Citizens' Initiative Omega | 13.06.2003 21:37
An Invitation from Berkeley, California - About Epilepsy - THE AUTHORIZED USE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WEAPONS - Conference on "Conflicted Science" - Transgenic Contamination of Certified Seed Stocks - STOP ADMINISTRATION ATTACKS ON OUR NATIONAL FORESTS - Bill Moyers's Presidential Address...
An Invitation from Berkeley, California
The Moment of Truth is Approaching
In the past 8 months, residents of north Berkeley have been working tirelessly to stop the installation of base-station antennas by Sprint on the roof of 1600 Shattuck Avenue, home of Cafe de la Paz, Barney's Restaurant, etc.
On Tuesday, June 17th, the neighbors of 1600 Shattuck who are opposing the installation of the antennas will present their case in a Public Hearing before the City Council.
You are cordially invited to attend this Public Hearing.
***** Tuesday, June 17, 2003, 7:00 PM *****
Old City Hall
2134 Martin Luther King, Jr. Way
City Council Chambers - Second Floor
Your presence in the City Hall is crucially important.
Thank you,
About Epilepsy
About EMF and epilepsy: on www.csif-cem.org (in French):
Champ ElectroMagnetique et Epilepsie
www.csif-cem.org le 04/06/2003
Champs électromagnétiques (CEM) et épilepsie.
Dans les causes:
Il ne peut être question en l'état des connaissances scientifiques actuelles d'impliquer les CEM dans les causes de l'épilepsie même si la question reste en suspens pour les cas où des perturbations des neurotransmetteurs sont évoquées comme peuvent le faire les CEM (voir par exemple le chapitre sur l'Acetylcholine).
Dans le déclenchement des crises des études (5,6) ont montré depuis longtemps l'influence des champs magnétiques sur l'épilepsie et des études récentes ont précisé ces données:
Etudes sur l'animal:
Beason et al (1) ont montré l'augmentation du taux d'excitation de neurones aviaires en réponse à un signal GSM à un SAR de 0,05 W/kg (pic de 0,1 mW/cm2)
Action retrouvée également par Zhang et coll. (29) chez le rat ou par Tattersall et coll. (30) ou par Sidorenko et coll. (2) qui ont caractérisé cette action d'activité convulsive épileptiforme Marino et coll (26) ont montré ces modifications de l'activité électrique chez le lapin.
Action sur l'homme : Les études ayant montré des modifications au niveau de l'EEG, donc de l'activité électrique cérébrale, chez l'homme sont très nombreuses (7 à 25), la dose minimum d'exposition ayant montré un effet
de 1,9 V/m (7) soit largement sous les doses d'exposition engendrée par les téléphones et de l'ordre de celles reçues par les riverains d'antennes relais. Les effets sur des personnes atteintes d'épilepsie ont également été démontrées (27) ainsi que l'augmentation significative du risque d'épilepsie chez des travailleurs de compagnie d'électricité (28).
Mécanisme: Action au niveau de la synapse électrique (Gap junction) et modifications des communications intercellulaires (3) expliquées par certains (4) par une internalisation des proteines de la synapse et/ou
par modification des concentrations de calcium intracellulaire. Certains auteurs font également intervenir les modifications au niveau des neurotransmetteurs.
Si la compréhension de la genèse de l'épilepsie nécessite encore des recherches, les raisons relatives au déclenchement des crises ou à la favorisation de celles-ci sont beaucoup plus nettes et les CEM, que ce soit en extrèmement basse fréquences comme celles de l'électricité ou en radiofréquences telles celles de la téléphonie mobile sont démontrées comme capables de déclencher des crises d'épilepsie.
Omega: translation tool French-English:
(1) Robert C Beason, Peter Semm. Responses of neurons to an amplitude modulated microwave stimulus. Neurosci Lett. 2002 Nov 29;333(3):175-8.
(2) Sidorenko AV, Tsariuk VV. The effect of microwaves on the bioelectric brain activity Radiats Biol Radioecol 2002 Sep-Oct;42(5):546-50
(3) Shcheglov VS, Alipov ED, Belyaev IY. Cell-to-cell communication in response of E. coli cells at different phases of growth to low-intensity microwaves. Biochim Biophys Acta 2002 Aug 15;1572(1):101-6
(4) Zeng QL, Chiang H, Hu GL, Mao GG, Fu YT, Lu DQ. ELF magnetic fields induce internalization of gap junction protein connexin 43 in Chinese
hamster lung cells. Bioelectromagnetics 2003 Feb;24(2):134-8 (5) Keshavan et coll. convulsive threshold in humans and rats and magnetic field changes: observations during total solar eclipse. Neuroscience Letters. 1981. 22: 205-208.
