Meeting - the meaning, relevance and purpose of a working-class party
snowball | 18.07.2003 11:40 | Sheffield
Sheffield No War But the Class War will be holding an open discussion meeting on Saturday, 19th July, 2:00-5:00pm in the Rutland Arms (5 minutes walk from Sheffield Railway Station). The meeting will discuss the meaning, relevance and purpose of a Working-class Party - All participation will be welcome - Please circulate to anyone who could be interested.
Some background on the discussion taken for the NWBTCW email list follows.
Steve asked the following questions:
Why do the working class needs a revolutionary political party?
What is a difference between a Revolutionary party and a Revolutionary organisation? To put it a bit differently, what are the qualitative/quantitative differences between an organisation and a party?
What is the nature of a revolutionary party? It’s structure, membership and so on
Would a new party be a hierarchical party? If yes why there is a need for hierarchy?
Would there be any fundamental differences between the future revolutionary party and that of the Bolsheviks type party?
How and what would be the relation between the party and the soviets (councils)?
Has a new technology provided a base that will affect the structure of the formation of the new party?
Why the formation of a new party should be only considered as part of the International party?
Mike then replied with the following:
There seems to be at least some interest in the proposal to have an organised discussion, and to judge from Steves comments the question of the party is high on the list for clarification. I propose to put forward some points (we might need to agree on some definitions to avoid confusion), in the hope that we can generate enough agreement to move on to having a more public discussion.
I would hope to be in a position to force a discussion by challenging other tendencies that claim to favour some sort of workers party. We are already several tendencies of course but I have in mind those who treat the matter rather passively as though waiting for someone else (eg Trade Unions) to start the process. One of the reasons I posed the "party" issue was that the anti-war movement had built up a certain amount of feeling against Blair and Labour but nowhere gave this an organised expression. There was no attempt to turn anyones mind towards a break with labour or relate the war issue to that of political leadership. What was needed was a concrete way of posing the class struggle. Perhaps even the SWP delude themselves that their role in the antiwar campaign was promoting the class struggle, and they got away with that because they are not being challenged over their relationship with labour.
I may have contributed to some confusion by referring to myself as a supporter of the Bolshevik type of party. Unfortunately this is widely seen, by those who have imbibed too much of the bourgeois histories and social sciences, as essentially Stalinist (centralised, top down, monolithic). In fact up to 1917 the leaders in exile had only fitful contacts with the party organisation in Russia, and very little control. Lenin railed a good deal against amateurism and compared the party work with primitive Russian handicraft production. I don't think the party could be described as monolithic or centralised etc in this period
The party had been part of the RSDLP and separated off following a disagreement over the definition of membership. The Bolshevik definition was stricter and in effect meant they self selected those who were most committed to the cause and generally more principled that those who remained with the Mensheviks. Lenin was regarded as a leader because of his theoretical and polemical writings. Following the April Theses he was able to win the party to the need for the October revolution.
The Bolsheviks had the advantage of emerging from a movement that already had real roots in the working class based on years of political education, and long experience of underground work. Party members "obeyed" because they were committed to the struggle and were willing to play their part and had built up confidence in the leaders.
The concept of democratic centralism is widely misunderstood as being "its party policy you have to do it", when in fact it should be seen as the leaders seeking to convince the members of the right course and building up a high level of political awareness and commitment. If leaders appeal to anything other than political consciousness the whole project fails; if you have political power you have created a monster- otherwise probably just a sect or a cult.
This struggle for political understanding is the reason for being of the party both within and without. Ideas crystallise as organisation; organisation is the "property" of the working class and determines its relationship to the means of production.
The interests of the working class whether immediate or historical, todays bread or the future of humanity require expression and organisation. This is necessary to separate the workers from their enemies and advance the struggle, and to prepare the class for the task of taking power and reorganising the world in the interests of humanity.
The party is the most conscious sector of the class and recalls and applies the lessons of past struggles and clarifies the tasks ahead. Again this is essentially a battle of ideas. The transformation of society cannot be forced; it must be the willing action of the great mass of the workers. Only when we are organised as a mass force can we challenge the way in which society is organised. So long as the workers do not have a party of its own they will be forced to choose between the lesser evil of capitalist parties, produce their wealth and fight their wars.
