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Spread the Word World-wide: Boycott the U.S.!

STOP NYC Inc. | 16.07.2003 16:56

Increasingly fascist America still seeks global hegemony! They must be stopped!

A global boycott of the U.S.A. needs to be organized! The Bush junta refuses to accept world public opinion about their illegal occupation of Iraq and other nations! They continue to goose-step towards a fascist dictatorship! The world community must protect itself-and economics is a great weapon of choice. But it will only be effective if it is done GLOBALY! Following is a list of resources-spread far and wide!

Stop fascist AmeriKKKa! (forum)

please add more resources to this list!


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16.07.2003 17:18

er right..i wont go and see the hulk..what a blow to Imperialism huh? perhaps YOU are going to give cash to poor people here so they can all buy non-US organic food or something! BTW: which country is moral enough that we can buy their goods? britain? the slave trading countries of africa? theocracies of asian? Oh and will YOU explain to the poor US workers why they should lose their jobs cos u dont like Bush?
what a load of tosh

William Gates

The Hulk doesn't do MacShites anymore

16.07.2003 22:41

MacShites previously the glowing jewel in the US cultural imperialist agenda seems to be on it's way out. I wonder why, surely nothing to do with international protest, boycott, and thrashing. Boycotting is only one tool we have at our disposal. Bored of buying, sick of consuming - BLOW IT UP, BURN IT DOWN, KICK IT TILL IT BREAKS.

Mr. Banner

Hulk Samsh!

17.07.2003 11:14

C'mon wise you *really* think Mc D's is going down the drain cos a few hippies threw an aluminium chair against a window? Get real...McD is subject to consumer fad's just like Wimpy (remember them?) etc..or are you going to tell me that Spud-U-Like is no longer what is was because some m/c drop outs threw a rolled up copy of their undergrad essay against its windows? I like Spud U Like...mind you by christ did you pay the price later..ParrPPP

Gerk Francis