Most Concerned | 29.07.2003 08:10
IndyMediaUK needs to take a good hard look at itself after allowing STOP THE NAZI MEETING to be posted
Recently, IndyMediaUK allowed this to be posted on this site:
The BNP are organising a regional meeting in Batley for this coming Sunday - 27th July - together we can stop it!
The meeting will be held at the Talbot Hotel on Bradford Road, Batley. The pub owners, Avebury Taverns Ltd, have an equal opportunities policy which provides us with a great chance to get the meeting stopped - and in doing so throw the BNP campaign for the by-election into chaos.
Everybody - please phone the pub and the pub owners and complain that they are allowing a Nazi organisation to meet on their premises. You'd be amazed how effective a bit of pressure could be.
If we all make a phone call and send an e-mail then the pub owners will soon start applying pressure to the licencee to cancel the meeting. Details as follows.
What you need to do....
The Talbot Hotel, Bradford Road, Batley
Call 01924 472086
And tell the licencee that you think it disgusting that he allows a Nazi organisation to meet on his premises - you don't have to give your real name.
Avebury Taverns Ltd
Call 01753 482666
And tell them that as a local resident you are deeply disturbed that the BNP are allowed to meet on their property. It would also help to e-mail them at
Please let us know what actions you've taken to contact these people - and feel free to circulate this e-mail.
Kirklees United against Racism & Fascism
This is the outcome to that posting:
The location of the meeting was changed at the last minute after worse fears were confirmed when The Landlord bowed to pressure from a constant stream of telephoned threats. The meeting was held not far away and was well attended.
Now, I don't use the word "threats" lightly, and neither did the landlord. The cancellation occurred when threats to the safety of the Landlords wife and his children were made. The distressed landlord quite naturally called the police and information has been given.
However, if the meeting had gone ahead and something had happened to the wife or children, then I wonder if the moderators of IndyMediaUK would have felt some responsibility.
This is not some faceless international conglomerate or fascist dictatorship that was being targeted, just an average family man running a small pub.
Despite the fact that the relocation constituted a minor hiccup to the BNP, no doubt the ANaL will be elated with the outcome and no doubt the landlord will NOT be voting for any party linked to the ANaL.
The BNP can look after itself. It's used to ANaL's political thuggery. But I don't see why that should involve innocent bystanders. Furthermore, it must be said that the BNP showed more responsibility for the safety and well being of this man's wife and children than did IndyMediaUK.
In future, I would advise IndyMedia to be more careful with what they choose not to hide before somebody does in fact get hurt.
The BNP are organising a regional meeting in Batley for this coming Sunday - 27th July - together we can stop it!
The meeting will be held at the Talbot Hotel on Bradford Road, Batley. The pub owners, Avebury Taverns Ltd, have an equal opportunities policy which provides us with a great chance to get the meeting stopped - and in doing so throw the BNP campaign for the by-election into chaos.
Everybody - please phone the pub and the pub owners and complain that they are allowing a Nazi organisation to meet on their premises. You'd be amazed how effective a bit of pressure could be.
If we all make a phone call and send an e-mail then the pub owners will soon start applying pressure to the licencee to cancel the meeting. Details as follows.
What you need to do....
The Talbot Hotel, Bradford Road, Batley
Call 01924 472086
And tell the licencee that you think it disgusting that he allows a Nazi organisation to meet on his premises - you don't have to give your real name.
Avebury Taverns Ltd
Call 01753 482666
And tell them that as a local resident you are deeply disturbed that the BNP are allowed to meet on their property. It would also help to e-mail them at

Please let us know what actions you've taken to contact these people - and feel free to circulate this e-mail.
Kirklees United against Racism & Fascism
This is the outcome to that posting:
The location of the meeting was changed at the last minute after worse fears were confirmed when The Landlord bowed to pressure from a constant stream of telephoned threats. The meeting was held not far away and was well attended.
Now, I don't use the word "threats" lightly, and neither did the landlord. The cancellation occurred when threats to the safety of the Landlords wife and his children were made. The distressed landlord quite naturally called the police and information has been given.
