Citizens' Initiative Omega | 23.07.2003 16:48 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | Health | London | World
Electromagnetic Safety - WHO - 'Undemocratic' planning laws criticised - Protests against mobile masts - Breast Cancer - Missing Weapons Of Mass Destruction - Mysterious Diseases Haunt U.S. Troops In Iraq - Communities shun Patriot Act - Report outlines Patriot Act rights violations -Approaching imperial overstretch - The Crime and the Cover-Up - Dr Kelly's Final Hours Did Not Indicate Suicide
International Commitee on Electromagnetic Safety June, 8-9,2001
Please send to all far and wide, ask that all and any reviewing it follow up by searching for names inside and associated search phrases for it content; this seems to me to be a premier smoking gun. The audacity of the seemingly dispassionate references to experimental victims reaches an issue that they are just cattle being used to fine tune weapons.
Hot item save on disc. Confront the issue of condemnation by sending this document to news sources.
Contains apparent official doc as to experimenting on us currently. Mentioning that within months of 2001 info on the effects on the heart will be gathered.
Informant: John Mecca
Omega links
EMF-provisions answer from the WHO
Dear Mr. Scheingraber,
I agree that laboratory studies of Electric and Magnetic fields do not represent the situation one encounters in the environment, both with respect to the orientation of the fields as well as the impacts of previous exposures. In addition it may be that these laboratory studies use doses that are too low to demonstrate an effect at a statistically significant level.
To address this WHO advocates the undertaking of a cohort study of such size as to demonstrate any effect with statistical reliability. In addition we propose a wide array of laboratory studies designed with particular concern for the use of the results in human health risk assessments. These studies are outlined in our 2003 Research Agenda available at our website, www.who.int/emf.
We do not preclude the possible interaction of different fields or the overlay of previous exposures to biological and chemical hazards. However, laboatory studies designed to uncover these issues are extremely difficult to undertake and it appears that the best chance for resolution of these issues lies in careflully controlled epidemioloc studies.
Finally, we have invited comments on approaches to protect public health through use of precautinary principle when the data for an adverse health outcome are uncertain. Our draft proposal is also on our website.
Yours truly
Lawrence Goldstein, PhD
'Undemocratic' planning laws criticised
BBC NEWS England Oxfordshire
Utility companies do not have to seek planning permission
Plans to build new telephone masts in Oxford have prompted a campaign to change the planning law. Oxford City Council bosses say it is "undemocratic" that private utility companies are allowed to bypass planning controls.
Under current legislation, private utility firms have permitted development rights, which allow them to select sites for new masts without seeking council planning permission.
In Oxford, Network Rail recently planned to install three 30 metre telecommunications masts in Wolvercote, Cowley and at Oxford Station. But after the city council put forward the concerns of local residents, the firm has announced a number of new sites instead.
Local rights
Council leader councillor Alex Hollingsworth, has now written to planning minister Keith Hill asking him to urgently review planning legislation. Mr Hollingsworth said: "All private companies have to seek planning permission from the council for most of their developments, except for private utility companies.
"I fail to see why they should have the right to make decisions for themselves and stop the public and the council from scrutinising their developments.
"We are determined to overturn this undemocratic law and we are campaigning for the right of local people to have their say on new developments."
The council is currently looking at the new sites proposed by Network Rail.
Protests against mobile masts
BBC NEWS England Devon News in brief
Three new applications for mobile phone masts in Exeter are being opposed by local people.
The highest number of objections relate to an application by T-mobile to put a 15 metre-high mast behind the Texaco filling station in Western Way.
There are also applications to put a mobile phone mast behind the Shell Garage in Topsham Road and on Blackboy roundabout.
Planning officers are recommending approval in each case, saying similar applications have been allowed on appeal and it would be difficult to defend refusal in these cases.
Informant: Robert Riedlinger
Lighting / Shift work and Breast Cancer
Dear Don,
I am not sure if anyone has sent this to you yet. The British Health and Safety Executive (who we have problems with re monitoring base station emission) commissioned a critical review of shift work and breast cancer.
It concludes that there could be "potential mechanism" between shift work and breast cancer because if altered light exposure at night (strip lighting) on levels of melatonin or other hormones that might affect cancer.
Professor Anthony Swerdlow from the Institute of Cancer Reseach, who carried out the study, stated: "There is no doubt that exposure to artificial light decreases the level of melatonin". Having just read the report of the disappointing "60 Minutes" Dr French programme I think the circumstances of the "shift work / breast cancer" study is relevant. Claims that shift work could lead to breast cancer first emerged in Britain in 1987 although subsequent studies have failed to establish a definitive link. With 2 million British women in shift work and at risk, this "official study" confirms that there is a link, after 16 years.
With all this concern on brain tumours I think there is a far greater
risk to women from mobile phone use/base station emissions and breast
With best wishes,
Yasmin Skelt
Chorleywood, England
Message from Don Maisch
Missing Weapons Of Mass Destruction:
Is Lying About The Reason For War An Impeachable Offense?
Mysterious Diseases Haunt U.S. Troops In Iraq
Informant: edandbunkie
Communities shun Patriot Act
Washington Times
"About 165 communities nationwide have passed resolutions condemning the USA Patriot Act. But one little city in northern California has taken its opposition a step further, making it a misdemeanor for city employees to cooperate in enforcing the federal antiterrorism measure. In March, Arcata officials set down a $57 fine for those who don't 'promptly notify the city manager' if federal law-enforcement authorities contact them seeking help in an investigation, interrogation or arrest under the provisions of the act." (07/21/03)
Report outlines Patriot Act rights violations
Liberty Action of the Week - Stop supermarket surveillance cards and RFID technology
White House steps up damage control
Bush warns Syria, Iran on terrorism
Approaching imperial overstretch
Casualties of "victory"
How goes the occupation? Ask the Iraqi people
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
The Crime and the Cover-Up
Dr Kelly's Final Hours Did Not Indicate Suicide
Informant: George Paxinos
Please send to all far and wide, ask that all and any reviewing it follow up by searching for names inside and associated search phrases for it content; this seems to me to be a premier smoking gun. The audacity of the seemingly dispassionate references to experimental victims reaches an issue that they are just cattle being used to fine tune weapons.
Hot item save on disc. Confront the issue of condemnation by sending this document to news sources.
Contains apparent official doc as to experimenting on us currently. Mentioning that within months of 2001 info on the effects on the heart will be gathered.