Fears about an entrenched hierarchy can be allayed by free and full discussion and by the principle of recalling elected delegates. On the other hand it should be clear that it is not a talking shop; conclusions should be reached and acted upon, members should fight to advance the party and its programme.
The programme is the heart of the party in that it lays down the conclusions of its discussion and is the basis of agreement on which the party is built. More importantly, however, the programme is not just a shopping list of slogans of the day but a series of measures aimed at taking the working class to power.
Steve raises a number of questions. I will not try to respond to them all at once but just take up a few points.
I agree that a new party should only be considered as part of the International party, but the one does not pre-supposed the other. I don't want a recipe for paralysis. The struggle starts here. We don't have to launch a ready made world party tomorrow but we can advance the discussion and promote the concept. If others in other towns and countries and from different traditions are doing the same so much the better. Of course there are several organisations in existence that seek the building of a world party. I would loosely associate myself with the Trotskyist tradition, but I am very much in favour of knocking down some factional walls.
We already have some very powerful tools (web) that were not available to the Bolsheviks. This will also impact on the structure of class struggle and the way future society is organised.
I am not clear why Steve asks about the distinction between party and organisation. Does this relate to some previous debates in the left communist tradition?
Finally, on the party, there are others who are debating the concept in a very different context. I refer to the quite large movements of radicals etc (anti globalisation/ European Social Forum/ Refounders of this and that). We have of course a lame brain equivalent in the shape of the Socialist Alliance. Its relationship with the SWP has prevented it from becoming anywhere near as significant as its counterparts elsewhere. Movements such as these will provide fertile ground for old reformists looking for a new base, or refurbished Stalinists not to mention endless protest groups single issue campaigns and lifestyle campaigns. It will be necessary to confront and fragment such movements if they are not to become serious distractions to the building of a working class Party.
If you want to join in this discussion come to the meeting!
Steve asked the following questions:
Why do the working class needs a revolutionary political party?
What is a difference between a Revolutionary party and a Revolutionary organisation? To put it a bit differently, what are the qualitative/quantitative differences between an organisation and a party?
What is the nature of a revolutionary party? It’s structure, membership and so on
Would a new party be a hierarchical party? If yes why there is a need for hierarchy?
Would there be any fundamental differences between the future revolutionary party and that of the Bolsheviks type party?
How and what would be the relation between the party and the soviets (councils)?
Has a new technology provided a base that will affect the structure of the formation of the new party?
Why the formation of a new party should be only considered as part of the International party?
Mike then replied with the following:
There seems to be at least some interest in the proposal to have an organised discussion, and to judge from Steves comments the question of the party is high on the list for clarification. I propose to put forward some points (we might need to agree on some definitions to avoid confusion), in the hope that we can generate enough agreement to move on to having a more public discussion.
I would hope to be in a position to force a discussion by challenging other tendencies that claim to favour some sort of workers party. We are already several tendencies of course but I have in mind those who treat the matter rather passively as though waiting for someone else (eg Trade Unions) to start the process. One of the reasons I posed the "party" issue was that the anti-war movement had built up a certain amount of feeling against Blair and Labour but nowhere gave this an organised expression. There was no attempt to turn anyones mind towards a break with labour or relate the war issue to that of political leadership. What was needed was a concrete way of posing the class struggle. Perhaps even the SWP delude themselves that their role in the antiwar campaign was promoting the class struggle, and they got away with that because they are not being challenged over their relationship with labour.
I may have contributed to some confusion by referring to myself as a supporter of the Bolshevik type of party. Unfortunately this is widely seen, by those who have imbibed too much of the bourgeois histories and social sciences, as essentially Stalinist (centralised, top down, monolithic). In fact up to 1917 the leaders in exile had only fitful contacts with the party organisation in Russia, and very little control. Lenin railed a good deal against amateurism and compared the party work with primitive Russian handicraft production. I don't think the party could be described as monolithic or centralised etc in this period
The party had been part of the RSDLP and separated off following a disagreement over the definition of membership. The Bolshevik definition was stricter and in effect meant they self selected those who were most committed to the cause and generally more principled that those who remained with the Mensheviks. Lenin was regarded as a leader because of his theoretical and polemical writings. Following the April Theses he was able to win the party to the need for the October revolution.