However, if the meeting had gone ahead and something had happened to the wife or children, then I wonder if the moderators of IndyMediaUK would have felt some responsibility.
This is not some faceless international conglomerate or fascist dictatorship that was being targeted, just an average family man running a small pub.
Despite the fact that the relocation constituted a minor hiccup to the BNP, no doubt the ANaL will be elated with the outcome and no doubt the landlord will NOT be voting for any party linked to the ANaL.
The BNP can look after itself. It's used to ANaL's political thuggery. But I don't see why that should involve innocent bystanders. Furthermore, it must be said that the BNP showed more responsibility for the safety and well being of this man's wife and children than did IndyMediaUK.
In future, I would advise IndyMedia to be more careful with what they choose not to hide before somebody does in fact get hurt.
Most Concerned
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Wonder how "Most Concerned" knows the meeting was well attended?
29.07.2003 08:37
Now if the landlord's kids were threatened that's out of order. But the guy was letting a fascist group meet in his pub, so spare us the "normal family man" crap. Either he didn't know who was really meeting there, in which case he had the right to be told, or he knew and welcomed their presence.
Fascist anti Fascists!
29.07.2003 08:49
The original statement is advocating extreme Fascism. It should have been hidden as soon as seen. Should everything be edited before appearing - hardly possible with few voluteers facing the number of submissions around the clock.
It must be possible to trace all contributors so that they are responsible.
Add on to an email, about other legislation, to American Legislators :
"expecting this to be lost in your flood of emails and spam I will be sending a few copies individually to others.
Please legislate an offence of sending emails without a return address, and the sending of forged source emails. And the selling of confirmed email addresses garnered from people replying that they do not wish to recieve any more emails from the people they are replying to."
Oh the shame!
29.07.2003 08:49
What about freedom of speech eh? (not that there would be any if these people had any say)
" future, I would advise IndyMedia to be more careful with what they choose not to hide before somebody does in fact get hurt."
And of course the threat, even when you try to be respectable you just cannot help yourselves can you.
29.07.2003 08:58
Oh, and ... Ha Ha Ha.
MOderating brings more problems
29.07.2003 09:07
Obviously there has to be a limit but political coometns/posts simply should not be interfered with.
If some idiot oversteps the mark that person is asking for trouble and IMC will not be held responsible. I anyone tries to implicate IMC on matters like this they are agents of the system that is so unjust, whether they know it or not.
Here is a prime example.
I say loud and clear 'FUCK THE QUEEN'
......shit I could be hung for this in Marble Arch.
IMC may choose to report the hanging and that will be the closest invovlment for this web site.
Anyhow fuck the BNP and pub landlords too but to be honest they are not worththe effort as they are all distractions from questioning the real pigs.
defend free speech! ban anti-racism!
29.07.2003 11:52
The BNP must have free access to all media at all times at no cost and with no editorial choice! As Rousseau said "I may not like what you say, but I'll vigourously defend your right to drag me out of my house in the middle of the night and put me in a death camp!"
All this offensive anti-racism must be banned and censored now! Anyone expressing opposition to the BNP is clearly an SWP member, and political parties aren't allowed on IndyMedia, so logically anyone opposing the BNP or commenting negatively on our postings or using words like 'racism' or who has a funny name or murky skin colour MUST BE BANNED in the interests of free speech!
Defend free speech! Publish BNP articles everywhere! Ban the anti-racists!
a nonny mouse
Leave us wimpy cowardly nazis alone please
29.07.2003 12:04
We have seen what mongrels can do in places like the lower shankill, where our glorious aryan bisexual roid rage crime vice war lord Johnny adair has been ousted by working class oiks. These people want to stop us serving our pure blue blooded rich establishment masters, they want to stop us doing our duty to our social betters, keeping the poor in line by selling them smack, and encouraging them to blame defenceless mongrel/irish/black/brown skinned types, instead of the rich. These upstarts dare to stop us destroying the fabric of working class communities and tackling the menace of working class pride, love and unity, bolshevik anarcho socialist nonsence.
Don't let these anti racist bully boy kick boxers, beat us scrawny aryan arselikas, please tell them to stop now.
Lord snooty pasty face wimp