What is the real culture of this city, and where should the money be going for C
David Green | 27.07.2003 12:45 | Liverpool
Just wondered - cos of the debate of 'Liverpool City of Culture'
intrested in presenting an argument forward about where the we think the money should be going for Objective One and City of Culture.
intrested in presenting an argument forward about where the we think the money should be going for Objective One and City of Culture.
David Green
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Where the money belongs
27.07.2003 16:42
The economically developing (or f*cked by us to be precise) need our money or better the abolition of the usury that enables us to f*cking waste/detract antother IMC-UK post opportunity.
Maybe IMC-Liverpool is a more fitting place but my point about donating the ill gotten money to a country and its people where pigs do not benefit stands. My recommendation will be Iraq , where we have bombed for 12 years continously.Alternatively remember A-F-G-H-A-N-I-S-T-A-N?
City of Culture
28.07.2003 12:17
I understand that - and dishing back stuff to the genuine people that truly built the society we live in. But I was mainly asking for point by point. In Liverpool The whole City of Culture bid was engineered by the saem spongers and parasites who have been creaming evreything under Objective one. SO as part of an article I am intrested in writing I would like to put for an alternative suggestion - that can be a sort of a programme to challange the city council etc etc.
Cheers for the comments
David Green
money is not the problem
28.07.2003 14:42
There are two reasons why this won't happen unless we pressure them; one is that there is an element of losing control over people, the second is that they have to justify themselves over a short period of time and the kind of change that needs to happen cannot be quantified in that time.
I think it is probably too late to worry about where the ciy of culture money will go, most of it will be corporate investment anyway so we definitely won't see it. The main effort should be in setting up as many independent events and organisations designed to provide for people away from the hand-out merry-go-round as possible. It is then a question of pressure from below demanding change.