorry but the purpose of this was to see if anyone had found any information

i didn't have any at the original time of posting

the people at Demacratic underground forum are a little more understanding it seems
of the concept of asking people for links and verification on what might be heresay...

capt wardrobe

capt wardrobe


01.08.2003 23:32

heres a quote too,
happy now!!!

The judge said he would ask doctors if they could explain why four electrocardiogram electrode pads were found on Kelly's chest after his death.
He said the Home Office pathologist who conducted the autopsy, Dr. Nicholas Hunt, noted that Kelly had a "significant degree of coronary heart disease,''

but concluded that it was "not major part in the cause of death.''

love and rockets

capt wardrobe
- Homepage:

more from earlier post on Democratic underground

01.08.2003 23:38

from an earlier post i made
what if Kelly had the rub on the government...he knew the real reasons for the wests expansion into perpetual war...

the gauding (ie bombing and occupation) of the middle east and Korea and the continiuing plans for Africa...
Does anyone remember all the fuss about 'the new Asian miracle'
that was being bandied about in the late 90's...economic plans for exploding capital and labour markets
was the whole foot and mouth episode ...a dry-run for something?
to see how far they could go...
was it really foot and mouth disease????
they did seem adamant on destroying thousands upon thousands of animals....

Maybe Dr Kelly set his own suicide up to look like a inside job to bring down the house of cards and save millions of lives...
what kind of info do you think an ex porton down scientist;
(Head of microbiology no less in 92) would have? that also worked investigating the former soviet blocks...
chemical and biological capabilities...was this the beginning of a the hidden cold war...between the G8 powers...for economic dominance...maybe, Dr strangelove stylee...they meet up and bitch and work out little plans for annihilating one anothers economic power base...hmmm SARS?

perhaps socio economic bio-warfare is happening right now...

woooooo hoooo!!!!

then again Dr Kelly just might have done himself in because he knew a super man-made virus was on the loose and we're all for it!!!!

naaah!!! that's going too far

i mean if the secret services or whoever these f**kos are can't be bothered to do a tidy arrogant is that...
that is power ...scary.

what scares me more is that these maniacs might just plan another atrocity to justify their power another BIG terrorist attack...with the help of their chosen media they can be made to look
oh so brave and worked the last time...

we march in the streets they break our heads...
how long before they shoot to kill???

by the way ,
saw terminator 3 today...
there is a scene on a bus where a backwards flag can be seen

captain wardrobe

Me too

02.08.2003 09:39

I noticed the article disappear too. A quick search on google news at the time turned up the cnn report on the pads.
I'ld just seen the report on the television too, and wanted to find out some more about it. Its good to require links, but they're not always available.


Dr kelly's Murder and untimely death

02.08.2003 18:27

Dr kelly was let's cut the crap


Mission :stir em up

02.08.2003 18:49

Dr kelly's CIA/MOSSAD execution was carried out in exactly the same manner and fashion as the murder of Pc Yvonne Fletcher........
POSSIBLE SCENARIO NUMBER 1....The person who did it was programmed with ELF machines which emit waves of unseen vibrations which radically alter the elctro magnetic functioning of the Human Brain thereby lending open to all manner of thought process control....
The subject in question was programmed before this murder to carry it out and then the CIA/MOSSAD operatives simply performed a "WIPE THE SLATE CLEAN OPS" in other words the subject was taken into deep elctro magnetically induced trance and comaprtments in the subject's brain were simply erased.....hence the lack of police success in finding the "Killer" .....Now because this was such a potential polictical hot potatoe no risk could be taken of going the other route of "normal brain functioning operatives" all paths lead somewhere eventually but this is one path that Lord Paedophile Reptilian Hutton and Elizabeth of windsor just could not afford to have leading to thier well heeled and ultra sadistic "foreign policy"....
SCENARIO NUMBER 2 Likely also that Dr kelly's wife was a CIA mind altered plant in the beginning because of his er "talent" with certain matters of the chemists's world ....
She was recruited because of her brilliance in playing the "english Damsel rose scenario" and was either paid ordered or electro magnetically programmed to "fall in love "withDr Kelly ....The most likely scenario here would obviously be the latter where all hidden and interested parties controlling and handling Dr Kelly via his "wife" could constantly keep tabs on him covertly and with no visible trace whatsoever......Also receingv sending and sharing masses of normally top secret nuclear/chem biological/information
which could be retreived via the ELF mind controlled slave i.e DR Kelly's "Wife" and then kept and coverty "leaked" for very large some of black budget money to interested parties such as "terrorists makingb dirty bombs"
But of course no CIA or MOSSAD boss would ever in thier "right" mind ever release enough info to the "other side" for the "other side" to ever be a threat to the jewish "new world order|....
This is how the"good guys" continually set up the "bad guys" for a routine fall and air bombing raid perhaps quite an ugly scene really....
So if you want to know who and what conspired to kill DR Kelly then you only need use your loaf/......
Why else did Geoff Hoon make a personal visit to Dr Kelly's wife,or was that Geoff Stein perhaps....


right as always

02.08.2003 22:38

Yup, bollockschops


oh no , here we go....