The Bolsheviks had the advantage of emerging from a movement that already had real roots in the working class based on years of political education, and long experience of underground work. Party members "obeyed" because they were committed to the struggle and were willing to play their part and had built up confidence in the leaders.
The concept of democratic centralism is widely misunderstood as being "its party policy you have to do it", when in fact it should be seen as the leaders seeking to convince the members of the right course and building up a high level of political awareness and commitment. If leaders appeal to anything other than political consciousness the whole project fails; if you have political power you have created a monster- otherwise probably just a sect or a cult.
This struggle for political understanding is the reason for being of the party both within and without. Ideas crystallise as organisation; organisation is the "property" of the working class and determines its relationship to the means of production.
The interests of the working class whether immediate or historical, todays bread or the future of humanity require expression and organisation. This is necessary to separate the workers from their enemies and advance the struggle, and to prepare the class for the task of taking power and reorganising the world in the interests of humanity.
The party is the most conscious sector of the class and recalls and applies the lessons of past struggles and clarifies the tasks ahead. Again this is essentially a battle of ideas. The transformation of society cannot be forced; it must be the willing action of the great mass of the workers. Only when we are organised as a mass force can we challenge the way in which society is organised. So long as the workers do not have a party of its own they will be forced to choose between the lesser evil of capitalist parties, produce their wealth and fight their wars.
Fears about an entrenched hierarchy can be allayed by free and full discussion and by the principle of recalling elected delegates. On the other hand it should be clear that it is not a talking shop; conclusions should be reached and acted upon, members should fight to advance the party and its programme.
The programme is the heart of the party in that it lays down the conclusions of its discussion and is the basis of agreement on which the party is built. More importantly, however, the programme is not just a shopping list of slogans of the day but a series of measures aimed at taking the working class to power.
Steve raises a number of questions. I will not try to respond to them all at once but just take up a few points.
I agree that a new party should only be considered as part of the International party, but the one does not pre-supposed the other. I don't want a recipe for paralysis. The struggle starts here. We don't have to launch a ready made world party tomorrow but we can advance the discussion and promote the concept. If others in other towns and countries and from different traditions are doing the same so much the better. Of course there are several organisations in existence that seek the building of a world party. I would loosely associate myself with the Trotskyist tradition, but I am very much in favour of knocking down some factional walls.
We already have some very powerful tools (web) that were not available to the Bolsheviks. This will also impact on the structure of class struggle and the way future society is organised.
I am not clear why Steve asks about the distinction between party and organisation. Does this relate to some previous debates in the left communist tradition?
Finally, on the party, there are others who are debating the concept in a very different context. I refer to the quite large movements of radicals etc (anti globalisation/ European Social Forum/ Refounders of this and that). We have of course a lame brain equivalent in the shape of the Socialist Alliance. Its relationship with the SWP has prevented it from becoming anywhere near as significant as its counterparts elsewhere. Movements such as these will provide fertile ground for old reformists looking for a new base, or refurbished Stalinists not to mention endless protest groups single issue campaigns and lifestyle campaigns. It will be necessary to confront and fragment such movements if they are not to become serious distractions to the building of a working class Party.
If you want to join in this discussion come to the meeting!
Hide the following 11 comments
Another question
18.07.2003 12:08
"What am I doing spending Saturday afternoon engaged in futile discussions about things that interest no one at all except those in the pub with me, when I could be getting a barrel of Tetley's down my neck".
Capitalist Running Dog
revolutionary and party are too contradictionary issues
18.07.2003 12:42
This whole talk smells like a recruitment agency for voluntary paper sellers.
no more talks but actions
Information or patronisation?
18.07.2003 16:05
Do the workers really want to hear it??
Yours in Class Compromise
(good luck in all your endeavours!!)
fad bonanza
Who gives a damn about class?
18.07.2003 19:22
Finally, I used to describe myself as working class, but now I just describe myself as 'me', because saying you're proud of being working class is like saying you're proud to be a slave. Stuff all classes.
Braindead paper sellers not required
18.07.2003 20:02
The anti-war alliance (including "prties" like the SWP) and the Social Forums play their role in that by refusing to explain that war and misery stem from capitalism - a class system run in favour of a minority class against the vast majority - the working class.
Like someone said "The great are only great because we are on our knees". The party is neeeded to help change that situation by building awareness and helping the workers of the world to "Turn the world upside down".