Informant: John Mecca
Omega links

EMF-provisions answer from the WHO
Dear Mr. Scheingraber,
I agree that laboratory studies of Electric and Magnetic fields do not represent the situation one encounters in the environment, both with respect to the orientation of the fields as well as the impacts of previous exposures. In addition it may be that these laboratory studies use doses that are too low to demonstrate an effect at a statistically significant level.
To address this WHO advocates the undertaking of a cohort study of such size as to demonstrate any effect with statistical reliability. In addition we propose a wide array of laboratory studies designed with particular concern for the use of the results in human health risk assessments. These studies are outlined in our 2003 Research Agenda available at our website, www.who.int/emf.
We do not preclude the possible interaction of different fields or the overlay of previous exposures to biological and chemical hazards. However, laboatory studies designed to uncover these issues are extremely difficult to undertake and it appears that the best chance for resolution of these issues lies in careflully controlled epidemioloc studies.
Finally, we have invited comments on approaches to protect public health through use of precautinary principle when the data for an adverse health outcome are uncertain. Our draft proposal is also on our website.
Yours truly
Lawrence Goldstein, PhD
'Undemocratic' planning laws criticised
BBC NEWS England Oxfordshire
Utility companies do not have to seek planning permission
Plans to build new telephone masts in Oxford have prompted a campaign to change the planning law. Oxford City Council bosses say it is "undemocratic" that private utility companies are allowed to bypass planning controls.
Under current legislation, private utility firms have permitted development rights, which allow them to select sites for new masts without seeking council planning permission.
In Oxford, Network Rail recently planned to install three 30 metre telecommunications masts in Wolvercote, Cowley and at Oxford Station. But after the city council put forward the concerns of local residents, the firm has announced a number of new sites instead.
Local rights
Council leader councillor Alex Hollingsworth, has now written to planning minister Keith Hill asking him to urgently review planning legislation. Mr Hollingsworth said: "All private companies have to seek planning permission from the council for most of their developments, except for private utility companies.
"I fail to see why they should have the right to make decisions for themselves and stop the public and the council from scrutinising their developments.
"We are determined to overturn this undemocratic law and we are campaigning for the right of local people to have their say on new developments."
The council is currently looking at the new sites proposed by Network Rail.

Protests against mobile masts
BBC NEWS England Devon News in brief
Three new applications for mobile phone masts in Exeter are being opposed by local people.
The highest number of objections relate to an application by T-mobile to put a 15 metre-high mast behind the Texaco filling station in Western Way.
There are also applications to put a mobile phone mast behind the Shell Garage in Topsham Road and on Blackboy roundabout.
Planning officers are recommending approval in each case, saying similar applications have been allowed on appeal and it would be difficult to defend refusal in these cases.

Informant: Robert Riedlinger
Lighting / Shift work and Breast Cancer
Dear Don,
I am not sure if anyone has sent this to you yet. The British Health and Safety Executive (who we have problems with re monitoring base station emission) commissioned a critical review of shift work and breast cancer.
It concludes that there could be "potential mechanism" between shift work and breast cancer because if altered light exposure at night (strip lighting) on levels of melatonin or other hormones that might affect cancer.
Professor Anthony Swerdlow from the Institute of Cancer Reseach, who carried out the study, stated: "There is no doubt that exposure to artificial light decreases the level of melatonin". Having just read the report of the disappointing "60 Minutes" Dr French programme I think the circumstances of the "shift work / breast cancer" study is relevant. Claims that shift work could lead to breast cancer first emerged in Britain in 1987 although subsequent studies have failed to establish a definitive link. With 2 million British women in shift work and at risk, this "official study" confirms that there is a link, after 16 years.
With all this concern on brain tumours I think there is a far greater
risk to women from mobile phone use/base station emissions and breast

With best wishes,
Yasmin Skelt
Chorleywood, England
Message from Don Maisch
Missing Weapons Of Mass Destruction:
Is Lying About The Reason For War An Impeachable Offense?

Mysterious Diseases Haunt U.S. Troops In Iraq

Informant: edandbunkie
Communities shun Patriot Act
Washington Times
"About 165 communities nationwide have passed resolutions condemning the USA Patriot Act. But one little city in northern California has taken its opposition a step further, making it a misdemeanor for city employees to cooperate in enforcing the federal antiterrorism measure. In March, Arcata officials set down a $57 fine for those who don't 'promptly notify the city manager' if federal law-enforcement authorities contact them seeking help in an investigation, interrogation or arrest under the provisions of the act." (07/21/03)

Report outlines Patriot Act rights violations

Liberty Action of the Week - Stop supermarket surveillance cards and RFID technology

White House steps up damage control

Bush warns Syria, Iran on terrorism

Approaching imperial overstretch

Casualties of "victory"

How goes the occupation? Ask the Iraqi people

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
The Crime and the Cover-Up

Dr Kelly's Final Hours Did Not Indicate Suicide

Informant: George Paxinos
Citizens' Initiative Omega