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MOD Scientist Named as Gilligan Mole Found Dead

Summinck Fishy Going On | 18.07.2003 10:57 | World

Breaking News: you know that Dr Kelly dude who was hung out to dry by MOD as the possible source for the BBC's 'sexed up' dossier row with Neo-Labour and Phoney Blair....?

Er, he talk a walk in the woods yesterday and never came home. Now they have found a 'body'.

Body found in Iraq expert search

Mr Kelly arriving to give evidence to MPs this week
Police searching for the weapons expert named as the possible source for a BBC story on Iraq say they have discovered a body.
The body was found at 0920 BST by a member of the police team searching for Dr Kelly in a wooded area at Harrow Down Hill, near Farringdon, Oxfordshire, but has not yet been identified.

Government adviser David Kelly, 59, went missing from his home in Southmoor, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, at about 1500 BST on Thursday.

Earlier this week, Dr Kelly denied being the BBC's main source for a story claiming Downing Street had "sexed up" a dossier about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.

He appeared before the Commons foreign affairs committee on Tuesday.

Acting superintendent Dave Purnell, of Thames Valley Police, said: "What I would ask is because of the considerable amount of media interest is that the family are treated with respect and are not contacted at this time.

"We haven't ruled anything out yet. Clearly there are people at the scene now and there is no further information as to the body that has been found apart from to say it is a male.

"This is clearly a sensitive inquiry at the moment. The family of Dr David Kelly have been aware of what the police have been doing in relation to the search for him."

Superintendent Purnell said the search for Dr Kelly continues with the police helicopter and around 70 officers.

He said the official's family were aware that a body had been found. A police family liasion officer is with them.

Dr Kelly's family contacted the police when he failed to return home by 2345 BST on Thursday.


Huge media attention has been on Dr Kelly since the Ministry of Defence said he had admitted meeting Andrew Gilligan, the BBC correspondent behind the controversial Iraq story.

Police say he is an avid walker and has good local knowledge of the many footpaths surrounding his home.


1500 BST: Told wife going for a walk near their home
2345 BST: Police informed he is missing
Last seen: Clothed in off-white cotton shirt, blue jeans, brown shoes

Timeline: Row over BBC report
His disappearance and failure to make contact with anyone was described by his family as 'out of character'.

Initial searches of the house, outbuildings and grounds of the property were completed in the early hours of Friday.

Checks of local hospitals have also shown no trace of Dr Kelly.

Dr Kelly is 5ft 8ins, of slim build and with grey receding hair and a white well-trimmed beard.

He has green/grey eyes and was last seen wearing an off-white cotton shirt possibly striped, blue jeans, with a brown leather belt and brown shoes.

Police number

He is not used to the media glare, he is not used to the intense spotlight he has been put under

Richard Ottaway
Tory MP

Row over Gilligan evidence
Acting superintendent Purnell said: "Due to the bad weather and the fact it is unlikely he was wearing a coat he would have been distinctive and people who may have seen him in the area are urged to contact police as soon as possible."

Anyone who feels they may have information that can help in tracing Dr Kelly should call 08458 505 505.

A Ministry of Defence spokeswoman said: "We are aware that Dr David Kelly has gone missing and we are obviously concerned."

She stressed the disappearance inquiry was being handled by police, not by the MoD.

Downing Street says it is "very concerned about news that David Kelly has gone missing". A spokesman said thoughts were with Dr Kelly's family.

Number 10 says "normal personal procedures" were followed after Dr Kelly volunteered that he might have been the source.

David Kelly left his home on Thursday afternoon
There were five days between his admission about talking to Mr Gilligan and the MoD's statement about the possible source, said the spokesman.

The statement did not name him, but it was made clear to Dr Kelly, said the spokesman, that his name was likely to become public knowledge because he was one of only a small number of people it could have been about.

After questioning Dr Kelly earlier this week, the Commons foreign affairs select committee said it was "most unlikely" he was the main source for the BBC story.

And they said Dr Kelly, who has worked as a weapons inspector in Iraq, had been "poorly treated" by the government - a charge strongly rejected by the MoD.


Everyone who knows him and his family will be very concerned

Donald Anderson
Foreign affairs committee

Profile: Dr David Kelly
Committee chairman Donald Anderson told the BBC his "heart went out" to Dr Kelly's family as the search for the official goes on.

"He came across as someone rather relaxed before the committee," he said.

"There was some suggestion he might have someone alongside him to give him confidence but he rejected that.

"He seemed on top of it.

"Everyone who knows him and his family will be very concerned."

Another member of the committee, Tory John Maples told Sky News: "This must be very worrying for his friends and family and everyone associated with him."

He said it had seemed clear to the committee that Dr Kelly was not the main source of the BBC report.


