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Juice FM cash in on selling advertising space to The Sun (The Scum)

Duarf | 22.07.2003 00:07 | Liverpool

Juice FM cash in on selling advertising space to The Sun (The Scum)

Ever since 1989 when The Sun (The Scum) ran an inaccurate story in the aftermath of the Hillsborough disaster, in which 96 Liverpool fans lost their lives, concerning the conduct of Reds fans involved in the tragedy the newspaper has been the subject of an ongoing boycott by many people in the city. Not only did the headlining article called 'The Truth' outline false and derogatory comments concerning fans in and around the Leppings Lane End where the tragic scenes unfolded, but the subsequent failure of The Sun (The Scum) to issue an apology now means the newspaper is largely unwelcome throughout Merseyside, which has cost the newspaper approximately £125 million. However this did not deter local radio station Juice FM from trying to cash in on selling advertising space to The Sun (The Scum), which caused great anger and concern amongst listeners. When questioned on this Juice FM used the phoney excuse of “Our advertising is arranged on a national basis and as our ad-campaign manager has been on holiday, this somehow slipped through the net” - Bullshit!

Boycott The Sun (The Scum) and Juice FM



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Ruined Surf

22.07.2003 11:44

Juice took over Brighton's independant radio station 'Surf FM' and replaced it with commercial crap so I wouldnt go anywhere near it anyway.


Bring back CRASH FM

25.07.2003 14:08

Before Juice FM there was Crash FM.

Crash FM got it's broadcasting license by promising the radio licensing authority that it would be broadcasting independent music which was not of the main stream. They employed a lot of previously unemployed people from Liverpool who are quite well known on the music scene here.

Crash FM was set up by Janice Long, she didn't have the money to do it herself at the time so she had investors involved. She sat on the board of Crash FM but only as a non voting member with the money men. Just when she was legally allowed to get voting rights, for the board, she was sacked let go and the board and organisation, the name was changed to Juice FM and they started playing music which in my opinion does not fit with the License from the Radio Licensing authority. DJ's were very quickly changed.

It would be good for someone to check with the radio licensing authority what it states in their license to see if they are complying with it.

Bob Holness