CKUT Radio: Tent City Montreal
Stefan Christoff | 13.07.2003 04:35 | Social Struggles
Listen to a series of interviews with members of CLAC (the Anti-Capitalist Convergence) & OCAP (the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty) from the July 5th Tent City action at Parc Lafontaine in Montreal. The interviews address the housing & homelessness crisis in Montreal, Toronto and other major cities throughout Canada.
The interviews also look at the growing movement of anti-poverty & housing activists throughout the country who are fighting for an end of the criminalization of poverty & homelessness and the right for communities to squat empty buildings. The interviews took place during the day on July 5th at Tent City in Parc Lafontaine and also during the riot police eviction of Tent City.
-> To listen to the interviews visit:

-> To get updates about Tent City in Montreal visit:

Stefan Christoff