03.08.2003 00:20

yet more stupid adolescent comments from people who think they have all the facts...

notice my original thread is a question?

notice my follow ups are those of a questioning posture?

why insist something is true? because you say so?

how about studying some theology and maybe the history of the
dehumanizaton of the human species through organised religon...
instead of agressivly trying to out-posture everyone you don't agree with...

your arguments only seek to silence people...
and silence is evil...

lets talk in a progressive manner...please...

and the rascist bull is just tiring , bollockchops...

love and hope

captain wardrobe

Exactly dh and easily rused

03.08.2003 21:08

Thankyou dH at least someone here has the intelligence to see through all the phoney claptrap that poofter campbell spun to keep us inundated with useless views puke n news and 80% of our brains on the mind controlled run!!! {duuuuh shop eat shit duuuhh shop eat shit work duuuhhh shop work fart shit duuuuh shop eat shit fuck duuuh}
Of course they have own own interests at heart and not ours,look dh I saw through all this crap at least thirty years ago,and Captain wadrobe cannot understand how I am using parts of my loaf that he is programmed not to or afraid not...
ahhhh the fragrance of nerd-dom (yes no sir yes no sir yes MR paedophile president}
It is the mark of a mind-controlled slave such as "Captain Wardrobe" to speak on bended knee to the imagined authority in his head,hence his view of being above me or "being in thr right" or having any possible idea what I am actually telling the plain and duuhnudulterated truth about duuuhh.....Read about Nikolai tesla and then put two and two together,throw some nazi mengeles and windsors and us military interest into the pile and see what you come up with,.....
This is complex scientific stuff and fact and not easy for the mind controlled simplton out there to grasp actually....
But hey I'm an ex amateur mind programmer myself so shouldn't I know duuuuh


you are a prick

04.08.2003 05:01

bollock =chops ,,,,

your pretense is not a challenge iS it ?
am i not intellectual enough...?
oh dear i guess i'd better shut up

you are MI6
this is not a reasoned response anymore
because i offered a way to talk reasonably...
you are ?

i ?
am me , captain wardrobe. tosser , wanker , asshole
that is all i can be
i cannot give you details about my life
nor do i want to...
if you are who i think you might be
then you are ?

a twat!

how does this work then? all this Bull...
do we pretend we matter?
ad infinitum?
while mass genocide goes on decade aftr decade....
i like tin foil hats ,
and the memes that made them so....
this is not a game ....
and you mr bollockchops are no where near
making your big point!!!

maybe some other people who post regularly on indymedia can
also maybe see how easily ********sts (call yourself whatever)
are brought out into pretending that the world
we all live in belongs to those who think they are being daring!!!!

the english version of this site is by far the most stoooopid
moronic divisive poilitcally challenged , forum that i have ever been on....
oooooh you trotsky ist
ooooooooh you communist oooooooh you fascist.........
forever round and round
for fucks sake
and now i feel stupid for reacting to your empty
...i mean what was it?
not even a decent human response was it....
just a lame attempt to make a dig at me being a slave....
to the SYSTEM....

what electricity supply is your computer hooked uo to, then?

the one up your arse?

you know who i am

Clearing your heart

04.08.2003 10:26

Wardrobe it isn't about fighting
it's just about opening your heart
to the higher conciousness
caled LOVE
freely available to all of us
That needs no "intelligence services"
the kind of "intelligence" that you refer to
is reverse symbolically meaning de opposite i.e MI6
I am not playing any games here Wardrobe
and you need to chill out
and free your mind.
because when we rise in love we no longer need
to fight or protest
or defend "our government"
or our bullshit "socialist" ideaologies
against "big brother"
I am saying that to rise in love
is to know all
Being with "big brother"
or "protesting" against "big brother"
Still means that you are wasting valuable moments
when you could be
rising in love
so forget your stupid ego
and celebrate this gift of life
instead of wasting it
by tuning into
and "power"
you create your reality
no-one else does
so let's drop our stupid ego trips
and rise in love

bollocks chops

here here

04.08.2003 14:16

i think we're in agreement on these points...
you're preaching to the converted...

so tell me Bollockschops
why the 'geoff stein' remark?
i'll admit it made me angry

do you not concede it was a little childish...

i don't hate you, mate.
just want to know , why the reference...

amatuer mind control?

were you a part time class room assistant?!!!!,(joke!!!)

captain wardrobe

Mind Control

04.08.2003 20:15

I shall have to remain silent about the subject matter in hand as it has no bearing whatsoever,....
The Mossad have dug thier slimy murdering hands in "british society" since way before the war.....You explain why the remark about "geoff stein" made it because you feel the bells of truth ringing in your ears and you don't like it? lol !!



04.08.2003 23:36


i know the difference between the Zionist
state and the religon of judaism...

your rhetoric still feels to me like the anti-semitic
subterfuge that has being going on on europe
for centuries...

religons/ideologies of all kinds
allow evil people to hide within
their construct, because they rely on obedience...

is it the religon that is bad or the 'individuals' that
bastardrise them over time?

capt wardrobe