He said the official "had nothing to fear" from the committee's inquiry and had been "badly treated" by the MoD.

"I don't think he was entirely happy giving evidence to a select committee...but he was pretty straightforward with us," said Mr Maples. "He seemed to me unhappy that had been put forward."

Tory MP Richard Ottaway, another committee member, said people like Dr Kelly are not used to the pressure faced by MPs on a day-to-day basis.

"He did give a hint of the pressure he was under when he said he was unable to get to his house at the moment because of the media intrusion," he said.

"He is not used to the media glare, he is not used to the intense spotlight he has been put under.

"I am concerned and our thoughts are with his family and friends. Let us hope here that nothing worse has happened than he has decided to take some time out and get away from the pressure."

The news comes after Mr Anderson accused Mr Gilligan of being an "unreliable witness" who had changed his story about the Iraq dossier claims when he met the committee in private on Thursday.

The BBC has rejected that suggestion, saying Mr Gilligan had been consistent throughout.

Summinck Fishy Going On


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bbc report url

18.07.2003 11:22

Last Updated: Friday, 18 July, 2003, 10:30 GMT 11:30 UK
Body found in Iraq expert search


get real

18.07.2003 12:39

come on!
instead of going in circles to describe the obvious why not simply state that
'a pig was found dead'?

Then we can probably concentrate on what the pig did with other pigs ?


Democracy Kills

18.07.2003 13:37

This is democracy. This is the war against terrorism. This is the war against weapons of mass destruction. This is UKA. hahahahahahahahahahahh A pig less but this pig tried to help but got killed.


the molepig

18.07.2003 14:17

Strange attitude when this guy was almost certainly the one who passed Gilligan the info about the 'sexed-up' dossier - i.e. the only thing the left has to attack Blair on. Mole or pig?

Where are all the conspiracy theories? It was definitely the Joooz what done it, with their sub-orbital mind ray weapon. Lord Sainsbury did the targetting and Peter Mandelson started the firing sequence, while squealing Zionist slogans down a secure satellite line to Rupert Murdoch.

It's always a pleasure to read subnormal Ram's comments, they're always so funny, like a small child playing at grown-ups.

Carl Dray

conspiracy theory #01

18.07.2003 15:10

with a title 'molepig' wanting to see the conspiracy theory rolling in is a bit of a give away....then proclaiming to be a 'grown up' reveals the brain dead existence!

The reality is that the Kelly pig was the chief scientist of bio weapons at Porton Down at one time. Forget the former UN weapons inspector intro bein blurted everywhere.



18.07.2003 15:12

"ram", "x.g.a." and "carl dray" same individual doing the damage control techniques called "distraction", "poisoning the well", and "getting people to respond to me rather than the story".

this thing here

distraction -- yes

18.07.2003 15:43

I am not x.g.a or carl braindead.
I am not poisoning the well ...the 'well' ..if it perceived to be some knowledge giving fountain of truth then dream on!

All I am doing is clicking on the 'comment to this story' link and doing my best against influence of fascists spreading any further ...the 'story' that is blatantly being weaved for you.

Yes, I am distracting from the original post's direction and take credit for it.
Surely I am not accused of not giving a constructive direction at the end of the distraction?

Fuck the story weaved for you instead be independent in making judgements.
I sincerely hope some of you will open your eyes like many before you.



18.07.2003 16:12

>constructive direction<

what constructive direction?

that there's nothing wrong? there's no conspiracy, or at least no reason to imagine one? that he was a "government man" so be glad he died cause they're all pigs anyways? meanwhile ignoring the motives for why this man, out all the other men in abingdon that day, we're killed/died?

this thing here

correctness before direction

18.07.2003 16:49

I will address you as donkey (this thing or pig will confuse the flow of my argument)

Dear donkey,

First, I am not the one who wants to kill 'conspiracy' theory as you put it is the 'molepig' comment author'carl brinadead'. You made wrong assumptions about identities of commentators so you suffer.

I can see that what you hold to be a 'cospiracy' is in fact the reality.
So I welcome your conspiracy angle.

Second, I do not consider all government people, alone, to be pigs, instead the vast majority of the misled populace of this planet!...the 'pigs' tend to largely occupy white fascist countries and consume huge amounts of nature and kill, pillage , mass murder for they misled habits.

Now....what is constructive about my distraction should be clear to you, I hope.
Try contrasting with the destructive nature of the BBC story that I commented on.


Whatever, Ram

18.07.2003 17:19

You're still a frothing lunatic with an unhealthy animal obsession and the manners of a four-year-old.

Mad Monk

child haters

18.07.2003 18:08

So there we go...inadvertantly the real obsession of the pigs comes out.

