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Body found in wood matches UK weapons inspector

Gargantua | 19.07.2003 18:09

Kelly, a microbiologist at the Defence Ministry who had worked for U.N. inspectors in Iraq, had been grilled by parliamentarians on Tuesday after admitting he spoke to a reporter for Britain's BBC radio.

LONGWORTH, England, July 18 — British police found a body on Friday matching that of a mild-mannered scientist who disappeared after becoming unwittingly embroiled in a furious political dispute about the Iraq war.
The softly spoken 59-year-old had been thrust into the limelight by a row over whether the British government hyped the threat from Iraq in order to justify joining the U.S.-led war.
The political fallout was almost immediate. Prime Minister Tony Blair's government promised an independent judicial inquiry into events leading up to the death of Dr David Kelly, if it is confirmed.
Blair has refused previous calls for a wider inquiry into the government case for war in Iraq.
Kelly's family reported him missing overnight after he went for a walk in the Oxfordshire countryside on Thursday with no coat and stayed out despite a rainstorm. Police found a body in a wood near his home earlier on Friday.
''We can confirm that the body matches the description of Dr Kelly. The body has not been formally identified,'' a police spokeswoman said.
Kelly, a microbiologist at the Defence Ministry who had worked for U.N. inspectors in Iraq, had been grilled by parliamentarians on Tuesday after admitting he spoke to a reporter for Britain's BBC radio.
The reporter, Andrew Gilligan, said in May a senior intelligence source had told him the government ''sexed up'' data to emphasise the threat from Iraq.
That report sparked parliamentary hearings into how the government made the case for war, forced Blair onto the defensive and pitted government officials against the broadcaster in a heated war of words.
Blair spoke to top officials about the case from aboard a flight to Tokyo from Washington.
''The prime minister is obviously very distressed for the family of Dr Kelly,'' a spokesman said aboard the flight.
If the death is confirmed the defence ministry would hold an independent judicial inquiry, presided over by a judge with access to all government papers, he added.
Kelly's discomfort in the spotlight was evident from his demeanour at the foreign affairs committee hearing.
Speaking so softly he could barely be heard, he admitted he had met Gilligan but denied telling him Blair's communications chief Alastair Campbell had ordered intelligence on suspected Iraqi banned weapons to be hyped.
Kelly appeared shell-shocked when parliamentarians at the hearing described him as ''chaff'' and a government ''fall guy,'' put forward to shield top officials from blame.
Kelly's wife Jane described him as deeply upset by the hearing, family friend Tom Mangold, a television journalist, told ITV News.
''She told me he had been under considerable stress, that he was very very angry about what had happened at the committee..,'' Mangold said.

He worked for Porton Down 18.Jul.2003 12:12



Dead Scientist worked for Porton Down

Kelly worked for Porton Down

As GFP found out last week, Kelly was more than just an "adviser to the Foreign Office". From 1984-1992 he was Head of Microbiology at the Chemical and Biological Defence Establishment, Porton Down. Kelly was also among the hardliners who claimed that Iraq had WMD.

In October 2001, Kelly claimed, that in 1985, Iraq obtained Anthrax through a mail order of Virginia-based American Type Culture Collection.

It was not obvious if Kelly was indeed the BBC Source.

Kelly took also part in all trilateral visits to the former Soviet Union, Russia, the US and the UK. He was Senior Advisor on Biological Weapons to UNSCOM from 1994-­99, and led and participated in many inspections in Iraq from 1991-­98.

From 1984-1992 Kelly was Head of Microbiology at the Chemical and Biological Defence Establishment, Porton Down.

Porton Down, controversial for their Chemical Warfare Experimental Stations from the 20s to the 50s, was also able to obtain the Anthrax Spores, which had been used in the October 2001 attacks.

Porton Down, directly, and the CIA, indirectly, received their samples of the particular anthrax spores used in the attacks from the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infections Diseases at Fort Detrick, about 50 miles north of Washington.

Since the First World War, the Chemical and Biological Defence Establishment at Porton Down carried out experiments on volunteers to understand better the effects of chemical agents that might be used against British troops in warfare and improve protective measures.

In the 90s, Porton Downs cooperation with the British Government became stronger again and ended basically in a merger:
By 1991 the Chemical Defence Establishment of Porton Down became the Chemical and Biological Defence Establishment and was one of the six new Defence Support Agencies. In 1995, the Establishment became part of the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA), an executive agency of MOD evolved in 1994 from proposals of the “Front Line First” Defence Cost Studies.

In 2001, DERA split into two organisations: QinetiQ, a private company, and DSTL (Defence Science and Technology Laboratory), which remains an agency of MOD. Porton Down is now known as DSTL, Porton Down.

Today, Dstl delivers defence research, specialist technical services and the ability to track global technological developments.