(6) Anninos et coll. Magnetic stimulation in the treatment of partial seizures. Int. J. Neurosc. 1991. 60 : 147-171.
(7) Von Klitzing, L. Low-Frequency Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields Influence EEG Of Man. Phys Med (1995) April/June:77-80
(8) Mann et coll. Effects of pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic fields on human sleep. Journal Neuropsychobiology, 1996;33:41-47
(9) Mann et coll. Effects of pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic fields on the neuroendocrine system. Neuroendocrinology 1998 Feb;67(2):139-44
(10) Wagner et coll. Human sleep EEG under the influence of pulsed radio frequency electromagnetic fields. Results from polysomnographies using submaximal high power flux densities. Neuropsychobiology 2000;42(4):207-12
(11) Eulitz et coll. Mobile phones modulate response patterns of human brain activity. Neuroreport 1998 Oct 5;9(14):3229-32
(13) Borberly et coll. Pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic field affects human sleep and sleep electroencephalogram. Neurosci Lett 1999 Nov 19;275(3):207-10
(14) Huber et coll. Exposure to pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic field during waking affects human sleep EEG. Neuroreport (2000) 11:3321-3325
(15) Huber et coll. Electromagnetic fields, such as those from mobil phones, alter regional blood flow and sleep and waking EEG. J. Sleep Res. (2002) 11,289-295.
(16) Huber et coll. Radio frequency electromagnetic field exposure in humans: Estimation of SAR distribution in the brain, effects on sleep and heart rate. Bioelectromagnetics 2003 May;24(4):262-76
(17) Krause et coll. Effects of Electromagnetic Field Emitted by Cellular Phones on the EEG During a Memory Task. NeuroReport (2000) 11:761-764
(19) Freude et coll. Microwaves Emitted by Cellular Telephones Affect Human Slow Brain Potentials. Eur J Allp Physiol (2000) 81:18-27
(20) Koivisto et coll. The effects of electromagnetic field emitted by GSM phones on working memory. Neuroreport 2000 Jun 5;11(8):1641-3
(21) Lebedeva et coll. Investigation of brain potentials in sleeping humans exposed to the electromagnetic field of mobile phones. Crit Rev Biomed Eng 2001;29(1):125-33
(22) Jech et coll. Electromagnetic Field of Mobile Phones Affects Visual Event Related Potential in Patients with Narcolepsy. Bioelectromagnetics
(2001) 22:519-528.
(23) Hinrikus et coll. Modulated Microwave Effects on EEG. EBEA 2001 meeting.
(24) Hinrikus et coll. Comparison of Photic and Microwave Stimulation Effects on EEG. Biological Effects of EMFs meeting (2002) Rhodes, Greece.
(25) Croft et coll. Acute mobile phone operation affects neural function in humans. Clinical Neurophysiology (2002) 113:1623-1632.
(26) Marino et coll. Consistent magnetic-field induced dynamical changes in rabbit brain activity detected by recurrence quantification analysis( small star, filled ). Brain Res 2003 Feb 28;964(2):317-26
(27) Dobson et coll. Changes in paroxysmal Brainwave patterns of epileptics by weak-field magnetic stimulation. Bioelectromagnetics 21:94-99 (2000).
(28) C. Johansen. Exposure to electromagnetic fields and risk of central nervous system disease in utility workers. Epidemiology. 2000. 11 : 539-543
(29) Zhang et coll. Extremely low frequency magnetic fields promote neurite varicosity formation and cell excitability in cultured rat chromaffin cells. Comp Biochem Physiol C Pharmacol Toxicol Endocrinol 1997 Nov;118(3):295-9
(30) Tattersall et coll. Effects of low intensity radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on electrical activity in rat hippocampal slices.
Brain Research, 2001, 904: 43-53.
Wed, 11 Jun 2003 16:52:00 -0400
From: James Black
It's been going on for years ... The technology was used on Koresh at Waco, Texas.
