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blair to f_ck off to america?

~ | 22.07.2003 11:17 | Analysis

"blair for president!"



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Let us remember the 'terrorist prisoner'....

22.07.2003 12:39

ms. piggy at the muppet show
ms. piggy at the muppet show

...Mandela (Yes the charge on Mandela for 35 years was 'terrorism')

"Blair is the poodle of George W Bush"

The prime minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (so accurately put by the Chinese news agencies ) was recently asked by a Shanghai university student whether there was an attempt to make 'UK of GB and NI' the 51st state of the USofA?

Picture from....
A good read...especially at the end.

Everyone is laughing their head off at the UK of GB and NI not just Tony.
Even mainstream news surces outside the pig influence are referrign to Kelly death (for an example) as 'Kelly, who bled to death of a slit wrist' and the suicide bullshit is not even mentioned.
eg Source:,1009,62656,00.html

UK of GB and NI is the comedy drama of the planet!!

(I experienced problems while uploading the image. Who/where should know what I experienced?)


Wot no pigs?

22.07.2003 13:56

Well they would know about annexing smaller independent states in China, given their track record in Tibet and their repeated attempts to absorb Taiwan. Come to think of it they're not to keen on anti-government demonstrators either. So basically The "People's" Republic of China is a Fascist oligarchy with a red veneer.


sheepshagging racist pig

22.07.2003 16:55

Chinese are not facsists like the pig nations.
Maybe the dictatorial rule and its ways are a bit new to us.
Do you honestly still go on about Tibet and their claim to Taiwan when we are so blatantly fascist in the ways we continue the imperialistc rule over the helpless from here, directly mass murdering children in the millions?

This is (sheepshagger's double standards) the ugly face of the racism that has put ourselves in this pathetic position.

The chinese are to be admired for their honesty and the way they have pulled 1 ion 5 people out of death by starvation. They might have mistakes but they are nowhere near as fucked up as we are.

By the way are you aware thet the Lama (who loves young boys) in exile attended the Evian summit not to mention Taiwan's capitalist nature.


If the stupid yanks want him they can f cking well have him

23.07.2003 09:23
If you support the candidacy of Tony Blair for President, please sign our petition

July 22, 2003
Tony Blair for US President
Tony Blair for President
Blair in 2004!
thank him

~ (again)


24.07.2003 09:17
Tony Blair for President

July 23, 2003
Tony wouldn't really run for President
Tony Blair for President 2004!
someone is more upbeat about the chances

~ (yet again)

it made the guardian!

30.07.2003 11:03
Blair for president Tony Blair for President!
running for the US Presidency in 2004
Tony Blair for president?

July 26, 2003
Tony Blair for President

July 22, 2003

July 17, 2003
Blair in 2004

July 13, 2003
Right here

July 12, 2003
Tony Blair for President
Tony Blair for President!