In July 2002, the Carlyle Group took a 34% stake in QinetiQ.



Hide the following 18 comments

He apparently was being played...

19.07.2003 18:43

Its reported that he wrote an email to a journalist hours before he went for his walk,
saying that dark forces were at work behind the scenes...

Blair looked like he was going to cry at his press conference.

Well, let me be the first to say:


we all knew it would end in tears...very bad for the guy and his family, but lets not forget the thousands that have died in the Iraq War that are suddenly invisible.


Teletext report:

19.07.2003 19:33

TELETEXT P306 ITV on July 19th at 19:44:


Accused MoD scientist Dr David Kelly told of "many dark actors playing games" in an e-mail to a journalist sent just hours before his "suicide".

The New York Times said Dr Kelly was referring to MoD and UK intelligence officials but did not name the recipient of the e-mail message.

In the e-mail he said he was "waiting until the end of the week" before judging how his evidence had gone.


Bumped off

19.07.2003 21:23

The question is, was he bumped off because he knew too much?
There were a large number of microbiologists who died under mysterious circumstances from around the time of the anthrax spread 2001-02 see

Or is it also to expedite the demise of the Blair regime, which would seem to be very close.(And also the Bush regime?) This would appear to be the reason why WMDs have not been planted in Iraq, as was widely epected.


Kelly was killed

19.07.2003 21:55

Kelly was a scientist. He was not inspired by ideology or motivated by greed. Maybe he was naive enough to believe that his role as a UN arms inspector could avert war and help international security. But he is a victim of an arrogant state which is now acting to protect itself.

His family said he was angry - not depressed - when he returned from the foreign affairs select committee interrogation. Angry men do not commit suicide. One can therefore surmise that Dr Kelly was assassinated.

Why would the state want to eradicate him? As an arms inspector and a government advisor, he was probably one of the few people who knew more than most about the Iraq WMD programme. For example, he had investigated the British link to Iraq's biological weapons programme - something which is still hazy to this day. Who knows, perhaps the British government was involved in directing attacks on Iran and the Kurdish population. If this was the case, Kelly would have known this. Losing faith in the British authorities, Kelly may have been about to disclose any sensitive information damaging to the government.

When I say government, I don't mean Blair. This goes beyond party politics and into the darker realms of the state, including the self-serving agents and vested interests who couldn't care less if Blair is replaced, so long as their power is protected. The Iraq War and the shoddy "dossiers" have revealed the weaknesses of the secret services. Kelly could have had the knowledge to blow them out of the water. His assassination may look bad on Blair, but it's served a purpose and I doubt we'll ever know the truth.


kelly was on telly (repeat broadcast)

19.07.2003 22:06

(IMC censor: assuming Dan intentionally cut and pasted I rebroadcast...if you are rearranging the posts/comments it might be good idea to announce it....anyway nice job so far except the 'ram' imposters .....)

If the pig was not a spy then then it was a hardline rightwing prick for working on bio weapon manufacture and proliferation.

Do not bullshit yourself with all this respected english scientist mumbo jumbo...
remember when the arm/oil dealer cunt of a husband of Maggie thatcher fucked off to hell the pig was branded a 'respectable businessman'...


Oh dear ram

19.07.2003 22:26

You've got to rant on about what a pig he was
Well there's always pig above pig above pig above....
At the top of the pig pyramid there's ultimate pigs who'll gladly off lower pig orders in order to protect their positions and achieve their objectives
He's the twelth pig microbiologist pig to die in the last 2 1/2 years
This pig death seems to be a final blow at the higher pig level of Blair and co
The great big pigs have decided that the Blair pig level has fulfilled its grunting objectives and can no longer snout at the trough - so they must go to make way perhaps for the glass eyed pig cohorts - a temporary porcine sleight of hand
Next go the more elevated pig levels - the Bush pigs and all who worship at the altar of great Pigdom
In comes the ultimate Napoleonic Order of Pig
To make us little bottom rung piglets squeal like a.... a... a... grunt ... oink...squeal...(pig)


Even I think there is something amiss

19.07.2003 22:52

The moment I heard news about Kelly's death I thought that he obviously knew too much for their, and I caught the faint whiff of foul play. Whether or not there was a secret assassination plot, or just that Bush, Blair, Campbell, and the other war chimps drove him to suicide, one way or another, Kelly was murdered, and is just another victim of the Western worlds war on humanity.

Thomas J

Is Blair on The Ropes?

20.07.2003 00:29

Kelly suicide deepens UK credibility crisis
Sunday, July 20, 2003

NEW YORK: The wife of British weapons specialist David Kelly was told by British police that her husband’s death was a suicide, US media said on Saturday.

