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CR | 23.07.2003 20:22 | Anti-racism | Migration | Repression | London


Just thought I'd put this up again as the demo is on Saturday......

JULY 26th 12 noon
the daily mail
derry st,
next to high st kensington tube

The right wing tabloids run never-ending headlines of soft-touch Britain and bogus asylum seekers. They openly scapegoat refugees and asylum seekers for all of society's ills.

But asylum seekers and refugees are among the poorest and most vulnerable people. Most of them are fleeing war zones and dictatorships created by the British military and arms manufacturers. Others are desperate to escape the effects of economies in freefall again thanks to British, US and EU maintained debt mountains, unfair trade rules and austerity dictated by the IMF.


- Asylum seekers are taking British jobs... TRUTH Asylum seekers are forbidden to work until their claim is accepted. If they do, their claim will be rejected and they will be sent back. A significant number are doctors, educated professionals who could contribute a lot but are not allowed to do so.
- Asylum seekers live in the lap of luxury... TRUTH A single asylum seeker gets only £37.77 a week - 30% below the official poverty line.
- Britain is being flooded. More asylum seekers come here than anywhere else... TRUTH Under 2% of the worldÕs asylum seekers come to Britain. Even within the European Union, Britain is ranked 10th in asylum applications. It is some of the worldÕs poorest countries that gives most sanctuary, like Iran and Pakistan.
- Asylum seekers are bogus: they just come here to improve their standard of living... TRUTH The top four countries that recent asylum seekers come from are Iraq, Zimbabwe, Afghanistan and Somalia. These countries in the grip of war and brutal repression.
- Asylum seekers are criminals...TRUTH Even according to police statistics, there is no higher crime rate among asylum seekers. In fact, they are more likely to be the victims of crime.

These lies whip up racial tension especially in underfunded communities hard hit by the economic downturn. They target anyone in Britain who is not white or speaks with an accent. The outcome? Racially motivated attacks on the streets and in communities. The rise of the BNP and other fascist organisations. We must take action against this front page racism! Let's target the RACIST RAGS! Join us in action...
07951 493 232

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how do you

23.07.2003 20:35

the mail is aimed at a right wing scared readership ,they wont join the crusade
against the filth it prints ,the advertising companies dont give a monkies about
what the paper says as long as it is selling.
So little short of going into newsagents and walking out with all the copies of these rags .What concrete ideas do you have to get people to support youre claim.

charles farquar farquarson

My personal favorite...

24.07.2003 09:19

tactic is to browse the news-stands for a while, picking up Guardians and Independents (and other non-newspaper publications) and when I have finished with each one, put them on top of the piles of Suns and Mails. It is a small thing, but if it means some idiot Mail-reader in a rush can't find their filthy rag then it is a job well done.

Sticking stickers on the front pages of these evil papers when the news-agent is not looking is another good one. "RACIST SHITE" has a nice ring to it.


If anyone works in a news-agent, or has a job delivering papers, then there are more direct actions you can take too - "lose" a few copies of the Mail, or change the order to the distributer to include a few more intelligent papers and a few less Suns.


for info + action

24.07.2003 10:28

We need to take on the anti-asylum arguments and build the confidence of the anti-racist majority (and refugees themselves). We need to get organised:

Sign up now!


REVO is a Workers Power Front..Beware

24.07.2003 10:50

Dont get fooled...'REVO' is a cynical front for the Workers Power group..well known for supporting a lot of swp fronts then leaving in mock surprise when it turns out not to democratic...
Up until recently they supported the sexist and homophobic organisation known as the Socialist (or should that be National Socialist?) Alliance..
Dont get sucked in

Boycott REVO

Timmy Mallett

Timmy Mallet your full of toss

24.07.2003 13:48

Listen you penis...

Revo was set up by WP and yes Revo does have some WP members involved but Revo is not a front organisation
Boycott Revo?????? seriously the doctors should have boycotted your life when you were born mate, its probably the stupidist thing i've see on this site. why dont you get back to reality and realise that we as lefties have one common enemy and thats the system we live in... you fucking moron!
Revo are trying to build an action against the papers who do nothing but spread hatred and lies about people and all you can do is critisize why dont you get off you arse and actually do something instead of moaning and bitchin and whining while tossing yourself off.


Revo is non-sectrairian and doesnt put pressure on you to join WP and i should know cause i'm an anarchist and been in revo for 5 years

so before you complain and call for silly boycotts why dont you actually find out what the fuck is going on!

ta ta

P.s your program was shit! and i never liked your big glasses


Workers Power MUST Expell SWPer 'jb'

24.07.2003 15:12

Now you are pretending you are an anarchist? Hear O anarchists: REVO *only* want anarchists there as canon get legitmacey to their pint size SWP outfit..
Now I have CLEARLY been savagely and immorally THREATEND by swp/revo member 'jb'..IF Workers Power has any thought of reclaiming the Throne of 1917 they MUST expell 'jb' from revo asap...the world is watching 'comrades'..
Also: my TV show was an integral part of progressive late 80's early 90's youth culture. I promoted positive images of young people unlike the somewhat seedy youth programs on TV these days..
I encouraged kids to THINK..thats why the 'TVAM' bosses decided to cancell..yet as Hegel says 'each thing progresses from itself' and the kids of yesteryear who TVAM bosses tried to quosh (namely by cancelling WACADAY & WAC90') are now the brighteyed activists of today..
Can *you* say youve done half as much 'jb'?

Timmy Mallet

Timmy timmy timmy

25.07.2003 11:36

Ok i've stupidly just realised that Timmy is a piss taker and not actually being serious about what he wrote about Revo at least this is what i'm trying to convince myself....
the whole debate on Revo and its independance from WP is a very old one and has been flogged rather like a dead horse (or timmy's career on TV)and its obvious like most arguments on the left that agreements will never be reached.
despite what anyone says or thinks about Revo the fact of the matter still remains that Revo are one of the most militant groups on the left in this country with countless numbers of Direct Actions and arrests of its members resulting thereof, also the amount of members from Revo who spent time in Palestine getting shot at etc is also a point worth mentioning so Timmy you and the small minded reactionary sectarian fools who do nothing more than make shit tv programs and harp on about kronstat(sic) and partridges or those socialists that go on about Spain et all are so missing the point its hard to believe that we're fighting for the same things (let me clarify that, and end to capitalism, imperialism, totalitarianism, oppression etc and the replacement of those things with a system based on needs and the love of our fellow human beings....correct me if i'm wrong)

so yeah timmy be quiet you've made yourself look silly although i guess thats what got you on TV but hey you know that times change and so does the tastes of the viewing public and you just can't compete with the tweenies or the hoobs.

anyway hoobledoodledoo

