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I'd rather be a picket than a scab!

Jimmy The Fish | 17.07.2003 20:54

Action Briefing for activists wishing to support the Devon Bus Strike.

1. On strike days - join them on the picket lines!

2. If you can't do that. Stand at a bus stop and hail down a Stagecoach Bus (on strike days).

3. When the bus stops - ask the driver if he/she is a strike-breaking scab or an unqualifed manager likely to compromise passenger safety.

4. Refuse to get on the bus and make it clear that you are acting in solidarity with the strikers and their demands for fair pay and just working conditions.

5. Sing out loud (to the tune of "She'll be coming round the mountains")

I'd rather be a picket than a scab
Oh I'd rather be a picket than a scab
Oh I'd rather be a picket
Rather be a picket
Rather be a picket than a scab!

6. Stay put and repeat from stage 2. above!

Jimmy The Fish


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Amen to that comrade!

17.07.2003 21:09

See you at the County Hall bus stop (Topsham Road) any time after 7.20am, next stike day!

Sally The Squid