Kelly, an expert on biological weapons, left his home on Thursday saying he was going for a walk and never returned, Jan Kelly told the New York Times on Saturday. Police confirmed that the body found in woods near his home was indeed Kelly’s and ruled the death a suicide, she said, without giving further details.

Jan Kelly told the Times her husband did some work for the Foreign Office on Thursday morning, sent email messages to friends, then went out for a walk after lunch, “as he usually does.” She had no inkling he was contemplating suicide, though “he had been under enormous stress, as we all had been.” Kelly, 59, a Ministry of Defence adviser on Iraqi biological weapons and former UN arms inspector, had Tuesday denied he was the main source of a disputed BBC report in late May that Downing Street had misused intelligence to beef up the case for joining the US-led war on Iraq. British Prime Minister Tony Blair called Kelly’s death was “a terrible tragedy” and he felt “profoundly saddened” for both the unassuming civil servant and his family. Kelly, 59, had been identified as the possible source behind a BBC report in May that Blair’s office “sexed up” a dossier on Baghdad’s weapons capabilities that was used to justify the war on Iraq in March.

Kelly disappeared on Thursday, two days after facing gruelling questioning by a parliamentary committee investigating the affair. —AFP

Blair silent on resignation

HAKONE: British Prime Minister Tony Blair refused to say on Saturday whether he might resign over the apparent suicide death of David Kelly, an expert at the center of a dispute over Iraq’s weapons programs. Asked at the end of a joint press conference with his Japanese counterpart Junichiro Koizumi whether he had “blood on his hands” and might stand down, Blair refused to answer. Instead, he stared silently out on a room full journalists and television cameras for several tense seconds and then, with Koizumi at his side, left. Minutes earlier, Blair had declined to say whether he had discussed with his defense secretary Geoff Hoon, or with his close aide and media wizard Alastair Campbell, their possible resignations. —AFP



20.07.2003 02:31

people commit suicide everyday because of the stress and strain of this system.

why is his suicide any different?

dark forces at work

humans vs pigs

20.07.2003 09:02

suicide is exclusive behaviour of humans...
pigs are cut and made to bleed to death...
(total respect to animals one should kill any animals)


Very astuts, ram - sacrificial death then...?

20.07.2003 12:54

Yes, Dr Kelly was bled to death, like a sacrificial animal
With a cut to the left wrist - a reference perhaps to the left hand path
In a sacred spot with intersecting leys - Harrowdown Hill
And was not Dr Kelly,appropriately and symbolically 'harrowed down', by colleagues and masters in the last few days of his life?


Previous microbiologist murder by youthful satanists

20.07.2003 13:11

The murder of leading biotechnologist Robert Schwartz in Virginia was a ritual sacrifice for the perpetrators

Not so far-fetched then
(See link for full listing of previous batch of murdered scientists above)


Suicide or Murder?

20.07.2003 16:18

I think we all know that bush/blair attacked Iraq illegally, and in a just world would face prosecution for war crimes, the thing I dont understand is the amount of hysteria over the death (be it suicide or murder), of one nasty little man who had spent many years developing chemical weapons at Porton Down. On the other hand the deaths of thousands of Iraqis, Afghans, and Kosovans, during recent illegal wars, draws little comment from corporate media sources.............strange that isnt it?



Shot in the back of the head?

20.07.2003 17:43

No confirmation available for this


Kelly - Blackmailed to admit he was 'rogue element'?

20.07.2003 17:45

If suicide - then may be because Kelly
was blackmailed to declare to the Committee that
he was a 'rogue element' (the 'plausible/deniable')
who fed Andrew Gilligan the line that the 45 minute
claim was hyped by the government. If he had spun that
line, the government would then have dismissed him as
a rogue element who could not prove such a claim.
Whatever his faults as a Porton Down scientist, he
did not play ball with the government. He therefore
knew what might follow in the way of consequences.
If murder - how many suicides only slash one wrist?
On the other hand - why kill the man who didn't 'know'
who hyped the 45 minute claim?
What would be the point in killing Kelly if his newly enraged
masters could destroy his reputation in other ways.

Anne Thwacks


20.07.2003 17:48


methods of suicide

20.07.2003 20:09

One thing would bother me if i would be an investigating police officer.
Cutting your wrists is a messy, painfull, slow death.
You need a strong mind to cut deep enough, the wound might close.
Because of this it is a method. which is hardly used to commit suicide, especially in the gender and age group of the victim.
There is a lot of info to find on the net on this subject.
Logic: Someone working for the MOD would probably use suicide method no 1, blowing your brains out.
Ritual someone said? I would rather call it leaving a signature.



21.07.2003 10:19

A guy who'd been working with 'death' all his life would know other, far less dramatic and painful ways to commit suicide. How about exhaust fumes for instance? No. This is a murder. No question.
