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Northeast Anarchists

ben | 30.07.2003 12:51

Anarchy in the northeast!

A network of young anarchists is being set up in the north east of england.
Please contact the above email address if you are interested in assisting.

The organisation is open to all anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist individuals who agree to work in a non-heirachial manner.

Any existing organisations in the area- please contact us, networking between the groups could be very useful.


- e-mail:


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30.07.2003 13:44

What is your views on the attempts to transmute the antiwar movement into an electoral pact with the Muslim Brotherhood?
What anarchist group do you belong to?



30.07.2003 14:01

The Muslim brotherhood was a clandestine organisation active in Egypt and Syria in the 70's and 80's.

Who is planning a pact with them, the little voices in your head?


Muslim Brotherhood

30.07.2003 14:36

'Sonic' i find the words you use very offensive..if i have made a factual error fine point it out to me, if you disagree fine tell me...but please do not imply that i have a mental illness especially when people reading this may have loved ones suffering..

(the Muslim Association of Britain is the British arm of the Muslim Brotherhood)


response to northerner

30.07.2003 14:42

the anti war movement degenerated into a load of bullshit, SWP recruiting ground. as an anarchist i am opposed to all forms of heirachy, which organised religion is an example of, irrespective of whether that is muslim, christian or whatever.

i am part of the AYN, but as i said earlier, any individuals are welcome to particpate as long as they have anarchist ideals (whether or not they actaully refer to themselves as anarchists)


Oh grow up!

30.07.2003 14:47

It was a joke, if you cant take a joke then dont go onto the internet.

MAB is the British wing of the Muslim Brotherhood? now that is news to everyone in the world, do you have access to some secret source of information on this?

And tell me, who is planning an alliance with MAB?


email adress wrong

30.07.2003 14:51

that email address is wrong, will post up new one later.

sonic- the SWP being the authoritarian wankers that they are, seemed to be making fairly strong alliances with the MAB when i had dealings with them.


I am offended now

30.07.2003 14:58

"sonic- the SWP being the authoritarian wankers that they are"

Now I am not a w*anker myself but what about all the loved ones of these unfortunates who may log in here........




30.07.2003 17:41

why not get in touch with Tyneside Anarchist Group-or come along to tyneside Radical film festival lots of good folk there......(A)


any details?

30.07.2003 19:06

any contact setails for TAG?


Time To Eat Your Words SWP Sonic

31.07.2003 08:14

On the September 2002 antiwar demo the MAB handed out its paper 'inspire'.An article on page 16 of the paper lays out the “Historical roots and background” of the MAB, tracing them back to Hasan al-Banna: “The ultimate collapse of the Khilafah [caliphate; the Ottoman Empire] in 1924 left the muslim Ummah with no figurehead or leadership ... [But then] he [al-Banna] founded the Ikhwan al Muslimoon or Muslim Brotherhood, whose teachings to this day inspire people the world over ... After him came characters such as Sayyid Qutb and Zainab al Ghazali, Shaikh Yusuf al Qaradawi and Shaikh Rashed al-Ghanouchi, standing at the forefront of islamic teaching and revival ... Another revolutionary scholar ... would later set in motion the largest muslim reformation party in the Indian subcontinent: Sayyid Abu’l A’la Mawdudi and the Jamaat-e Islami ... The Jamaat-e Islami continues to work for the establishment of a society governed by allah’s laws.”

The MAB identifies unambiguously with the Brotherhood. The Brotherhood is a moderate, reformist, islamic-fundamentalist party, which builds its upfront public profile around welfare and religious education. It is no surprise that it should use writers like Pilger, Fisk and Ritter to give itself a plausible public face. Its basic politics are, however, the same as those of the shriller fundamentalists: the overthrow of secularism, democracy and women’s rights, and the introduction of a state run under islamic law.

Another article in Inspire (p14) explains a little of what the MAB understand by an islamic state. In their ideal state, a person who “chooses not to embrace islam” may have the right to be a citizen, but only if they “express loyalty to the state and recognise its legitimacy so that he or she does not engage in any activity that may be construed as threatening to its order”. Even then that person’s citizenship is “qualified”, “and such qualification is only lifted when the concerned person embraces islam”.

People who have been muslims and then stop believing face something worse. “There are two muslim schools of jurisprudence on the matter.” According to one, they should face the death penalty; according to the other, they are guilty of “mutiny or treason”, but the penalty need not be death.

Yes, the MAB is a reactionary fundamentalist party. The left should not ally with it.

gerk francis


31.07.2003 08:29

No need to set up anything else in N/E..theres already a REVO group which is independent of all people and is *the* youth struggle campaign..

Anarchist support of REVO


31.07.2003 11:39

So is this thing part of REVO? Ive had bad experiences with them as they secretly are part of SWP style group 'Workers Power' actually they are *worse* than the SWP..
Whats going on?


answers please!

31.07.2003 12:24

Why won't you anarchists answer me? I insist you must immediately clarify your opposition to Islam and denounce the SWP, otherwise you are clearly just like them a bunch of sexist homophobic fascists and no-one should join you or work with you.

How dare you ignore me? Can't you see this is the ONLY issue which matters right now?


I did NOT post 'answers please'

31.07.2003 13:16

Re: 'answers please' I did *not* post that...looking at comments on other bits of Indymedia it seems that some SWP member called 'Sonic' thinks it funny to post things under the name of previous bona fide posters...shows that he cant win the arguement i guess..


Not me mate

31.07.2003 15:11

Not me mate (see thread above where the person who accused me of it said sorry)

I am also not an SWP member, so you managed to wrong on both counts, well done!


aww diddums

31.07.2003 15:40

So you're the only Northerner there is? Must be lonely up there..


northerner- read this

31.07.2003 17:10

northerner- i already have denounced the SWP as a bunch of "authoritarian wankers" what else do u want? REVO is a load of bullshit. it is simply younger members of the SWP who somehow think they are "radicals". i really despair as to why they think this.

as us "nasty baby eating anarchists" say, socialism must be free, or it will not be at all.

so piss off SWP and REVO, and we'll see who makes the changes that are neccesary in the north east.

by the way- stalin was a cock. oh- and so was lenin, and trotsky...


well I wouldn't go that far...

02.08.2003 00:12

I'm the AYN too and I have a lot of respect for some members of REVO. So I wouldn't insult them or tell them to fuck off.

The Workers Power members who undemocratically hold all positions of power within REVO (control all funding, website, publications, contact database, egroups and web boards) and aren't "youths" aren't particularly worth dealing with though. And the politics WP members put into REVO are often pretty crappy (supporting the Taliban and Saddam's regime against the US for example).

Best to just ignore the insane "Northener" who posts that SWP/MAB crap everywhere...

Another AYNer
- Homepage:


02.08.2003 17:11

A good place for anarchists in the North East is the WHY DONT YOU film nights at the Side Cinema next to the Red House pub on the Quayside in Newcastle. The next one is 7.30 pm Tuesday 12 August. Normally there is a chat afterwards and of course the pub. Everyone welcome even trots - we specialise in liberating the afflicted.


a better place to talk

07.10.2003 12:35

If any poor people arrive at this thread when they're looking for discussions on how north east ( non-authoritarian ) folk can work together, then go to click on bulletin boards, choose the politics/activism thread, then click on 'north east united'.
Time-wasters like the posters on MAB and Revo are best ignored. I like people in Newcastle Revo but I don't understand why they pretend its an anarchist group when it's much more in the weird trot camp. Disaffiliate!

Of course I love you all as individuals! Kissy kissy!

geordie cong
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