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Amin is dead

joram | 20.07.2003 21:26 | London

Idi Amin has died!!!!!!!!!!!

Amin has died!



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Can someone comfirm he has acutally died?

20.07.2003 21:52

The latest from any reliable source I have seen is that he is "near to death", as of 20/7/03, 21:48.

Thomas J

He's dead!!!!

20.07.2003 22:43

THe thug has died!!!!!!!!

mail e-mail:

Amin in a coma

20.07.2003 22:57

"I am leading a quiet life and committed to my religion, Islam, and Allah. I don't have problems with anyone," Mr Amin told the newspaper's reporter in his luxury home in Jeddah.

"Up to 400,000 people are estimated to have died during his time in office or are still unaccounted for."

Allah Akhbar! Another murdering advocate of the Religion of Peace(tm) is dead!