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Prominent academic goes public on her reasons for leaving the SWP

Ol Mutha Hubbard | 28.07.2003 15:36

Sue Blackwell of Birmingham University has spilt the beans about the shennanigans, duplicity and back-stabbing that led her to leave the SWP after 19 years. A real insight into the abuses of democracy practised by this weird cult.

Check out the email exchanges!

Ol Mutha Hubbard
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Hide the following 33 comments


28.07.2003 15:49

Sigh, here we go again, you got nothing better to do?

perhaps you should set up a website


Hold on!

28.07.2003 15:50

He doesnt really hate the SWP, I really really hate them.



28.07.2003 15:51

No I hate them far more than he does, what have the SWP ever done for us eh!

BTW error 404 page not found,



28.07.2003 15:53

If he really, really really really hates the SWP he wouldnt mention them all the time would he, I hate them so much I never even post about them... oh.


Swuppy hating

28.07.2003 16:06

Thats nothing, I gave up attacking the Government just because it used up time I could use posting anti-swp stuff on indymedia!

Never forget who the real enemy of the left is, the left!


To the past 5 commenters...

28.07.2003 16:29

Haven't you got anything better to do with your time than spam IMC with your petty drivel, such as get a life?

Thomas J

It'sall good

28.07.2003 17:35

As far as I'm concerned, carry on spammin. Pople just register loads of comments as they scroll down the front page and think there's something worth checkin. So thank you sonic.

BTW, I didn't ALWAYS hate the SWP as much as I do now. Nor, presumably,did Sue Blackwell, what with being a member for 19 years and all.

So MAYBE, just MAYBE there's something pretty fucked up with the direction it's heading in?


Ol Mutha Hubbard

student wankers

28.07.2003 20:36

More petty bitching between rival middle class intellectual student wankers. Who cares if some rich bitch intellectual lecturer student sucka upper, fell out with her student clique.

wooly student clique

I am sorry

28.07.2003 20:49

Dear Sue and Hasan,
I am so sorry to hear that your many years of service to us all has come to and end.
My god! 35 years between both of you.



29.07.2003 10:27

"and think there's something worth checkin"

yes a broken link, keep up the good work!

(you know if I was a cynic I might start to think that OMH is in fact an SWP member trying to discredit the opposition!)


Anarchy ahead.

29.07.2003 16:22

Meanwhile,whilst the trots et al bicker.

Oh,the Socialists take the split road,
We Anarchists take the co-op road,
And we'll get rid o' cap'talism afor ye ! (ya know the tune)


GL has it right

29.07.2003 17:55

GL is right. while the pathetic SWP members are forced to join with muslim fundamentalists by their stalinist leaders, anarchists are having fun- and actually changing things- without having to sell even one stupid newspaper.

see all u anarchists at DSEi. Peace and rage and other things. Ben


Link works OK on my computer, Sonny Boy

30.07.2003 08:36

Sorry you're getting a broken link. You sure John Rees hasn't fitted a thought-control chip in your PC, stopping you from accessing any impure information?

And if you "were a cynic". Please! You're in the SWP. How much more cynical does life GET? Good to see you keep gravitating back to this story though.

Ol Mutha Hubbard

Sorry OMH

30.07.2003 09:12

Not an SWP member, I just find your obsession amusing, dont know if you have heard but up here in Jockland we gave all that interleft fighting a miss long ago..

Anrachists may be having a good time, but you are as much use in a serious struggle as a chocolate teapot...but you do look cool in your black gear, I'll give you that!



Sue Blackwell

30.07.2003 10:37

Sorry but i dont think using terms like "bitch" is wouldnt use racist terms if she was black so why use sexist terms because she is a woman?
Sue was an ordinary activist..sure she's from a m/c background which made conversations with her frustrating as she doesnt know what its like to be working class but i wont damn some one *just* because they happen to born in to a rich family (could have been any one of us).
Its tiring that any time a critique of the disempowering, destructive methods of the SWP is posted people affect a 'bored with it all' attitude rather than being adultt and learning the lessons at hand.
Maybe you all live in a vacuum but in birmingham at least the swp are a problem and a force that attempts to destroy what it cant control..
But i guess an activist being hounded by the swp because she believes (albeit belatedly) in democracy and an asian guy being witchunted because he is a position to expose what the swp's new fundamentalist chums are really about without the usual retort of 'racist' being slapped in his face...i guess to you all you dont care..far better to but heads in sand and believe that all criticism of the swp is 'racist' or whatever...

Gerk Francis
mail e-mail:

Anyone suprised?

30.07.2003 12:20

So the SWP are manipulative, authoritarian and undemocratic.Somebody'll be posting stories about the pope being catholic at this rate...


why won't you all do as you're told?

30.07.2003 12:32

Gerk is right, I can't believe you're all being so rude as to not do as he tells you! He's explained patiently why attacking the SWP must be at the top of your agenda! What makes you all think you have the right to disagree?

Middle-class Muslim-loving sell-outs the lot of you! I bet you're all SWP really..

a nonny mouse

Er (3)

30.07.2003 12:52

As a working class computer generated hedgehog I object to that!


Try Reading The Peice

30.07.2003 14:39

'Sonic' 'ninny mouse' et al:

Yes it is important that antiwar activists are being threatend and lied about by the SWP..why? for many reasons not least that the SWP's behaviour (which i know that you 'two' have no problems with sexism or homophobia or the swp physically attacking people) means people give up on the anti-war movement altogether (not helped by apologists like you)

Gerk Francis

Sigh (4)

30.07.2003 14:50

Physically attacked? got any proof of that?


Still you have convinced me, smash the SWP! Kill their central committee and the world will be a far far better plce.

tell me, do you not see what a prat you are, spending more time in some obscure intra-left dispute rather than doing something useful?


