Palestinian hip hop tour - help needed
ian | 29.07.2003 13:24 | Anti-racism | Culture | Oxford | Sheffield
In Mid-October a Palestinian hip hop act called “Dam” are coming across to the UK for a short tour and are looking for sympathetic groups / collectives to help put them on. Already they have bookings for London ( organised by Enlighten), Bristol ( organised by Bristol Indymedia & the Kebele collective ) and are doing a support date with Fundamental in Burnley.
The purpose of this tour is to raise awareness of Palestinian issues. It should be stated from the outset that this is entirely self funded, and any monies raised from this tour will go to Enlighten & the Free Samar & Jawad campaign -
The bottom line is that each gig has to cover the expenses of the band, and the overheads that each venue requires.
If you're interested in helping with this tour then please get back to ian ( 07817-953579 / ) or to nick ( - Tel: 07919 134 144)
We can send you a break down of the bands requirements and a publicity pack.
Dam Press Release from Enlighten
‘DAM’ are the first Palestinian rap crew. Already the subject of an award-winning documentary film and the recipients of growing media attention both in the Middle East and beyond, the band combine the modern, urban sound of western rap music with traditional sounds culled from the Arab world. DAM which translates as ‘Continuation’ - employ powerful political lyrics which revolve around the racial discrimination and social marginalisation the band, as Palestinian citizens living within Israel’s 1948 borders, experience in their homeland.
With their independently released debut album, entitled ‘Min Irhabi’ or ‘Who’s the Terrorist?’ , DAM found themselves in the welcome, if unexpected, media spotlight with the likes of Rolling Stone magazine running feature length articles on them and Israel’s anti-establishment musicians inelegantly rushing to court them.
The Palestinian-UK educational charity 'Enlighten' - Markaz At-Tanwir is planning to bring DAM to the UK in early October 2003 to play in London and potentially beyond in a series of fund- and awareness-raising performances. As this endeavor will incur considerable transportation and accommodation costs, the charity is hoping to attract interest amongst those activists and other supporters of the Palestinian struggle able to assist in the planning and coordination of concerts around the country. Anyone or any organisation capable of sponsoring or underwriting the expenses of (or arranging for free) events anywhere in the UK where the band can be hosted and a suitably sized audience can be attracted, is encouraged to join us in making this DAM’s first UK tour a success. The entire initiative is clearly non-profit and the band will not be charging for any appearances. Nonetheless, transport, accommodation and venue/PA hire should all be taken into consideration in assessing whether or not ticket sales in any given place will suffice to cover all expenses. Any additional funds raised will be donated to the charity.
The purpose of this tour is to raise awareness of Palestinian issues. It should be stated from the outset that this is entirely self funded, and any monies raised from this tour will go to Enlighten & the Free Samar & Jawad campaign -

The bottom line is that each gig has to cover the expenses of the band, and the overheads that each venue requires.
If you're interested in helping with this tour then please get back to ian ( 07817-953579 /

We can send you a break down of the bands requirements and a publicity pack.
Dam Press Release from Enlighten
‘DAM’ are the first Palestinian rap crew. Already the subject of an award-winning documentary film and the recipients of growing media attention both in the Middle East and beyond, the band combine the modern, urban sound of western rap music with traditional sounds culled from the Arab world. DAM which translates as ‘Continuation’ - employ powerful political lyrics which revolve around the racial discrimination and social marginalisation the band, as Palestinian citizens living within Israel’s 1948 borders, experience in their homeland.
With their independently released debut album, entitled ‘Min Irhabi’ or ‘Who’s the Terrorist?’ , DAM found themselves in the welcome, if unexpected, media spotlight with the likes of Rolling Stone magazine running feature length articles on them and Israel’s anti-establishment musicians inelegantly rushing to court them.
The Palestinian-UK educational charity 'Enlighten' - Markaz At-Tanwir is planning to bring DAM to the UK in early October 2003 to play in London and potentially beyond in a series of fund- and awareness-raising performances. As this endeavor will incur considerable transportation and accommodation costs, the charity is hoping to attract interest amongst those activists and other supporters of the Palestinian struggle able to assist in the planning and coordination of concerts around the country. Anyone or any organisation capable of sponsoring or underwriting the expenses of (or arranging for free) events anywhere in the UK where the band can be hosted and a suitably sized audience can be attracted, is encouraged to join us in making this DAM’s first UK tour a success. The entire initiative is clearly non-profit and the band will not be charging for any appearances. Nonetheless, transport, accommodation and venue/PA hire should all be taken into consideration in assessing whether or not ticket sales in any given place will suffice to cover all expenses. Any additional funds raised will be donated to the charity.