Francisco Trindade | 04.07.2003 20:38 | Globalisation
The history of the marriage is known and of the family of Proudhon, for the letters to your wife, whose picks up was published in the fifties. Retaking this history today, increased of new documents, it is possible for in scene one of the most beautiful chapters of the life of Proudhon. It could be made a film or an opera comic of this tasty episode, marvelously romantic, busy to the measure of your desires, where popular life of old France is encouraged of the fire of 1848. The own event of 1848 is in the heart of this three year-old history, as if the serious work of getting married and of founding a home it owed for Proudhon to frame in the revolutionary adventure that is your reason of living.
It was on February 6, 1847 that Pierre-Joseph Proudhon found in a street of Paris a labor youth, Euphrasie Piègard. It is beautiful. He has a modest and serious air. What does make our man? Proudhon answers: “to Approach in the middle of the street a youth of the which I don't know nor the condition, nor the family, nor the name; and therefore, in the same instant to do him marriage propositions! Clear, if this is not of crazy, perhaps it is at least, I suspect.” These lines are at the beginning of the letter that soon the following day, February 7, Proudhon drives Euphrasie to do him your declaration.
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The friend always José Carlos Fortuna.

The history of the marriage is known and of the family of Proudhon, for the letters to your wife, whose picks up was published in the fifties. Retaking this history today, increased of new documents, it is possible for in scene one of the most beautiful chapters of the life of Proudhon. It could be made a film or an opera comic of this tasty episode, marvelously romantic, busy to the measure of your desires, where popular life of old France is encouraged of the fire of 1848. The own event of 1848 is in the heart of this three year-old history, as if the serious work of getting married and of founding a home it owed for Proudhon to frame in the revolutionary adventure that is your reason of living.
It was on February 6, 1847 that Pierre-Joseph Proudhon found in a street of Paris a labor youth, Euphrasie Piègard. It is beautiful. He has a modest and serious air. What does make our man? Proudhon answers: “to Approach in the middle of the street a youth of the which I don't know nor the condition, nor the family, nor the name; and therefore, in the same instant to do him marriage propositions! Clear, if this is not of crazy, perhaps it is at least, I suspect.” These lines are at the beginning of the letter that soon the following day, February 7, Proudhon drives Euphrasie to do him your declaration.

Update of the site
With a new text
Technical responsible for the totality of the site
The friend always José Carlos Fortuna.

Francisco Trindade