Social Forum
Jay Baker | 03.07.2003 23:36 | Sheffield
A planning meeting for a social forum took place last night, Thursday July 5th, at the Friends Meeting House in the heart of Sheffield.
Social Forums have been extremely successful in such countries as Italy, but are still a relatively new concept in Britain.
The planning meeting for Sheffield's own version saw the modest room packed with more than thirty people, which was a good basis for potential growth if - or rather when - Social Forums see success in the Steel City, suggested organisers.
Almost everyone in attendance voiced their opinions on matters important to them and their city, and each individual had their own specific ideas of what a Social Forum should involve, although everyone seemed to agree that it will have to tackle issues within the city which are reflected by the international political climate.
People at the meeting came from all over Sheffield; some were already part of political movements, others weren't, and some didn't even consider themselves to be working class. This again shows, as the F15 demonstrations showed, that there is a wide cross-section of society disillusioned with the system, a percentage of which are looking to bring together all those in Sheffield who care about important issues, with a view to taking voluntary action and demonstrating their own democracy.
Whilst some stressed doubts about the success of a Social Forum, it was clear that, with such a good response for the initial meeting, the potential for growth - through both word of mouth as well as promotion - is outstanding.
The planning meeting for Sheffield's own version saw the modest room packed with more than thirty people, which was a good basis for potential growth if - or rather when - Social Forums see success in the Steel City, suggested organisers.
Almost everyone in attendance voiced their opinions on matters important to them and their city, and each individual had their own specific ideas of what a Social Forum should involve, although everyone seemed to agree that it will have to tackle issues within the city which are reflected by the international political climate.
People at the meeting came from all over Sheffield; some were already part of political movements, others weren't, and some didn't even consider themselves to be working class. This again shows, as the F15 demonstrations showed, that there is a wide cross-section of society disillusioned with the system, a percentage of which are looking to bring together all those in Sheffield who care about important issues, with a view to taking voluntary action and demonstrating their own democracy.
Whilst some stressed doubts about the success of a Social Forum, it was clear that, with such a good response for the initial meeting, the potential for growth - through both word of mouth as well as promotion - is outstanding.
Jay Baker
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all wee need is love
04.07.2003 11:15
for now
the rum was nice
now i'm stoned
in love
why should it be local?
04.07.2003 12:22
while at the meeting there was one member who talked down a possible forum and was putting more emphasis on getting 500 people to go to the european social forum and the next G8. I would like to ask him, How is this going to stop the BNP?
How is this going to help the sheffield working class?
We will probably just end up with the same people going and no new faces.
I think if we angle it woward the local communities then we will have shown that we mean buisness and more people will come. Also others will have seen you can build a social forum from a meeting of 35 people. This will have a knock on effect with other cities in the UK building social forums, and when Spain, france, Germany, poland and the other eastern european countries have them the working class movement will be strong enough to regain control of their cities.
I would like to see not just social forums being built by the big cities but also the smaller towns and villages could benefit hugely from having a forum to discuss local concerns and issues.
Finally when we have built our social forum and George Bush and Blair declare war on Iran, Cuba, North korea or any other unsuspecting and defenceless country we will already have a means of organising resistance.
We have to be positive!!!!
red hot chili peppers
04.07.2003 13:56
Social Forum News site...
04.07.2003 15:00
If you get anything off the ground, then be sure to let us know and we will do our best to publicise it to the other groups around the UK.
Also, as of next week, we will be offering a free web-hosting service to Social Forum groups. If you want to take advantage of this, leave a message on our boards or drop us a mail.
where do we go from here?
04.07.2003 19:49
I thought it was a great meeting, with a good mix of people from various walks, including Palestinians and Iraqis, and the ideas that people were coming out with were great. (Apart from mine, which bombed! I think 4 people spoke against it, you know who you are!)
ANd also it was quite a young crowd, mainly people who had just got involved off the anti-war movement and as such it did reflewct an organic growth out of the movement itself. If we had called a for a social forum in sheffield in july of 2002 we would no way have go half of the amount of people that we did, nor would it have been such a positive, forward thinking meeting either.
What I think is exciting is that a lot of people (in fact everyone) did not KNOW what a social forum was, we all had ideas and percpections, but no one could have drawn a map, and said 'this is it and this is how it will work.'
The prospect for a sheffield social forum looks positive indeed.
Local and international
08.07.2003 13:44
I also think the European Social Forum (ESF) is important as well. I went to the last one in Florence and it was a fantastic experience. 60,000 overwhelmingly young people who wanted to discuss how we can change the world. Local social forums on their own will not be able to do that. "They" - the bosses etc are organised on an international basis (G8, IMF, WTO etc etc) if we are to stand any chance of defeating we need to do so as well. I personally think we need a new international do do that, but the ESF offers a great oppertunity for us to get together and discuss the way forward and build better and stronger links with our brothers and sisters across Europe and beyond.
If as well as fighting for local issues we can use getting people to the ESF as an internationalising force. We can actually show that people across Europe and the world are facing the same problems and fighting the same fights and that people are actually winning those fights and that we can learn from their tactics. It is also then possible to make the connections between cuts in services, privatisation, the attacks on asylum seekers, the war on Iraq. That all of these are products of capitalism and that it's not possible to fight them in isolation.
So for me it's not an either or situation, you can do both and they will actually strengthen each other
Good point well made
09.07.2003 09:44
Hopefully when all the major cities in europe and the world have social forums then local will be international and if another social forum is having trouble then we can mobilize ourselves to help them out, and visa versa. I think a key point is too see what we can do in the immediate area to gather support and concensus before we move to the larger area.