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Oh! Perfidious Left

Shaul Sedaka | 17.07.2003 11:59

The love affair between "Leftists" and Jihadists, oppressors of women and Holocaust deniers has gone public. The antisemitism that we wanted to forget provides the common denominator.

Twice in the last two years, in two European capitals, I was an eye witness to two demonstrations against two different wars. The signs, the shouts and the speeches were, as usual full of anti-American and anti-Israeli venom. But all of a sudden, I witnessed a miracle: the leftists, the liberals, the socialists, the pacifists, the Communists, the gays and even the Neturei Karta, silenced their voice of protest and the noise stopped. The reason: the Muslim demonstrators had knelt in the direction of Mecca and begun to pray.

Indeed, for a long time - actually for thirty months - the militant Left and the radical Islam have been in bed together. They are not making love under the blankets. They are performing the act openly and in broad daylight. We saw that in the mass demonstrations against the wars in Afghanistan and in Iraq. The "enlightened" organizations which are shocked by every instance of the violation of human rights in the Third World have joined hands with the Jihadists, the oppressors of women, the deniers of the Holocaust and those who abhor democracy. The slogans of these demonstrators expose the reason for this unholy alliance - antisemitism. What we took care not to admit at the beginning of the Millennium, began rearing its ugly head with the outset of the present confrontation in the Territories. The Star of David is compared to a swastika. Zionism is Nazism, Herzl, Golda and Jabotinsky are the epitome of Fascism. The famous Jewish child from the Warsaw Ghetto has become the Palestinian child from Gaza. Hitler is alive and breathing, he speaks Hebrew and he lives in Israel. The Palestinians are the Jews of World War II. Their suicide bombers are the new heroes.

The European Left is no longer interested in Israel's lands. It wants its neck. Their hatred of Sharon is like their hatred of Bush. The long-haired, the skinheads and those who wear the Kafiya, all do the Danse Macabre around what they already imagine is the corpse of the Jewish State. For all of them, it was Israel that was behind the invasion of Baghdad by means of the Pentagon's Jewish Mafia. Israel is the one that is inciting Washington to attack Syria and Iran; and it is the one who is sketching a new map of the Middle East in which there would be no room for the Palestinians.

This Left falls at the feet of Arab tyrants. It grovels before their kaftans. It can be seen in demonstrations, justified in themselves, against globalization. In London it embraces those whose adherents carried out a suicide attack on the Tel-Aviv promenade. In Berlin, it tries to rub out, by means of Islam, the stain on the history of Germany. In Paris it is certain that it can buy a few more years of Muslim quiet for itself. In that city Muslim demonstrators attacked local girls, members of "Hashomer Hatzair", with no one from the Left lifting a finger to rescue them. From these demonstrations they will go to desecrate Jewish cemeteries. Antisemitism has become a national sport all over the Continent and moves between the press and the street.

There are those among them that once favored Israel. They admit it themselves. Many of them are Members of Parliament, newspaper editors and trade union leaders. Some of them belong to the generation of rebels in 1968. Some of them view things naively, but with many of them common sense is defeated by pathological hatred. They believe that only Israel stands between the world and eternal peace. Its annihilation will bring tranquility to the Middle East and will eliminate the Western-Arab conflict overnight. Some are motivated by feelings of guilt, some are fuelled by Saudi money and there are those who believe that the suicide bombers reflect the despair of Islam. There are those who can bear the sight of Arab killing Arab, for them it is a family quarrel. However, they cannot bear the thought that Israel is defending itself by killing Palestinian terrorists. They do not accept the claim that the weak, too, can carry out horrendous acts. On the contrary, in their feverish brains the explosive belt is the weapon of the desperate.

And in Israel? What has remained of the Left prefers to ignore the insane hatred that has grabbed its colleagues in Europe. At international gatherings the Israelis demean themselves before the Muslim participants simply because they exist. The Oslophiles continue to claim that the blame for the collapse of the political process rests squarely on the shoulders of Jerusalem. They talk about the "right of return", protest the setting up of the "apartheid fence", and denounce the targeted executions. Just between us: the Jihadists will not forgive even you when the day of reckoning arrives.

Shaul Sedaka
