Body 'matches' Iraq expert (friendly fire ? )
airvent brabinger | 18.07.2003 13:33
Police searching for the weapons expert suggested by the government as the
possible source for a BBC story on Iraq say the body they have found matches Dr
David Kelly's appearance.
The body was found at 0920 BST by a member of the police team searching for Dr Kelly in a wooded area at Harrowdown Hill, near Faringdon, Oxfordshire.
I know that the beeb are a bit dodgy but let's support them on this one .. e
possible source for a BBC story on Iraq say the body they have found matches Dr
David Kelly's appearance.
The body was found at 0920 BST by a member of the police team searching for Dr Kelly in a wooded area at Harrowdown Hill, near Faringdon, Oxfordshire.
I know that the beeb are a bit dodgy but let's support them on this one .. e

Body 'matches' Iraq expert
Police searching for the weapons expert suggested by the government as the
possible source for a BBC story on Iraq say the body they have found matches Dr
David Kelly's appearance.
The body was found at 0920 BST by a member of the police team searching for Dr Kelly in a wooded area at Harrowdown Hill, near Faringdon, Oxfordshire.
Government adviser Dr Kelly, 59, went missing from his home
in Southmoor, Abingdon, Oxfo rdshire, at about 1500 BST on
The body was found lying on the ground, a police
spokeswoman said.
She said items had been removed from Dr Kelly's house as
they would in any missing person's inquiry.
The body was found around five miles from Dr Kelly's home.
Earlier this week, Dr Kelly denied being the BBC's main source
for a story claiming Downing Street had "sexed up" a dossier
about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.
He appeared before the Commons foreign affairs committee on
MPs on the committee reacted with shock and disbelief at
news of Dr Kelly's disappearance.
His family had contacted the
police when he failed to return
home by 2345 BST on
Tony Blair, who is heading to
Japan after his speech to
Congress in Washington, has
been informed about the
discovery of the body.
Huge media attention has been
on Dr Kelly since the Ministry
of Defence said he had
admitted meeting Andrew
Gilligan, the BBC correspondent
behind the controversial Iraq
Mr Gilligan said a source had
told him that the dossier on Iraq had been "sexed up" by
Downing Street.
The BBC correspondent has refused to name his source, but
the MoD said Dr Kelly had come forward to say it may have
been him.
Acting superintendent Dave Purnell, of Thames Valley Police,
speaking to reporters in Wantage, Oxfordshire, said: "We
haven't ruled anything out yet. Clearly there are people at the
scene now and there is no further information as to the body
that has been found apart from to say it is a male.
"This is clearly a sensitive inquiry at the moment. The family
of Dr David Kelly have been aware of what the police have
been doing in relation to the search for him."
Superintendent Purnell said the search for Dr Kell y continued
with the police helicopter and around 70 officers.
He said the official's family were aware that a body had been
found. A police family liaison officer is with them.
Harrowdown Hill, where the body is found, is an area popular
with walkers but "quite off the beaten track", he added.
Graham Atkins, landlord of the Waggon and Horses pub in
Southmoor, told BBC News Online: "Everybody at the pub
really sends their best to the family. It is shocking news."
Police say Dr Kelly is an avid wal ker and has good local
knowledge of the many footpaths surrounding his home.
His disappearance and failure to make contact with anyone
was described by his family as 'out of character'.
Initial searches of the house,
outbuildings and grounds of
the pr operty were completed
in the early hours of Friday.
Checks of local hospitals have
also shown no trace of Dr
Dr Kelly is 5ft 8ins, of slim build
and with grey receding hair and a white well-trimmed beard.
He has green/grey eyes and was last s een wearing an
off-white cotton shirt possibly striped, blue jeans, with a
brown leather belt and brown shoes.
Anyone who feels they may have information that can help in
tracing Dr Kelly should call 08458 505 505.
A Ministry of Defence spokeswoman sa id: "We are aware that
Dr David Kelly has gone missing and we are obviously
The ministry said Dr Kelly had at no point been threatened
with suspension or dismissal for speaking to Mr Gilligan.
It was made clear to him that he had broken ci vil service rules
by having unauthorised contact with a journalist, but "that
was the end of it", said a spokesman.
