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A call to start organising the opposition to the London Olympic bid.

a sporting chap | 16.07.2003 18:13 | London

Next Thursday will see a public meeting, hosted by the Hackney Environment Forum, where the great and the good behind the London Olympic bid will brief the people of Hackney on the impact that these plans are likely to have on the borough...

Next Thursday will see a public meeting, hosted by the Hackney Environment Forum, where the great and the good behind the London Olympic bid will brief the people of Hackney on the impact that these plans are likely to have on the borough. What they're sure to downplay is how little a part the vast majority of Hackney's community will play in their plans: plans which, at bottom, are a thinly disguised programme to gentrify this community out of existence.

So let's turn out in force at their meeting and give the bastards a small taste of the resistance they will encounter if they dare push this scheme on Hackney. Of course ranting at these scumbags in their patronising little meeting won't get us very far in the long term. Those interested in more effective resistance, when the time comes, however, can take the opportunity immediately afterwards to meet up in the Lord Cecil just over the road. At the very least we can begin networking.


Details of the meeting are as follows:



Thursday July 24th 7.30 - 9.30pm

School Room, Round Chapel, Lower Clapton Road, London E5 0PU. Entrance in Powerscroft Road.

A panel from Hackney Council, GLA, the Mayor's Office and Lee Valley Park will talk about the current position and answer questions from the audience: although these must be submitted in writing at the start of the meeting(!)

a sporting chap


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Oppose everything

17.07.2003 07:41

Oh yeah! One more thing to oppose. Great.


Why, why, why............. London?

18.07.2003 10:21

Why London for the olympics? Why not the midland or north, or Scotland?All i ever listen to or read is this London-centric mentality.Broaden your minds and think of the rest of the country instead of this continual obsession with the so called capital.Anyhow London is a smelly, dirty, and unfrendly place.The open spaces of the north are far more appealing and the road systems far less congested than the south east.


why "so-called"?

18.07.2003 12:34

..."this continual obsession with the so called capital."

It is not the "so-called capital", it blatantly IS the capital. It's bigger and more diverse than any other city in Britain, and probably Europe. It has the British Parilament in it and the centre of financial power too, not to mention being listed as Britain's capital in any number of maps, atlases, guide books and encyclopedias.

Love it or hate it, that's a pretty capital city.

I agree that cities other than Britain should host major events, but let's not kid ourselves that London is not the capital city. It obviously is.

And can the "so-called" bollocks. It makes you sound like a Daily Mail letter writer.

Homie Truth

London why why why?

18.07.2003 14:45

I think the people of Liverpool would disagree with the last writer on this subject.You need to rid your mind of elitist ideas and sentimentalities left over from the last century.There is no more diverse a place both culturaly and ethnicaly speaking than Liverpool.Did you realise Liverpools the cultural capital for 2008.The rest of europe as left London far behind in the vote for European city of culture for 2008.Free your mind of this London-centric and archaic thoughts, i know a lot of people who would vote for a alternative capital in the midlands or northern England.North and south are completely different in many aspects, and most of the wealth of this country was and still is created by the midlands and north.


RE: London Why Why Why

03.10.2003 14:48

John do you know nothing of the Cultural Capital theroy? London didn't get it because it doesn't need it. why nominate a place like london when it will help Liverpool so much more?