Whether you agree or not please come along - It's got to be better than forming blocs with phonies like Galloway, manipulators like the Trotskyist/Stalinist/Castroists, or spouters of religion.
Kev for class struggle
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss
19.07.2003 01:59
i give a damm about class
19.07.2003 16:27
Who writes the sun newspaper? i doubt the working class do.
Another party, another meeting, another paper aint the answer surly there is a better way that you can prove to people that the left means buisness. There are alot of discontented people out there, of which i am one and what i would like to see is an actual alternative, something different from the tried, tested and failed formula of meeting --> party --> paper --> revolution.
I would surgest stuff but i dont think that it would fit with the bolshevik rhetoric, therefore it would not be accepted.
...still recovering from October 1917
21.07.2003 10:11
If the left gave up on their history of hierarchical organisation after organisation and woke up again in the C21st, then they might have something to offer non-university educated people more than just recreating the doomed Bolshevik experience.
At least the 'No War but the Class War' brigade are sticking to their guns. All the trots (SWP etc.) seem to do is the headless chicken-run, jumping the next flavour of the month bandwagon to keep their imaginary spirit of 1917 alive.
I suppose discussing stuff on here has the potential to reach far more people than a dozen blokes throwing ale down their throats in a smokey old pub. And if its not the young and sexy that the proposed Revolutionary Party is wanting to attract then why base yer meetings in some pretentious part of town when the real people you want to win over find themselves in more desperate parts of the city. Or are class struggle revolutionaries wanting, for now at least, to attract the already exhausted left who have the resources but not the real life experience?
fad bonanza
What an enlightening discussion...
21.07.2003 12:34
What Is To Be Done?
21.07.2003 13:32
In Birmingham in the Euro elections of 2004 we are facing the Hate Party of the SWP/Muslim Association of Britian (the british arm of the fascistic Muslim Brotherhood)..i want to know what are anarchists going to do about it? Stick their heads in the sands for fear of the SWP (the SWP for chrissake!) callin' em 'islamophobic' or will you make a stand?
another diatribe from mozaz please read in context:
22.07.2003 10:20
Every circle has a start and an end here we simply think we have concluded the
revolution of this circle and need to move on find new pastors meanwhile
change is constant something we all need at times.
mozaz on the demise of urbanparanoia
False gods
Bastardise solitary confinement on concrete canvas in colours of deception
with sculptures of hate. The wound pours poison into a burning retina
blinding forgiveness and re inventing propaganda. Reality sodomised in sands
of time. Meanwhile we masturbate to the sound of inbred hypocrisy castle in
the chains of corruption and raped by monochrome stigmata. The blackened vain
of guilt forge an act so violent that purity is molested by icons of filth
and blood soaked revolutions is this the future you desire?
In times like these you learn to love again
Foo fighters.
Sat in our suburban homes / being abused / beaten in children?s homes. Crass /
The Dead Kennedy?s and others became our political (biased) view on the world
a means of dealing with our psychosis and the shit of our daily lives. The
explosion of punk caught us and spat us out so with a sneer and some glue we
pasted together the first copy of collectableanorak (this was around 96 /97).
Here the history is a past and we have no need to repeat. One day in time we
might put on the rose tinted specks (but don?t expect too much as we prefer
to hug trees nowadays?) and take a look back at the history that is now
collectableanorak. Here we simply need to say goodbye thank you for reading
and leave you with these words 'There is no authority but yourself?,
Knock and ye shalt enter.
The kingdom of heaven is within you. We know enough of the sickness of the
world, we should be careful not to add to it through our own physical and
mental exhaustion and ill health. If we are ever to achieve our shared
objectives we must each of us be strong enough to do so. We have all failed
and we have all succeeded. This is no tail between the leg ending, and a
proud, albeit painful and confused, beginning.
By mid February (2004) we will have re-printed anarchy by Errico Malatesta. We hope
to print 1000 copies for distribution. Anarchy is an excellent introduction
to anarchy.On Line here: (
Anarchy is a word that comes from the Greek, and signifies, strictly speaking,
"without government": the state of a people without any constituted
Before such an organisation had begun to be considered possible and desirable
by a whole class of thinkers, so as to be taken as the aim of a movement
(which has now become one of the most important factors in modern social
warfare), the word "anarchy" was used universally in the sense of disorder
and confusion, and it is still adopted in that sense by the ignorant and by
adversaries interested in distorting the truth.