Please print the entire site before it is taken down for your peace, safety and health... "Congress Passes Law"
Large scale experiments permissible despite link to disease and death of U.S. citizens. Media muzzled! Government experiments on women & children law passed despite plea from Ret.. Senator John Glenn for reversal!
Electromagnetic pulse experiments are being performed in your Metro and Surburban area! Local authorities kept in dark, need to know "secrecy orders" keep them uninformed, or are ordered to deny truth.
"Congressional Crime"
The law below grants unlimited use of all types of weapons including remote electronic weapons on mass numbers of U.S. citizens.
U.S. Code available in all libraries
TITLE 50 - WAR AND NATIONAL DEFENSE CHAPTER 32 - CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WARFARE PROGRAM (hidden in back pocket of volume!) Sec. 1520a. Restrictions on use of human subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents. Where such activities can be done without the subjects being notified.
Additionally portions of statutes from Patriot Act in liaison with Homeland Security allow for similar abuse!
Human rights activists and investigators working to change laws allowing experiments often resulting in disfigurement, disease and death on US women, children and men.
You received this information because your media refuse to buck the system and warn you of total abuse of power causing artificial mental illness symptoms, serious diseases and death!
"Get involved", just spread the word. Take the time as a concerned citizen and go to your public library and look up such statutes as cited here! Especially now! The Government is spreading lies and rumors about activists for exposing these atrocities, support your hometown people
exposing the statutes and laws that are being used to do acts against citizens but most of all on children.
This site is about experimenting on US citizens with silent electronic weapons without their knowledge in their homes, condos and apartments, includes many first hand interview accounts of victims who have experienced the horror of government out of control.
List of the symptoms to judge whether you or your children are being made ill by silent weapons, which often begin with haggardness, sleeplessness, shock sensations as one drifts off to sleep and acid reflux; the effects on the immune system which can cause ADD, Hyperactivity, CFC,MS, Cerebral Palsy, and many other diseases.
Please print the entire site before it is taken down for your peace, safety and health...
The Best Streams On The Net
Informant: Planetary Association for Clean Energy, Inc., Ontario, Canada
Conference on "Conflicted Science"
CSPI Announces Conference on "Conflicted Science"
Will Address Corporate Efforts to Manipulate Science
Scientists, academicians, journalists, and policy advocates will convene in Washington on July 11 to address corporations' use of science to manipulate public opinion and influence public policy on health and the environment. The landmark conference was announced today by the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI).
Sessions include panels on how corporate dollars thwart research on health risks, suppress information about toxic products, and shape the federal research agenda. Conferees will present remedies to prevent conflicts of interest, to improve the transparency of the federal scientific advisory process, to hold corporations accountable, and to enhance the media's role in disclosing conflicts of interest.
Among the presenters are Drummond Rennie, M.D., deputy editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association; Marion Nestle, Ph.D., chair of the Department of Nutrition at New York University, and author, Food Politics; Alicia Mundy, author, Dispensing With the Truth; Sheldon Krimsky, Ph.D., professor of Urban and Environmental Policy at Tufts University and author, Science in the Private Interest; and Lisa Bero, Ph.D., professor of clinical pharmacy at University of California, San Francisco and co-author, The Cigarette Papers.
"The public is not aware that tactics used by the tobacco industry to manipulate science are also widely used by other industries," said Virginia A. Sharpe, director of CSPI's Integrity in Science project.
"This conference seeks to shed light on how pharmaceutical, food, chemical, and other companies fund scientific research in the service of those industries' short-term gain."
The conference, titled "Conflicted Science," will take place on July 11, 2003, from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Wyndham City Center Hotel, 1143 New Hampshire Avenue, NW in Washington. The full conference agenda, list of participants, and registration materials are available at
Jeff Howard, Doctoral Student
Dept. of Science and Technology Studies (
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Martin J. Walker writes on "Sir Richard Doll: Death, Dioxin and PVC" (From Stewart Fist)
Starting tomorrow, there is a three-day conference in Naples on "Science and Democracy 2"
http://www.dipmat.unipg.it/~mamone/sci-dem/sci%26dem.htm .
There are many interesting titles among the contributions available on the web (link on the starting page), with a preponderance of papers in Italian.
