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Dr Kelly found with cardiogram pads on his body????

captain wardrobe | 01.08.2003 11:41

bbc says it true...

i have just seen a reference to 'cardiogram pads' being found on the body of Kelly on BBC news 24
can anone verify this...
i have searched many sites and found nothing ...

also Lord Hutton was in charge of the David Shayler case, one which
the jury were not allowed to know the details of the allegations
Shayler had made about the Gaddaffi murder plot by MI6...
fair trail then? Fair inquiry now?

captain wardrobe
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Kelly? Not sure of article or meaning

06.12.2004 03:01

Anyone heard of "free" energy involving the constructs of Tesla's coil experiment and other upper atmospheric ion extracting devices(namely Haarp) and others strew about the world. Wow what a sentence!
