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Jury returns in Inglewood Ca

Mitchell Crooks (videographer) | 25.07.2003 23:26 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles


Ofc. jeremy morse Assaults Hancuffed 16 year old
Ofc. jeremy morse Assaults Hancuffed 16 year old

The overhyped trial of cowardly jeremy morse is almost at an end. Ahhh the memories. How time flies (when your a DA trying to look like you really want to covict a cop) in a trial So many people anticipated. I said this the day my video went on air, "they will not convict a cop". I will only be suprised if they come back and say he is "guilty". Because he is. But, The LA DA did not suppoena anyone (cause they don't know how) who was an actual witness @ the scene. Including myself. Instead they asked the officers who beat donovan jackson to testify?

I am certainly no "lawyer" but, does'nt that seem odd?

We all know what the outcome will be. The judge has allready stated he will not allow the jury to read their "not guilty" verdict untill he is able to align the city (I mean Police state) with piglets to try and further or antagonize a potential riot. Because piggys have been wanting this almost as much as the media for ratings/coverage.

I say to people, wait till the cops have retreated back to thier Doughnuts and back to thier homes to beat thier wives and children to take to the streets.

Violence accomplishes nothing (unless your saddams kids and somebody wants your oil) Looting is only good if you leave mom and pop out of it and loot the corporate chains instead but I would not suggest that either.

I would load up your cameras and batterys and go out and show you mean business by letting them know that you are better than that. Teach them that you will be watching even closer. And be more calculated than them. You are better than them.

Look for my book to be released soon.

Just to give you an example: The district attorneys office lied about damn near everything regarding this case. They said in a press release that I would not cooperate(which is true). But failed to inform the public that I had an 11 minute call to the DA (alan jarvis) making arrangements to come in after speaking with an attorney. I told them I had warrants. They did not do some fancy police work. I was arrested and let go several times before I came forward with the tape. I had gone to canada (dj gig) and was refused entry because of the warrant for 0.08% dui and paint transfer hit and run. I was arrested and booked by a culver city pig for jaywalking (grabbing my nuts) And they released me even after they said "You got in some trouble in placer county huh"? So then they let me go free on the bogus jaywalkin charge. They wanted to arrest me for daring to videotape their soldiers doing CoWARDLY deeds! Then after my 3rd call to the DA and, 10 minutes later in a radio interview (where the Redneck DA curt livesay illegally tried to suppoena me on air) I am told to give up my location to this "redneck hillbilly" because I was about to go on BET late night with Ed Gordon. This was about to piss off the white DA's office and rally the black community for support. Thats one example of how the DA has lied to cover their own asses and just one example about how much racsism is imbedded into "POLICE CULTURE".

I mean, have you seen the hatred emanating from Cowardly Morse's face? He did not even want Ofc. Crook (black inglewood ofc.) to touch him! He then spits like he went to an alan jackson concert or a rodeo! He just "caught himself a darkie, wooo hooo!"
You can see the entire video at my site or directly link to:

Judge for yourself! The TV stations won't show you that whole video. Oh, I want my tape back petersen. I know your keepin track.

I will be in LA this weekend and I will be around for whatever the outcome. I am not scared of police. I hope to oneday meet a cop that is at least somewhat good. I am fuckin positive there is no such thing. I have recieved death threats from KKK members (I mean the fraternal order of police) and I have been the subject of ridicule by radical, right-wing, chritsian, consevative, hate mongering, war lovin, anti peace, pig lovin, anti-protester, "TROLLS" who have nothing better to do than antagonize the "left and activists" trying to accomplish thier message on indymedia. Go back to your 700 club fucks.

Just play (or rent) "state of emergency" or "grand theft auto - vice city" on XBOX or PLAYSTATION 2 instead. That would piss them off 10 times more. Thats a great Idea, I am going to shoot some riot cops on "state of emergency" to VENT.

ahhh technology.

mitchell crooks.

Mitchell Crooks (videographer)
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29.07.2003 01:08

Once again, the lefties are leaving out the facts about this (and many other) case.

The black guy that was restrained in the video you're talking about assaulted the Officer (Jeremy Morse) cutting him on the top of the face with a knife. What did this idiot expect after assaulting an officer. He's a scumbag and deserved anything he got from the police, not that what they did was even excessive under the circumstances.

The bloke videoing this deliberately says in the tape that he got the "good stuff", in other words the bits that show the police doing things but not the suspect. It's completely biased.

In addition, this can't be trusted anyway because the source is already anti-police. It's come from someone who has already made their mind up that the police are "bad" and their law breaking, drug dealing, murderous criminal "black gang" buddies are the good-guys.

Why am I not surprised that someone on here has seized this story and warped it into some crap cliche'd "civil rights" "poor black youf abused by the po-lice" melodrama.



29.07.2003 01:36

Jeremy Morse was sacked and has lost his police pension, just for loosing it with a criminal who had assaulted him. Harsh.

Reading that website I find that a large number of black racists are involved (i.e Al Sharpton). How can whites expect justice when black racists and other extremists are getting involved. It's been racialised for the sake of publicity.


you're all racists! (except the racists)

30.07.2003 12:08

Quite right Enforcer, these lefties need to realise that the REAL racists are black people, cruelly intimidating poor defenceless coppers and viciously assaulting their nightsticks with their faces! Black people are natural racists, it's in their genes!

a nonny mouse