We shall not enter into philological discussions, for the question is not
philological but historical. The common interpretation of the word does not
misconceive its true etymological signification, but is derived from it,
owing to the prejudice that government must be a necessity of the
organization of social life, and that consequently a society without
government must be given up to disorder, and oscillate between the unbridled
dominion of some and the blind vengeance of others.
The existence of this prejudice and its influence on the meaning that the
public has given to the word is easily explained.
Man, like all living beings, adapts himself to the conditions in which he
lives, and transmits by inheritance his acquired habits. Thus, being born and
having lived in bondage, being the descendant of a long line of slaves, man,
when he began to think, believed that slavery was an essential condition of
life, and liberty seemed to him impossible. Like the workman, forced for
centuries to depend upon the goodwill of his employer for work, that is, for
bread, and accustomed to see his own life at the disposal of those who
possess the land and capital, has ended in believing that it is his master
who gives him food, and asks ingenuously how it would be possible to live, if
there were no master over him?
You are free to be opinionated:
Excuse our paranoia it?s based upon our reality of people we have come into
contact with over the years.
Based upon arguments with self-important people about our self-importance.
Meetings about meetings. You get the idea we guess.
You make every effort to change only to be named arrogant by those looking at
their reflection to check if their statement of discontent is still in place.
Only to be offered violence by those who belief this is anarchy. We state
behind every joke is serious intention. Humour is used to mask the real truth
of what people want to say but haven't the conviction of their fucking
arguments to say them direct. We offer no apologies for who we are, what we
have done.
If we hurt, like the truth, if you consider you are the one who we are
speaking about. Then consider you are not that significant. We are speaking
about all people we have come into contact with during the years. An
observation of the here and now. So before you get the wrong idea here is
something we would like to make clear.
We have printed this small edition of collectableanorak (past communiqués)
(with the help of others) to share our thoughts about what is going down this
is our truth as we see it. You the individual reading this hold your own
truth we accept. We all come to where we are here through shit that happens
to us as people. Our convictions, anger, thoughts on the world are due to
other people?s influence.
No matter how much we would like to suggest we are individuals, truth is, we
are a reflection of other people around us. There are many rumours about us
as individuals and through the whispers they become distorted, re-invented to
meet the agendas/paranoia of those who cannot accept us as an individuals in
our own right.
Yes we are a contradiction; it's called being human. Indeed we can all excuse
who we are and what we have done. Truth is, we have to deal with what we are
and what we have done in our own time and not be pushed into doing something
we might later consider to be wrong. As individuals we have no regrets about
any of our actions/what we have done, they become part of us and make us the
persons we are today. We are not going to apologise for other people?s fear
of themselves. We are not going to live in fear of attack be it physical or
verbal. We are not going to seek your permission to be us.
Part of this text from the first page of anarchy. Like revolutionary
self-theory this is a classic publication. So why come to end? Every circle
has a start and an end here we simply think we have concluded the revolution
of this circle and need to move on, find new pastors, and change is constant,
something we all need at times. Of course as individuals we will continue to
be active in our communities you don?t need a front to be pro-active. (But
sometimes it might help) Neither do we need to boast and massage our egos
about our past/future. Unlike the left, and sadly some anarchists, we do not
need to seek appraisal be patronised by the middle class (and to some extent
working class). We are moving back to our roots just doing the necessary
Once upon an unfortunate time: there was a big hairy thing called man along
with what was an even hairier thing called animal: man had a larger brain
which made him think he was superior to animals: some men said "we have no
need to work, instead we will kill animals to eat and so they did: man
increased and animals decreased: eventually leader man said "there are no
animals left to eat: we must grow our own food", and so man grew food: now
the only animals man had not destroyed were the tiny ones like rabbits and
mice, and these was caught eating mans crops: "theses animals are a menace
they must die" said leader man: in china they killed all the sparrows, in
Australia they killed all the rabbits: everywhere man killed all wildlife:
soon there were none, all the birds were poisoned and leader man said we are
free of all pests: man's numbers increased, the world become so crowded with
men they all had to sleep standing up: one day a man saw a new creature
eating his crops the creature's name was starving people: "this creature is a
menace", said leader man: "they must die".
One Love.
urbanparanoia we are of to hug some trees.