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Tom Paine. | 14.07.2003 15:20

Like alcoholics, psychopathic liars are not aware of their condition.

It's an illness.

Phoney is delusional.

He does not realize what he is doing.

He has landed us in an unending guerrilla war.

42 of our boys dead and no exit strategy.

The Psychopath of Sabra and his army have been trying to quell the guerrilla war in Palestine since they invaded in 1948.

Will we be still in Iraq in 2050?

50,000 of our boys and Yankie kids will be dead by then.

All for Adolf Rumsfeld and some cheap oil.

By then, the oil will not be cheap.

We could have bought it for $30 a barrel.

The Labour Party needs to dump Phoney now before he does any more damage.

A vote of no confidence should be called.

Phoney should then be sent for treatment.

That way he could avoid being tried as a war criminal.

We must get out of Iraq now and hand it over,oil and all, to the UN.

We will eventually, so why not do it now while our boys are still alive.

Tom Paine.
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