Renewing the Transatlantic Partnership
Guido | 17.07.2003 16:54
"The essay, written by Simon Serfaty, director the CSIS Europe Program, can be
accessed on the CSIS website at: Essay The piece concludes a series of events held between
October 2002 and March 2003 hosted by the CSIS Europe Program in partnership
with the DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fund on Renewing the Transatlantic Partnership.
Forums on security, political and trade policy, involving senior level leaders
from both sides of the Atlantic, took place in Washington, D.C., and Berlin during
that time."
accessed on the CSIS website at: Essay The piece concludes a series of events held between
October 2002 and March 2003 hosted by the CSIS Europe Program in partnership
with the DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fund on Renewing the Transatlantic Partnership.
Forums on security, political and trade policy, involving senior level leaders
from both sides of the Atlantic, took place in Washington, D.C., and Berlin during
that time."
Renewing the Transatlantic Partnership
Signed by:
Madeleine K. Albright, Harold Brown, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Frank C. Carlucci,
Warren Christopher, William S. Cohen, Robert Dole, Lawrence S. Eagleburger,
Stuart E. Eizenstat, Alexander M. Haig, Jr., Lee H. Hamilton, John J. Hamre
Carla A. Hills, Sam Nunn, Paul H. O'Neill, Charles S. Robb, William V. Roth, Jr.
James R. Schlesinger
Renewing the Transatlantic Partnership
Simon Serfaty
Defining Together a New World Order
"The following text was written by the Board of Directors of Notre Europe, a Parisbased
European Affairs think-tank founded by former EU Commission Chairman Jacques
Delors, in response to the May 14, 2003 Joint Declaration titled “Renewing the Transatlantic Partnership,” endorsed by a bi-partisan group of former senior U.S. foreign policy and defense officials under the umbrella of the Center for Strategic and International Studies,Washington, D.C."
signed by:
• Susanna AGNELLI former Italian foreign minister
• Giuliano AMATO vice president of the EU Convention on the Future of Europe
and ex-Italian premier
• Raymond BARRE former French prime minister
• Carl BILDT ex-Swedish prime minister
• Emilio COLOMBO ex-Italian premier
• Jean-Luc DEHAENE former Belgian prime minister and deputy EU Convention chairman
• Bronislaw GEMEREK former Polish foreign minister
• Hans Dietrich GENSCHER former German foreign minister
• Valery GISCARD D’ESTAING former French president and current chairman
on the EU constitutional convention
• Felipe GONZALES ex-Spanish prime minister
• Douglas HURD former British foreign secretary
• Helmut KOHL former German chancellor
• Giorgio NAPOLITANO ex-Italian parliament speaker and
president of the European Parliament commission on Constitutional Afffairs
• Helmut SCHMIDT former German chancellor
• Carlo SCOGNAMIGLIO former Italian defense minister
• Eduardo SERRA former Spanish defense minister
• Hans VAN MIERLO former Dutch foreign minister
Renewing the Transatlantic Partnership
Signed by:
Madeleine K. Albright, Harold Brown, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Frank C. Carlucci,
Warren Christopher, William S. Cohen, Robert Dole, Lawrence S. Eagleburger,
Stuart E. Eizenstat, Alexander M. Haig, Jr., Lee H. Hamilton, John J. Hamre
Carla A. Hills, Sam Nunn, Paul H. O'Neill, Charles S. Robb, William V. Roth, Jr.
James R. Schlesinger

Renewing the Transatlantic Partnership
Simon Serfaty

Defining Together a New World Order
"The following text was written by the Board of Directors of Notre Europe, a Parisbased
European Affairs think-tank founded by former EU Commission Chairman Jacques
Delors, in response to the May 14, 2003 Joint Declaration titled “Renewing the Transatlantic Partnership,” endorsed by a bi-partisan group of former senior U.S. foreign policy and defense officials under the umbrella of the Center for Strategic and International Studies,Washington, D.C."

signed by:
• Susanna AGNELLI former Italian foreign minister
• Giuliano AMATO vice president of the EU Convention on the Future of Europe
and ex-Italian premier
• Raymond BARRE former French prime minister
• Carl BILDT ex-Swedish prime minister
• Emilio COLOMBO ex-Italian premier
• Jean-Luc DEHAENE former Belgian prime minister and deputy EU Convention chairman
• Bronislaw GEMEREK former Polish foreign minister
• Hans Dietrich GENSCHER former German foreign minister
• Valery GISCARD D’ESTAING former French president and current chairman
on the EU constitutional convention
• Felipe GONZALES ex-Spanish prime minister
• Douglas HURD former British foreign secretary
• Helmut KOHL former German chancellor
• Giorgio NAPOLITANO ex-Italian parliament speaker and
president of the European Parliament commission on Constitutional Afffairs
• Helmut SCHMIDT former German chancellor
• Carlo SCOGNAMIGLIO former Italian defense minister
• Eduardo SERRA former Spanish defense minister
• Hans VAN MIERLO former Dutch foreign minister