Martin J. Walker writes on "Sir Richard Doll: Death, Dioxin and PVC"
Informant: Don Maisch
Transgenic Contamination of Certified Seed Stocks
Yet more evidence that transgenic contamination is inevitable and unavoidable. Prof. Joe Cummins reports.
The spread of transgenes from genetically modified crops is a great threat to the quality of certified seed. Canola (oilseed rape in the UK) (Brassica napus, B. rapa, B. campestris) is the second most valuable crop in Canada. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), a sub department of Agriculture Canada, requires a distance of 200 metres separation between fields growing certified seeds from any other Brassica, and a distance of 50 metres from weedy relatives. Recently, however, producers of hybrid canola seed have required a separation of 2 kilometers from a Brassica crop, in recognition that pollen from a Brassica crop may travel as far as a kilometer or more. CFIA separation distances are evidently inadequate for insuring the purity of certified seeds.
Friesen, Nelson and Van Acker in the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, studied certified canola seed stocks for contamination due to transgenes for herbicide tolerance to glyphosate, glufosinate or thifensulfuron [1]. Certified seed stocks were studied in field plots to which herbicides were applied. The results showed that 95% of 27 certified seed lots were contaminated with herbicide tolerance transgenes; with 52% of the seed lots exceeding the 0.25% maximum contamination standard set for certified seed. Some lots were tolerant to both glyphosate and glufosinate.
A year earlier, Downie and Beckie from AgriFood Canada in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan [2], examined 70 certified canola seed lots using a laboratory Petri dish assay. They found 59% of the seed lots had detectable herbicide tolerance and 25% had contamination levels exceeding the maximum acceptable standard for certified seeds. The standard for cross contamination was established for conventional not transgenic cultivars, and presently, there are no standards for transgenic contamination of certified cultivars in Canada. Standards for transgene contamination of canola oil or oilseed cake for animal feed would be desirable, and even necessary for export purposes, given the requirements for labeling and traceability in Europe.
The extensive contamination of certified canola seed with transgenes for herbicide tolerance is staggering. The Canadian canola crop extends over some 5 million hectares, of which roughly 60% are planted with transgenic varieties. The extensive cross contamination by transgenic varieties
could have been foreseen and predicted at the time field trials of transgenic crops were carried out.
By now, it seems unlikely that transgene- free canola can be produced in western Canada. It is disturbing that CFIA appears to be totally unconcerned over the extensive contamination, which is evidence of gross negligence in oversight on its part.
1. Friesen LF, Nelson AG and Van Acker RC. Evidence of contamination of pedigreed canola (Brassica napus) seedlots in western Canada with genetically engineered herbicide resistance traits. Agron. J. 2003, 95 (in press).
2.Downey RK, and Beckie H. 2002. Isolation Effectiveness in Canola Pedigree Seed Production. Internal Research Report, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Saskatoon Research Centre, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N 0X2, Canada, 2002, 14 pp.
Informant: The Institute of Science in Society
Science Society Sustainability
Target: U.S. Senators and Representatives
Sponsor: SaveOurEnvironment.org
America's National Forests are again under attack by the Bush administration. The administration's goal is simple: virtually eliminate public input into forest management decisions, and give extractive industries unfettered access to America's forests, regardless of the cost.
A key component of the Bush administration's anti-conservation agenda is to change federal regulations -- proposals that usually do not make it to the front page of the newspaper, but which can fundamentally change how forests are managed and what rights the public has to weigh in on management decisions. The administration is also trying to weaken the newly established Roadless Area Conservation Rule.
We need your help. Please sign this petition to send a letter to your members of Congress urging them to contact the administration and insist that it not rewrite and weaken the NFMA regulations and that it refrain from any efforts to abandon the historic and popular Roadless Rule. Our National Forests are treasures that belong to every American, and their last remaining wildlands deserve strong protections.
Bill Moyers's Presidential Address
CIA aware of dubious war motive
UK seeing war itself as war crime
The Growing Case Against Bush's War
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
The Moment of Truth is Approaching
In the past 8 months, residents of north Berkeley have been working tirelessly to stop the installation of base-station antennas by Sprint on the roof of 1600 Shattuck Avenue, home of Cafe de la Paz, Barney's Restaurant, etc.
On Tuesday, June 17th, the neighbors of 1600 Shattuck who are opposing the installation of the antennas will present their case in a Public Hearing before the City Council.
