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Disarm DSEi Counter Conference

Disarm DSEi | 22.07.2003 13:13 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | London

Call for groups that wish to put on workshops as part of the Disarm DSEi week of actions.

DSEi 2003 (Defence Systems Equipment International), Europe’s largest arms fair is being held in London this September. DISARM DSEi is coordinating a week long festival of action, protest and resistance against the arms fair and in solidarity with actions against the WTO meeting Cancun. As part of this week of action we will be holding a 2-day counter-conference to allow people to share their views on a diverse range of topics.

The conference will run from 7 – 8 September 2003 and workshops will be 1 ½ hours long. If you are interested in putting on a workshop or seminar or being involved in anyway in the DSEi Conference email (See below for available workshop times).

We are also planning on having a film festival from 9 - 11 September) so if you have any films you feel would be appropriate to show, please let us know.

For more information on other events happening throughout the week, check out the website:

07 September 2003

08 September 2003

Disarm DSEi
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DSEi action is the way forward...

22.07.2003 13:58

The root of most of the problems in the world is the arms trade. They provide the means for governments and corporations to oppress and terrorise. They are the cynical bastards who sell arms to all sides in this global war, reaping bigger and bigger profits as the conflagration spreads. Their actions are akin to throwing petrol on a smouldering human bonfire (bone-fire). They have close links to everything that is bad in this world and manage to carry on in virtual obscurity because their customers are governments, dealing in secret with public money. Wasting resources that could be spent on cleaning, feeding and educating this dying planet many times over.

The Iraq war was, in part, a gruesome advert for the latest weapons. The interests that are profiting from this war, are very close to the UK and US governments. This must stop.

We need to raise this issue high into the public awareness - these bastards must be made to pay for the damage they have wrought. "Defence" spending must be reduced massively. Stringent controls must be put on weapons exports. Workers (especially graduates - who have more of a choice, and without whom new weapons could not be designed) must be made to see that working for these devils is unacceptable. Make a pariah out of anyone who gives their time to this hideous industry.

We need a peaceful army to go DSEi and shut it down.

Throw the bastards out of town.

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peaceful but agry

22.07.2003 17:20

Facts should be openly discussed so that the natural anger that will riseup in true humans will culminate and make a statement at the DSEi 2003.


it's not just dsei

22.07.2003 18:31

closing down dsei ain't enough (though would be highly satisfactory!). nothing less than the complete closure of the international arms trade should be our real aim. so don't forget the square mile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

spontaneous action