Highlands Infonet- upcoming events
fwd | 13.07.2003 10:42 | Education | Social Struggles
Ever thought there wasn't much alternative political events going on north of Glasgow and Edinburgh?
Think again, because now the Highland Infonet provides a monthly email newsletter to raise attention for the smallest of political events in Scotland and of important issues and campaigns relevant to people in Scotland.
The Highlands InfoNet is an informal periodic noticeboard for progressive political/social activities and information in the Highlands and Islands, consisting of th information supplied to it.
Here is an excerpt.
To subscribe or send information for the next newsletter, send an e-mail to
gobbledegook at ukonline.co.uk
Think again, because now the Highland Infonet provides a monthly email newsletter to raise attention for the smallest of political events in Scotland and of important issues and campaigns relevant to people in Scotland.
The Highlands InfoNet is an informal periodic noticeboard for progressive political/social activities and information in the Highlands and Islands, consisting of th information supplied to it.
Here is an excerpt.
To subscribe or send information for the next newsletter, send an e-mail to
gobbledegook at ukonline.co.uk
GM Debate: SKYE, Tuesday 15th July, at 8pm at Breakish Hall.
If you have been unable to attend any of the events, views can still be expressed on the GM Nation website:
Tuesday 22nd July Caithness SSP Branch meeting, Assembly Rooms, Wick. 7.30pm
Wednesday, 6 August 58th Anniversary of Hiroshima
An evening of reflection and contributions from 8pm at Wester Lawrenceton Farm,Forres, Moray
for further details: pam.bochel at btopenworld.com
The Gandhi Foundation
Thursday 7th August until Sunday 10th August at Wester Lawrenceton Farm,Forres, Moray
This first Scottish Summer School provides an introduction to Gandhi¹s ideas.
Speakers include Arya Bharadwaj, Tim Duffy, Nick and Pam Rodway.
The standard cost is £75 per person, or £25 for a day; under 18's half price and under 5's are free. We invite those who can afford it to pay a little more,and those on low incomes can pay less.
Contact: pam.bochel at btopenworld.com / 01667 452879
WEAPONS HUNT?! At his June surgery (Sat. 28th June), Mr Stewart (Labour MP,Inverness East, Nairn & Lochaber) told members of JNW group that his support for the war was based on secret information he had received at private Labour Party meetings.
The Justice Not War group is of the view that those Labour MP's who were persuaded to support the war by such "secret information", rather than by the government's published dossiers on Iraq, should share that information with the nation.
Since Parliament's support was gained by the claim that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction he would use, we ask: where are they?
Could it be he hid them, not in his back yard but in ours? With that thought in mind and in a spirit of helpfulness and goodwill towards our Labour government,the Highland branch of the Coalition for Justice Not War is planning a Weapons-of-Mass-Destruction treasure hunt in Inverness. Assemble Saturday 9th August,starting from the High Street, 12.30 to 3pm, in our search for clues and enlightenment.
Wednesday 20th August. Easter Ross SSP Branch Meeting, Perrins Centre, Alness,7.30pm
October: The STUC is organising the first of two Pensions crisis Day Schools to be held this autumn. The first to be on occupational pensions, the second on state provision and overall crisis.
The suggested dates for this 1st event are Friday 10th or 17th October. (the latter being preferred).if you have a specialised knowledge of this area, or would like to attend, contact InfoNet. Probable locations will be Edinburgh or Glasgow.
Snooping at work: know your rights
The TUC has launched an online guide to monitoring and surveillance at work on its working life website,
http://www.workSMART.org.uk . The guide helps employees understand the implications for them of the
government's new code advising employers on monitoring email, phonecalls and internet use at work.
GM Debate: SKYE, Tuesday 15th July, at 8pm at Breakish Hall.
If you have been unable to attend any of the events, views can still be expressed on the GM Nation website:
Tuesday 22nd July Caithness SSP Branch meeting, Assembly Rooms, Wick. 7.30pm
Wednesday, 6 August 58th Anniversary of Hiroshima
An evening of reflection and contributions from 8pm at Wester Lawrenceton Farm,Forres, Moray
for further details: pam.bochel at btopenworld.com
The Gandhi Foundation
Thursday 7th August until Sunday 10th August at Wester Lawrenceton Farm,Forres, Moray
This first Scottish Summer School provides an introduction to Gandhi¹s ideas.
Speakers include Arya Bharadwaj, Tim Duffy, Nick and Pam Rodway.
The standard cost is £75 per person, or £25 for a day; under 18's half price and under 5's are free. We invite those who can afford it to pay a little more,and those on low incomes can pay less.
Contact: pam.bochel at btopenworld.com / 01667 452879
WEAPONS HUNT?! At his June surgery (Sat. 28th June), Mr Stewart (Labour MP,Inverness East, Nairn & Lochaber) told members of JNW group that his support for the war was based on secret information he had received at private Labour Party meetings.
The Justice Not War group is of the view that those Labour MP's who were persuaded to support the war by such "secret information", rather than by the government's published dossiers on Iraq, should share that information with the nation.
Since Parliament's support was gained by the claim that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction he would use, we ask: where are they?
Could it be he hid them, not in his back yard but in ours? With that thought in mind and in a spirit of helpfulness and goodwill towards our Labour government,the Highland branch of the Coalition for Justice Not War is planning a Weapons-of-Mass-Destruction treasure hunt in Inverness. Assemble Saturday 9th August,starting from the High Street, 12.30 to 3pm, in our search for clues and enlightenment.
Wednesday 20th August. Easter Ross SSP Branch Meeting, Perrins Centre, Alness,7.30pm
October: The STUC is organising the first of two Pensions crisis Day Schools to be held this autumn. The first to be on occupational pensions, the second on state provision and overall crisis.
The suggested dates for this 1st event are Friday 10th or 17th October. (the latter being preferred).if you have a specialised knowledge of this area, or would like to attend, contact InfoNet. Probable locations will be Edinburgh or Glasgow.
Snooping at work: know your rights
The TUC has launched an online guide to monitoring and surveillance at work on its working life website,

government's new code advising employers on monitoring email, phonecalls and internet use at work.
