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Vitamins can seriously damage your health

Keith Parkins | 16.06.2003 12:15

The mainstream press recently had a field day reporting how the use of vitamins and minerals can seriously damage your health. The truth was somwhat different.

The mainstream press recently had a field day reporting how the use of vitamins and minerals can seriously damage your health - 'minerals and vitamins can cause cancer and liver damage' (The Times), that people are 'poisoning themselves' (Sunday Times), and that their health could be
'irreversibly damaged' (Daily Telegraph).

The source of this garbage was the UK Food Standards Agency, the same FSA that not so long ago reported that organic food had no nutritional benefits and was bad for your pocket and bad for your health (subsequently rubbished
by the Soil Association and The Ecologist).

Surprise, surprise, this latest load of crap from the FSA was timed to coincide with the EU desire to wipe of our shelves most of the vitamins and mineral supplements we are accustomed to buying in health food shops.

So what was the truth?

The FSA report was based on a distortion of a detailed, 350-page study from the Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals (EGVM).

This is what the Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals (EGVM) had to say:


In the first place, the claim that 'vitamins and minerals can cause cancer' is a statement restricted to the over-use of chromium, in the form of chromium picolinate, which is available in stores at levels up to 0.6mg. The FSA states that it 'may have the potential to cause cancer'. The EGVM is aware of two cases where the patient died from severe kidney and liver damage after ingesting 7.5 mg
regularly, although no cases of cancer came to light. No reactions were reported in people who took up to 1 mg a day for 64 weeks, according to one study.

Vitamin C

The FSA reports that doses above 1000 mg a day can cause abdominal pain and diarrhoea. The EGVM says this is a common side effect, but one that disappears immediately once the dosage is stopped or lowered. However, it points to two major trials where people who took 1000 mg a day for five years reported no adverse reactions whatsoever.


The FSA states that doses above 1500 mg a day can cause abdominal pain. The EGVM says this is most likely to occur if it is taken with antacid tablets, calcium supplements and milk. However, no adverse reactions were reported
in trials with people supplementing at doses up to 2000 mg a day.


Abdominal problems occur with iron supplements at a potency above 17 mg a day, says the FSA. Agreed, says the EGVM, but these reactions are more common at daily doses of 60 mg. Studies push the limits higher, and suggest that gastro-intestinal problems occur at doses of up to 200 mg a day.


The FSA states that beta-carotene can cause 'irreversible harmful effects'. The EGVM said that studies have shown no toxicity in humans, even among pregnant women. However, trials involving smokers and workers exposed to asbestos found that they were more likely to develop lung cancer if they were also taking beta-carotene. So nothing to do with cigarettes and asbestos, then.


The FSA puts the same claim of irreversible harmful effects at the door of zinc. Again, a careful study of the EGVM report fails to find supporting evidence. It states that zinc can cause reversible abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, and very high doses might cause blood disorders in diabetics, a very small study suggested.


Again, consumers who supplement with manganese can also suffer irreversible harmful effects, says the FSA. Miners who have inhaled manganese while working in manganese mines and smelters have contracted Parkinson's disease, but these are at levels impossible to ingest, says the EGVM. Trials with supplementation at doses up to 15 mg a day failed to find any adverse effects among the volunteers.

Vitamin B6

High doses can lead to a loss of feeling in the arms and legs, says the FSA. Agreed, says the EGVM, but this occurs when levels of 2000 mg are taken every day for very long periods. However, this has never been supported by any trials.

Keith Parkins


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Buy one, get one free!

16.06.2003 12:31

Surely genetically modified food depleted of all vitamins and minerals, processed, irradiated, sprayed, packaged and sold by Lord Sainsbury, the Science Minister, who funds HLS, is far superior.

E. Coli


16.06.2003 13:18

Look, use a little common sense. Just because a little of something might be good for you, even though having at least that little might be VITAL to your survival, doesn't mean that a LOT of that same substance wouldn't be harmful.

It it true of EVERY substance you might ingest. There is ALWAYS going to be some amount which if exceeded could be harmful.

Do NOT think you are being given a bum steer when "authorities" advise "do not take above X amount" when you hear that some people easily tolerate 150% of X. There are individual differences in toleration to say nothing of body mass -- thus at over 100 kilos I could safely ingest more ehtanol without ill effect than a 40 kg preteen -- AND I would be probably drunk under the table by somebody who imbibed on a regular basis (which I don't).

The "max dose" advice means a safe level for person who is both comparatively intolerant and who is comparatively small. YOU may be able to safely take up to 2 or 3 times that much but somebody else would be sickened by the overdose. In some cases where it is desirable to maximize the amount of some substance or medicine this is done by watching the patient for the appearance of the side-effect and then backing off. In other words -- max doses are not for "medicate yourself" but best while under supervision.

mail e-mail: stepbystepfarm

More info

16.06.2003 14:23

Here are three of the many links to the issues of Vit. C. alone.

The issues run deeper than just the facile and lazy assumption that such a rigid control over our health is for our own good.

In the 70's several swiss companies were investigated and eventually prosecuted for effectively running a cartel on the supply of vitamins. This resulted in the price being held artificially high (as much as 1200%).

And now in this new millenium, the Codex Alimentarius (an all encompassing, all powerful agreement on trade in health products touted by the multinationals) threatens to take away the rights of ownership of even our bodies.

This facistic piece of legislation from the WTO, allows for exactly the kind of price fixing and body policing that only nightmares are made of.

Already in Canada and amerika, health practioners have been raided by the full armed and screaming hysterics of the FBI/FDA et al, patients and staff held for hours at a time, stock destroyed or confiscated and irrational and draconian prohibitions placed on health workers until they can 'prove' themselves innocent of the 'charges'. (and search for FDA and associated words/links)

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16.06.2003 21:25

Just eat fresh fruit and veggies instead !!! It's not that complicated. Anyone who buys vitamin supplements is a fool. Strange as it may seem, people survived off real food long before this ludicrous consumerisation of food. Just because something is packaged to look like medicine, it ain't necessarily gonna be good for anyone who ain't making a profit out of it. Sod the space age crap. Buck rodgers can live off jars of vitamin c pills, i'll stick to my orange ta.

common sence!!!

Vitamins can seriously damage your health

09.05.2005 18:27

Brilliant article! I studied vitmanins and mineral intake for a few years in the past and have a few documents stored up where the same conclusions were reached! having been HIV positive since 1989 and being still healthy wiht no complications I can only attribute this state to my multivitamins and minerals taken each day( Solgar Vegicaps Multi 2) and knowing how vitamins work I take more or less when the situation requires! the state of the fresh food industry does not provide us with the necessary vitamins needed to keep healthy as all the fresh food items are picked far too early and therefore only contains a small amount of nutrients they would have had if left to ripen properly! anyway congratulation on this article!

Pascal De Bock
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