You are cordially invited to attend this Public Hearing.
***** Tuesday, June 17, 2003, 7:00 PM *****
Old City Hall
2134 Martin Luther King, Jr. Way
City Council Chambers - Second Floor
Your presence in the City Hall is crucially important.
Thank you,
About Epilepsy
About EMF and epilepsy: on www.csif-cem.org (in French):
Champ ElectroMagnetique et Epilepsie
www.csif-cem.org le 04/06/2003
Champs électromagnétiques (CEM) et épilepsie.
Dans les causes:
Il ne peut être question en l'état des connaissances scientifiques actuelles d'impliquer les CEM dans les causes de l'épilepsie même si la question reste en suspens pour les cas où des perturbations des neurotransmetteurs sont évoquées comme peuvent le faire les CEM (voir par exemple le chapitre sur l'Acetylcholine).
Dans le déclenchement des crises des études (5,6) ont montré depuis longtemps l'influence des champs magnétiques sur l'épilepsie et des études récentes ont précisé ces données:
Etudes sur l'animal:
Beason et al (1) ont montré l'augmentation du taux d'excitation de neurones aviaires en réponse à un signal GSM à un SAR de 0,05 W/kg (pic de 0,1 mW/cm2)
Action retrouvée également par Zhang et coll. (29) chez le rat ou par Tattersall et coll. (30) ou par Sidorenko et coll. (2) qui ont caractérisé cette action d'activité convulsive épileptiforme Marino et coll (26) ont montré ces modifications de l'activité électrique chez le lapin.
Action sur l'homme : Les études ayant montré des modifications au niveau de l'EEG, donc de l'activité électrique cérébrale, chez l'homme sont très nombreuses (7 à 25), la dose minimum d'exposition ayant montré un effet
de 1,9 V/m (7) soit largement sous les doses d'exposition engendrée par les téléphones et de l'ordre de celles reçues par les riverains d'antennes relais. Les effets sur des personnes atteintes d'épilepsie ont également été démontrées (27) ainsi que l'augmentation significative du risque d'épilepsie chez des travailleurs de compagnie d'électricité (28).
Mécanisme: Action au niveau de la synapse électrique (Gap junction) et modifications des communications intercellulaires (3) expliquées par certains (4) par une internalisation des proteines de la synapse et/ou
par modification des concentrations de calcium intracellulaire. Certains auteurs font également intervenir les modifications au niveau des neurotransmetteurs.
Si la compréhension de la genèse de l'épilepsie nécessite encore des recherches, les raisons relatives au déclenchement des crises ou à la favorisation de celles-ci sont beaucoup plus nettes et les CEM, que ce soit en extrèmement basse fréquences comme celles de l'électricité ou en radiofréquences telles celles de la téléphonie mobile sont démontrées comme capables de déclencher des crises d'épilepsie.
Omega: translation tool French-English:
(1) Robert C Beason, Peter Semm. Responses of neurons to an amplitude modulated microwave stimulus. Neurosci Lett. 2002 Nov 29;333(3):175-8.
(2) Sidorenko AV, Tsariuk VV. The effect of microwaves on the bioelectric brain activity Radiats Biol Radioecol 2002 Sep-Oct;42(5):546-50
(3) Shcheglov VS, Alipov ED, Belyaev IY. Cell-to-cell communication in response of E. coli cells at different phases of growth to low-intensity microwaves. Biochim Biophys Acta 2002 Aug 15;1572(1):101-6
(4) Zeng QL, Chiang H, Hu GL, Mao GG, Fu YT, Lu DQ. ELF magnetic fields induce internalization of gap junction protein connexin 43 in Chinese
hamster lung cells. Bioelectromagnetics 2003 Feb;24(2):134-8 (5) Keshavan et coll. convulsive threshold in humans and rats and magnetic field changes: observations during total solar eclipse. Neuroscience Letters. 1981. 22: 205-208.
(6) Anninos et coll. Magnetic stimulation in the treatment of partial seizures. Int. J. Neurosc. 1991. 60 : 147-171.
