SMOKING GUN: The 9/11 Evidence that May Hang Bush - and, ultimately, Blair
Cheryl Seal | 22.07.2003 16:54 | Analysis | London | World
REAL Questions are finally being asked about Bush and Blair, such as did they engineer the pretext for the slaughter of nearly 6,000 Iraqis and at least 153 UK/US soldiers. But will the ultimate question be asked? Did Bush engineer 9/11 - the event that opened the door to the endless Bush/Blair "war on terror"?
What a convenient "coincidence"! Just as questions as to whether Bush engineered the war on Iraq were beginning to turn into questions of whether he engineered the entire war on terror, a "preview" of the soon-to-be released report on 9/11 has been "leaked" to the biggest panderer of mockinbgird news in the mainstream media: AP. The report is the end product of a commission that was blocked at every turn by Bush -a commission as toothless as Mammy Yokum. It of course finds no evidence of a "smoking gun" but instead claims 9/11 was "just one of those things" -an unavoidable disaster due to a chain of "errors" diffused through the chain of command. Strange - that's the same story Bush and Blair are using in their current crises, too. Same story...and getting older by the minute!
The reality is - this administration has so much to hide it is now running scared. Leaking bits of a report that attempts to steer the public away from the possible horrific truth about September 11 is a move of extreme desperation, because it is such a gamble. It is gambling that the public will put 9/11 behind it - but taking a huge risk: the risk that the public will, instead, have their attention called back to 9/11 and thus to the bigger - much bigger - picture where this evil government is concerned.
"SMOKING GUN: The 9/11 Evidence that May Hang G. W. Bush" by Baltimore writer Cheryl Seal was first published in the spring of 2002. It is being reposted now in "honor" of the phony 9/11 commission "report" . This link goes to the full-length version of the story in one part (it originally appeared as a five-parter) which can be printed out and passed on.
Consider the exhaustive evidence in the article - then you decide for yourself: Is G. W. Bush guilty?
The reality is - this administration has so much to hide it is now running scared. Leaking bits of a report that attempts to steer the public away from the possible horrific truth about September 11 is a move of extreme desperation, because it is such a gamble. It is gambling that the public will put 9/11 behind it - but taking a huge risk: the risk that the public will, instead, have their attention called back to 9/11 and thus to the bigger - much bigger - picture where this evil government is concerned.
"SMOKING GUN: The 9/11 Evidence that May Hang G. W. Bush" by Baltimore writer Cheryl Seal was first published in the spring of 2002. It is being reposted now in "honor" of the phony 9/11 commission "report" . This link goes to the full-length version of the story in one part (it originally appeared as a five-parter) which can be printed out and passed on.
Consider the exhaustive evidence in the article - then you decide for yourself: Is G. W. Bush guilty?

Cheryl Seal