Four year olds are considered to be behaving badly whereas the adults are of exemplary behaviour!!!

You hate me so much because I expose the truth that we all in the UK knew that we were directly mass murdering children in Iraq for fourteen fucking years and we were scared by the snowballing effect of the phoney protests against war that a some of us participated in.

This is what is being distracted by all this WMD dossier bullshit and some like 'Mad monk' know it. So they turn on me.

Let me put it clearly yet again for the record.

Everyone....the BBC, parliamentary select committees, Dr. Pig, the bitch, the humble subjects, the pretending to be anarchist subjects, school kids .....I mean virtually everyone knew that the US was going to fuck up Iraq under a disguise of war, yet again (although there was a fourteen year long child killing operation was underway in Iraq)...
and that we, UK pigs lick the US arse obediently.
Almiost every living room in the UK was wanting to hear the WMD bullshit so that they did not have to finish overthrowing the child killing system.

If there is an issue with WMD every sensible person out there knows that the UK has the second largest stockpile of it in the world and Dr. Pig was chief of production at one time.

Dr. Pig's death and all this weeping and wailing is a distraction towards brain numbing directions.


Fuck u ram

18.07.2003 22:31

and anyone else in denial of the bleedin' obvious


so this is democrasy

19.07.2003 10:15

The brit secret security junta/FRU/MI5/Special branch have been allowed to murder Northern irish citizens such as human rights solicitor Rosemary Nelson, Pat Finucane and investigative journalist Marty O hagan with impunity and with the blessing of Her Majesty's brit establishment and government. You can bet HM security services won't hesitate to murder any british citizen who poses an embarrassment to powerful brit establishment and government figures such as tinpot totalitarian tony blair.

Even the conservative stiff upper lipped BBC have found themselves in the firing line of Tinpot tony's cronies, branded a threat to those who wish to control media outputs, and halt any tarnishing of totalitarian Blair's image.

thats one way to put a stop to speculation about Tony's sexed up dossier

WMD expert murdered "by rival WMD experts"

19.07.2003 10:31

A comment on the suspicious death of Dr. Kelly

When, a few months ago, a prominent eco-activist was murdered in Northern Thailand, the authorities immediately, and preposterously, claimed that he had been killed by "rival eco activists". This became something of a running joke locally, with people wondering whether in fact JFK might have been murdered by "rival presidents", John Lennon by "rival musicians" and Gandhi by "rival pacifists".

The UK government has not, as yet, dared to claim that Dr. Kelly's death was the result of a feud with "rival WMD experts", but I'm waiting for something equally implausible. Given the out-and-out distortion, dishonesty, and lies-upon-lies that have characterised our government's whole approach to the war on Iraq, it seems only rational to be deeply suspicious about this latest, tragic development.

We know from the official report into the death of the Northern Irish lawyer Patrick Finucane (a report which took more than 10 long years to come out) that the UK government has sanctioned politically-motivated murders in the past. That was the one case where, despite systematic obstruction at an official level, the truth came out. It seems reasonable to suppose that this might just have been the tip of the iceberg.

The WMD crisis threatens to undermine not just the Prime Minister, but large sections of his whole party, large sections of the supposedly 'impartial' civil service, and of course Britain's shadowy and unaccountable intelligence services. Somewhere near the heart of it was a quiet man named Dr. Kelly. And now he'll never have a chance to tell his part of the tale.


PMOS: As a technical expert, (....) was not a senior intelligence officer::yeah?

19.07.2003 10:35

Checkout the links
Both sources are known liars but as the stories are dated there are some valuable clues left behind.
Why would the PMOS take pain to point out that someone is not an intelligence officer, when it is very clear the 'man burning in hell' was involved/dealing wih the mossad?
Did they trust the BBC will do a good job of distracting the gulible so well?
15/07/2003 15:30
print this page
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....(lot of bullshit)...


....(more usual bullshit)...

And did they continue to believe that their source was a senior intelligence source? As a technical expert, it was clear that Dr Kelly was not a senior intelligence source.

Oh yeah?

Just check this out....
Why Iraq inspections won't work

September 13 2002

Ordering UN weapons inspectors back to Iraq is doomed to failure, writes BBC reporter Tom Mangold.......
In 1995, David Kelly, then the senior British UNSCOM inspector, met an Israeli intelligence officer in a safe apartment on First Avenue and 38th Street in New York. The Israeli handed over documents proving that British and German companies had exported 32 tonnes of growth medium for bacteria to the Iraqis
So the pig meets the mossad donkey but keeps the documents from reaching the UN.
Of course the mossad always deals with technical advisors of the MoD.

I say stick the Iraq dossier bullshit up the bitch and get real.