And tonight, Matthew, I'm going to be...

30.07.2003 15:29

...whatever John Rees tells me.

a ninny mouse

Sigh (666)

30.07.2003 15:40

Sonic peaks: "Do you not see what a prat you are, spending more time in some obscure intra-left dispute rather than doing something useful?"

Useful like what, oh wise one? Repeatedly trolling indymedia with dullard one-liners ABOUT said "intra-left dispute". That must give a sense of satisfaction:-D

People post articles daily on this website that I don't have the time for. Do I tell people they should get themselves lives? No, sir, I do not. But you appear OUTRAGED than anyone should want to discuss this stuff. Can't think why...

Still, I'm glad you like my fashion sense. You look pretty blinding in Lindsey German's old cast offs and all, as it goes.

Ol Mutha Hubbard

As I may have mentioned

30.07.2003 15:52

I live in Scotland mate, there is no SWP Up here anymore.

I dont know if you managed to look up from your well-thumbed copy of "Hating the SWP for Dummies" but we managed to unite everyone up here into one party. It's far more effective than spending your life trashing other portions of the left to the amusement of everyone else outside your little bubble.

I would say try it in England, but where would be the fun in that for you OMH. Imagine working with people you only agree with about 99.99% of issues!


Dear Sonic

30.07.2003 23:33

I actually joined an organisation called the Socialist Alliance. I was hoping it would be an um alliance of socialists. Then everyone who wasn't in the SWP got shat on by everyone who was - meetings packed, abuses of democratic procedures, victimisation and smearing activists WHO ASKED QUESTIONS yadda yadda yadda.

I would work with the SWP...but they don't seem too keen on "working with" anyone who "only agrees with them on 99.99% of issues" -not that I do agree with them to that extent. Total compliance appears to be the only option they're happy with, hence the Alliance is fucked. This is not because I say so. Many people who have been close to the SWP, such as Mike Marqusee and Sue Blackwell, have reached identical conclusions.

I think this is important, as it fucks the idea of forming a coherent left voice, as indeed has happened in Scotland. So, because I think it's interesting and important, I post information about it toshare with other people who may be intersted and to try to have some discussion on the way forwards. You're welcome to read it. Or not, the choice is yours.

Now I know I slipped in a couple of multi-syllabic words there, but I HOPE you can still get the gist.

Ol Mutha Hubbard

the ssp /swp in scotland

31.07.2003 13:31

There is still a swp in scotland they are a platform within the scotish socialist
party ,like the ism,cwi and rcn amongst others, and yes there is differences of opinion
and views and some sectarian stuff ,but it is kept as best as possible inside and we go with the democrartic decision reached and all groups and people who are not of any platform argue there points at strength but we then dont get in the huff and leave and resort to name childish name calling .Why with all our differances we still belive that unity is the way forward and we could be at the start of something much bigger.
You english folk need to grow up and stop living in the seventies /eighties world of left politics.

C Stewart


31.07.2003 13:38

Wish it was as easy as 'growing up' but i doubt that in Scotland given their size the SWP would get away with constant smearing of people as 'racist' or 'islamophobic' nor would they physically attack people or square up to them as is the norm in Birmingham at least...

Gerk Francis
mail e-mail:

Physical attack

31.07.2003 15:15

You keep coming out with that statement, then ignore any query to back it up.

Why is this?


Physical Attack Is FACT

31.07.2003 15:36

Er, the evidence has been openly on display on the pages of none other than....Indymedia !

Check out (again) :

Also read Sue Blackwell's web page for different examples of SWP agression..

Gerk Francis
mail e-mail:

Really Ger

31.07.2003 15:54

You seem to think that an article in Worlers Liberty is proof, you have already made that mistake today:

"The actual attack was pretty limp and unserious. As far as either one of us
are aware, the SWPers did not actually manage to get a blow in"

In other words no-one was assaulted, no one hit.


SWP blah blah SWP blah SWP blah SWP

31.07.2003 16:05

Did you know one of the main principles of marketing is to get your product mentioned as often as possible, regardless whether positively or negatively?


Just for the Record

31.07.2003 16:44

Well I should have guessed my web page would be seized on by the "bash the
SWP at every opportunity" brigade. I am still a member of the Socialist
Alliance and still hopeful that it can sort itself out. And yes, the SSP
in Scotland is a lot more successful than the SA in England, perhaps because
the SWP can't dominate it? Just a thought.

For the record I come from a working-class background - I had a state
education and was able to go to University because we had grants in those
days. My family have never been rich, my parents live mostly on a state
pension. I joined the SWP while I was working for John Laings on a building
site (doing the typing, not carrying bricks!). OK you can call me middle-class
now if you like, but my loyalties are still with my roots.

Sue B
mail e-mail:
- Homepage:

Assault is Assault

01.08.2003 10:08

firstly: i havent made any 'mistake' with looking at a letter in the Weekly Worker WHICH QUOTES MAB ITSELF ABOUT MAB BEING THE BRITISH ARM OF THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD!!.
secondly: there *was* an assault on CPGBers outside Marxism, as the peice i put up clearly shows: the fact that the SWP didnt cut peoples' heads open doesnt make it any less of an assault unless you think it only counts as assault if there is X amount of bruises etc..a ridiculous position to take..
thirdly: quoting from a publication does NOT imply wholehearted agreement with that organisations politics...i take it that the SSP of which you have said you are a member never uses figures taken from government sources?

Gerk Francis
mail e-mail:

I hate them I hate them I hate them I hate them

05.08.2003 12:30

OOh I hate them so much they're so mean and nasty and I'll follow them round watching what they do and telling everyone how evil they are over and over and then maybe they'll pay attention to me...
