Guy Smallman | 15.06.2003 15:06
Just a quick update now I'm back home and have access to a computer. My leg is on the mend, it seems that my skin graft is working which hopefully means that I can start physio in 2-3 weeks to learn how to walk again. Right now can't even do crutches.Impossible to say how much permanent damage there is or how long I will be out of action, 9-18 months was the last estimate. Having said that I am healing quicker than expected so who knows?
Would like to say huge thanks to: The 2 IMCuk folk who stayed on in Geneva to look after me, everyone who came to visit me in hospital, everyone at Geneva hospital (swiss health service rules), whoever invented morphine, friends & family for all their support, everyone at NUJ especially MC, JD, MH & JT and most of all Sion, Beti & Zippo. I've no doubt forgotten to add loads of people to this list, sorry I'm still heavily medicated, you know who you are.
Anyway that's enough about me, availabilty of dramatic footage and gory stills have probably given this story more mileage than it deserves. Please can everyone remember that:
1) Martin Shaw is more seriously injured than me.
2) He will remain in hospital for weeks to come.
3) He still faces criminal charges that carry up six months inside if found guilty.
I spoke to Martin earlier today he is in good spirits conditions for him have dramatically improved. He now has access to a phone and will soon have internet. He also has a really cool support group around him who have found him a good lawyer and are doing everything they can to make his time more bearable. Martin would like to hear from the outside world at:, also Martin's support group can be contacted at, they need money so don't be shy. We are sorting out a benefit gig for Martin here in Brixton in the next couple of weeks if anyone has any similar ideas there is no time like the present.
Thanks once again to all those listed above and also to everyone who travelled to Geneva, Lausanne and Anamasse to remind the world's 8 biggest parasites about how much we hate them!
Guy x
Would like to say huge thanks to: The 2 IMCuk folk who stayed on in Geneva to look after me, everyone who came to visit me in hospital, everyone at Geneva hospital (swiss health service rules), whoever invented morphine, friends & family for all their support, everyone at NUJ especially MC, JD, MH & JT and most of all Sion, Beti & Zippo. I've no doubt forgotten to add loads of people to this list, sorry I'm still heavily medicated, you know who you are.
Anyway that's enough about me, availabilty of dramatic footage and gory stills have probably given this story more mileage than it deserves. Please can everyone remember that:
1) Martin Shaw is more seriously injured than me.
2) He will remain in hospital for weeks to come.
3) He still faces criminal charges that carry up six months inside if found guilty.
I spoke to Martin earlier today he is in good spirits conditions for him have dramatically improved. He now has access to a phone and will soon have internet. He also has a really cool support group around him who have found him a good lawyer and are doing everything they can to make his time more bearable. Martin would like to hear from the outside world at:, also Martin's support group can be contacted at, they need money so don't be shy. We are sorting out a benefit gig for Martin here in Brixton in the next couple of weeks if anyone has any similar ideas there is no time like the present.
Thanks once again to all those listed above and also to everyone who travelled to Geneva, Lausanne and Anamasse to remind the world's 8 biggest parasites about how much we hate them!
Guy x
Guy Smallman
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