(7) Von Klitzing, L. Low-Frequency Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields Influence EEG Of Man. Phys Med (1995) April/June:77-80
(8) Mann et coll. Effects of pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic fields on human sleep. Journal Neuropsychobiology, 1996;33:41-47
(9) Mann et coll. Effects of pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic fields on the neuroendocrine system. Neuroendocrinology 1998 Feb;67(2):139-44
(10) Wagner et coll. Human sleep EEG under the influence of pulsed radio frequency electromagnetic fields. Results from polysomnographies using submaximal high power flux densities. Neuropsychobiology 2000;42(4):207-12
(11) Eulitz et coll. Mobile phones modulate response patterns of human brain activity. Neuroreport 1998 Oct 5;9(14):3229-32
(13) Borberly et coll. Pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic field affects human sleep and sleep electroencephalogram. Neurosci Lett 1999 Nov 19;275(3):207-10
(14) Huber et coll. Exposure to pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic field during waking affects human sleep EEG. Neuroreport (2000) 11:3321-3325
(15) Huber et coll. Electromagnetic fields, such as those from mobil phones, alter regional blood flow and sleep and waking EEG. J. Sleep Res. (2002) 11,289-295.
(16) Huber et coll. Radio frequency electromagnetic field exposure in humans: Estimation of SAR distribution in the brain, effects on sleep and heart rate. Bioelectromagnetics 2003 May;24(4):262-76
(17) Krause et coll. Effects of Electromagnetic Field Emitted by Cellular Phones on the EEG During a Memory Task. NeuroReport (2000) 11:761-764
(19) Freude et coll. Microwaves Emitted by Cellular Telephones Affect Human Slow Brain Potentials. Eur J Allp Physiol (2000) 81:18-27
(20) Koivisto et coll. The effects of electromagnetic field emitted by GSM phones on working memory. Neuroreport 2000 Jun 5;11(8):1641-3
(21) Lebedeva et coll. Investigation of brain potentials in sleeping humans exposed to the electromagnetic field of mobile phones. Crit Rev Biomed Eng 2001;29(1):125-33
(22) Jech et coll. Electromagnetic Field of Mobile Phones Affects Visual Event Related Potential in Patients with Narcolepsy. Bioelectromagnetics
(2001) 22:519-528.
(23) Hinrikus et coll. Modulated Microwave Effects on EEG. EBEA 2001 meeting.
(24) Hinrikus et coll. Comparison of Photic and Microwave Stimulation Effects on EEG. Biological Effects of EMFs meeting (2002) Rhodes, Greece.
(25) Croft et coll. Acute mobile phone operation affects neural function in humans. Clinical Neurophysiology (2002) 113:1623-1632.
(26) Marino et coll. Consistent magnetic-field induced dynamical changes in rabbit brain activity detected by recurrence quantification analysis( small star, filled ). Brain Res 2003 Feb 28;964(2):317-26
(27) Dobson et coll. Changes in paroxysmal Brainwave patterns of epileptics by weak-field magnetic stimulation. Bioelectromagnetics 21:94-99 (2000).
(28) C. Johansen. Exposure to electromagnetic fields and risk of central nervous system disease in utility workers. Epidemiology. 2000. 11 : 539-543
(29) Zhang et coll. Extremely low frequency magnetic fields promote neurite varicosity formation and cell excitability in cultured rat chromaffin cells. Comp Biochem Physiol C Pharmacol Toxicol Endocrinol 1997 Nov;118(3):295-9
(30) Tattersall et coll. Effects of low intensity radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on electrical activity in rat hippocampal slices.
Brain Research, 2001, 904: 43-53.
Wed, 11 Jun 2003 16:52:00 -0400
From: James Black
It's been going on for years ... The technology was used on Koresh at Waco, Texas.
Please print the entire site before it is taken down for your peace, safety and health... "Congress Passes Law"
Large scale experiments permissible despite link to disease and death of U.S. citizens. Media muzzled! Government experiments on women & children law passed despite plea from Ret.. Senator John Glenn for reversal!
Electromagnetic pulse experiments are being performed in your Metro and Surburban area! Local authorities kept in dark, need to know "secrecy orders" keep them uninformed, or are ordered to deny truth.
"Congressional Crime"
The law below grants unlimited use of all types of weapons including remote electronic weapons on mass numbers of U.S. citizens.
U.S. Code available in all libraries
TITLE 50 - WAR AND NATIONAL DEFENSE CHAPTER 32 - CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WARFARE PROGRAM (hidden in back pocket of volume!) Sec. 1520a. Restrictions on use of human subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents. Where such activities can be done without the subjects being notified.
