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Oil pipeline company Amec gets blockaded

anti-Amec | 10.07.2003 23:19 | Ecology | Sheffield

Oil pipeline construction company, Amec, gets its offices blockaded in Cheshire because of its involvement in the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline.

Amec house gets an early morning blockade of its car park
Amec house gets an early morning blockade of its car park

a 20 foot hight scaffold tripod used
a 20 foot hight scaffold tripod used

and he wonders why he can't get a girlfriend
and he wonders why he can't get a girlfriend

dogdy geezer claiming to work for Amec
dogdy geezer claiming to work for Amec

Concerned citizens from the North of England blockaded Amec House, the offices of Amec construction company today because of there involvement with building the environmentally devastating Baku-Ceyhan oil pipeline. While the obvious and agreed action to take on global warming is to reduce our use of fossil fuels this pipeline, if completed, will produce 150% of the pollution of all the vehicles in the UK each year.

The main company behind the project, BP, recently spent £1000s on it's logo and corporate image to make it appear greener. It even associated it's letters with the phrase Beyond Petroleum!! The British Government is helping BP by giving them £65 million of tax payers money.

This action was the latest in a series of actions since January against the pipeline. Other groups opposing the pipeline include Earth First, Rising Tide, PLATFORM, and Friends of the Earth.

The blockade forced all the staff at Amec House to park their cars on the road and forced them step over protesters locked together with arm tubes and past the 20 foot high scaffold tripod. Other protesters handed out leaflets and spoke to employees of Amec as they walked past.

The police arrived on the scene early but couldn't really do much since no criminal laws had been broken. After 3 hours the protesters left since most of the employees seemed to be inside the building.

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11.07.2003 23:22

if you want to find out where you're nearest AMEC office is, or any other company involved in the pipeline (& hints of how to find others), then read the Greasy Palms list on the page.

See you on the barricades!
