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It took Palestinians just 12 hours to break the ceasefire

Morons | 01.07.2003 01:39

Palestinians declared a ceasefire Monday morning. By Monday afternoon, as Israel did not atack but instead honored it and began withdrawing, Palestinian lust for killing jews gave in and they committed a murder.

It took palestinians a whole 12 hours to break the ceasefire they declared this morning. They'd rather just keep killing jews than allow jews to withdraw and start handing land over to them:

(from the Wash Post)
But the ceasefire -- an all-encompassing ban on killing Israelis anywhere, including soldiers and Jewish settlers in the West Bank and Gaza Strip -- was violated today when militants ambushed a work crew and fatally shot a 46-year-old Bulgarian, Christo Radkov. One of the groups that agreed to the ceasefire -- the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the military wing of the Fatah party of Palestinian chief Yasser Arafat and Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas -- asserted responsibility for the attack in a statement faxed to The Washington Post. It appeared that the group mistakenly believed Radkov was Israeli, although the group did not admit the error in its statement or during an later interview with The Post.

The incident underscores a serious threat to the ceasefire from independent, militant cells aligned with Al Aqsa, a radical offshoot of Fatah that was created after the outbreak of the Palestinians' so-called intifada uprising in September 2000. The group lacks the discipline and organizational structure of other long-time militant groups such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and it seems that rogue branches of Al Aqsa do not intend to obey their leaders' orders to stop killing Israelis.

An Al Aqsa branch from the West Bank town of Jenin asserted responsibility for today's attack. Yesterday, an Al Aqsa branch in Nablus also announced its opposition to the ceasefire.

"We do not accept the terms of the ceasefire," the Al Aqsa commander for Jenin, Zakaria Zbeida, said in a telephone interview. "I can promise you there will be more operations against the Zionist enemy."