Downing Street says it is "very concerned about news that
David Kelly has gone missing". A spokesman said thoughts
were with Dr Kelly's f amily.
Number 10 says "normal personnel procedures" were followed
after Dr Kelly volunteered that he might have been the source
of Mr Gilligan's report.
It was made clear to Dr Kelly
that his name was likely to
become public knowledge
because he was o ne of only a
small number of people it could
have been about, the
spokesman said.
After questioning Dr Kelly earlier
this week, the Commons foreign
affairs select committee said it
was "most unlikely" he was the
main source for the BBC story.
And they said Dr Kelly, who has worked as a weapons
inspector in Iraq, had been "poorly treated" by the
government - a charge strongly rejected by the MoD.
Committee chairman Donald Anderson told
the BBC his "heart went out" to Dr Kelly's
family as the search f or the official went on.
Another member of the
committee, Tory John Maples
said he was "speechless" after
hearing of the discovery of a
"If it is (Dr Kelly), it is just awful. What can you say? Nothing," he
"There must be more to this than we had thought. I do not know
what that means, I just think there is."
Tory MP Richard Ottaway, another committee member, said: "He
is not used to the media glare, he is not used to the intense
spotlight he has been put under."
The BBC has rejected Mr Anderson's claim that Mr Gilligan was an
"unreliable witness" who had changed his story about the Iraq
dossier claims when he met the committee in private on
Thursday. ›r
airvent brabinger
Hide the following 7 comments
Blair body count
18.07.2003 14:04
Dicounting the British Marconi scientists and virologists who have mysteriously died in the past, is this to be the first of many?
See also -
for fucks sake!
18.07.2003 14:06
Do you honestly want the world to believe that the pigs did not know that their PM was lying?!
I suggest you spend time on a campaign to highlight the 1.5 milion children murdered in cold blood over the most babbaric sanction regime, actively engineered by the the pigs, including the pig who went to hell (remember the MoD bioweapon scientist will always go to hell) who also happened t be a weapons inspector instrumental in the imposition of sanctions.
Kelly: burn in hell, pig!!!
U Wot ? Ram
18.07.2003 21:23
wot the people know and wot the people don't know is something that is neither here nor
there ....
I once produced a record (ten inch picture disc) called "a gathering of garbage and lies"
1991 if i remember correctly the subject wos one Charles manson ..
wot you wanna talk about the finer points of the media .
I am also a vegatarian and have rather a soft spot for pigs wild boar ect .. v
original poster (under wotever name )
for fuck's sake indeed
18.07.2003 21:25
He puts out the required propaganda and will do until his public demise (quite soon it would appear)
Dr Kelly may well have been doing an unpleasant job at the service of this agenda.
He was also accused of leaking - perhaps he had a fragment of conscience.
He maybe proved himself a threat with too much knowledge
And he suddenly appears dead
This has happened to innumerable people who may have been perceived a threat to the Bush regime and business interests (
Now what you getting angry about?
I spy a spy
18.07.2003 22:56
Kelly caught
19.07.2003 11:09
His family said he was angry - not depressed - when he returned from the foreign affairs select committee interrogation. Angry men do not commit suicide. One can therefore surmise that Dr Kelly was assassinated.
Why would the state want to eradicate him? As an arms inspector and a government advisor, he was probably one of the few people who knew more than most about the Iraq WMD programme. For example, he had investigated the British link to Iraq's biological weapons programme - something which is still hazy to this day. Who knows, perhaps the British government was involved in directing attacks on Iran and the Kurdish population. If this was the case, Kelly would have known this. Losing faith in the British authorities, Kelly may have been about to disclose any sensitive information damaging to the government.
When I say government, I don't mean Blair. This goes beyond party politics and into the darker realms of the state, including the self-serving agents and vested interests who couldn't care less if Blair is replaced, so long as their power is protected. The Iraq War and the shoddy "dossiers" have revealed the weaknesses of the secret services. Kelly could have had the knowledge to blow them out of the water. His assassination may look bad on Blair, but it's served a purpose and I doubt we'll ever know the truth.
kelly was on telly
19.07.2003 18:24
Do not bullshit yourself with all this respected english scientist mumbo jumbo...
remember when the arm/oil dealer cunt of a husband of Maggie thatcher fucked off to hell the pig was branded a 'respectable businessman'...