Additionally portions of statutes from Patriot Act in liaison with Homeland Security allow for similar abuse!
Human rights activists and investigators working to change laws allowing experiments often resulting in disfigurement, disease and death on US women, children and men.
You received this information because your media refuse to buck the system and warn you of total abuse of power causing artificial mental illness symptoms, serious diseases and death!
"Get involved", just spread the word. Take the time as a concerned citizen and go to your public library and look up such statutes as cited here! Especially now! The Government is spreading lies and rumors about activists for exposing these atrocities, support your hometown people
exposing the statutes and laws that are being used to do acts against citizens but most of all on children.
This site is about experimenting on US citizens with silent electronic weapons without their knowledge in their homes, condos and apartments, includes many first hand interview accounts of victims who have experienced the horror of government out of control.
List of the symptoms to judge whether you or your children are being made ill by silent weapons, which often begin with haggardness, sleeplessness, shock sensations as one drifts off to sleep and acid reflux; the effects on the immune system which can cause ADD, Hyperactivity, CFC,MS, Cerebral Palsy, and many other diseases.
Please print the entire site before it is taken down for your peace, safety and health...
The Best Streams On The Net
Informant: Planetary Association for Clean Energy, Inc., Ontario, Canada
Conference on "Conflicted Science"
CSPI Announces Conference on "Conflicted Science"
Will Address Corporate Efforts to Manipulate Science
Scientists, academicians, journalists, and policy advocates will convene in Washington on July 11 to address corporations' use of science to manipulate public opinion and influence public policy on health and the environment. The landmark conference was announced today by the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI).
Sessions include panels on how corporate dollars thwart research on health risks, suppress information about toxic products, and shape the federal research agenda. Conferees will present remedies to prevent conflicts of interest, to improve the transparency of the federal scientific advisory process, to hold corporations accountable, and to enhance the media's role in disclosing conflicts of interest.
Among the presenters are Drummond Rennie, M.D., deputy editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association; Marion Nestle, Ph.D., chair of the Department of Nutrition at New York University, and author, Food Politics; Alicia Mundy, author, Dispensing With the Truth; Sheldon Krimsky, Ph.D., professor of Urban and Environmental Policy at Tufts University and author, Science in the Private Interest; and Lisa Bero, Ph.D., professor of clinical pharmacy at University of California, San Francisco and co-author, The Cigarette Papers.
"The public is not aware that tactics used by the tobacco industry to manipulate science are also widely used by other industries," said Virginia A. Sharpe, director of CSPI's Integrity in Science project.
"This conference seeks to shed light on how pharmaceutical, food, chemical, and other companies fund scientific research in the service of those industries' short-term gain."
The conference, titled "Conflicted Science," will take place on July 11, 2003, from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Wyndham City Center Hotel, 1143 New Hampshire Avenue, NW in Washington. The full conference agenda, list of participants, and registration materials are available at
Jeff Howard, Doctoral Student
Dept. of Science and Technology Studies (
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Martin J. Walker writes on "Sir Richard Doll: Death, Dioxin and PVC" (From Stewart Fist)
Starting tomorrow, there is a three-day conference in Naples on "Science and Democracy 2"
There are many interesting titles among the contributions available on the web (link on the starting page), with a preponderance of papers in Italian.
Martin J. Walker writes on "Sir Richard Doll: Death, Dioxin and PVC"
Informant: Don Maisch
Transgenic Contamination of Certified Seed Stocks
Yet more evidence that transgenic contamination is inevitable and unavoidable. Prof. Joe Cummins reports.
The spread of transgenes from genetically modified crops is a great threat to the quality of certified seed. Canola (oilseed rape in the UK) (Brassica napus, B. rapa, B. campestris) is the second most valuable crop in Canada. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), a sub department of Agriculture Canada, requires a distance of 200 metres separation between fields growing certified seeds from any other Brassica, and a distance of 50 metres from weedy relatives. Recently, however, producers of hybrid canola seed have required a separation of 2 kilometers from a Brassica crop, in recognition that pollen from a Brassica crop may travel as far as a kilometer or more. CFIA separation distances are evidently inadequate for insuring the purity of certified seeds.
Friesen, Nelson and Van Acker in the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, studied certified canola seed stocks for contamination due to transgenes for herbicide tolerance to glyphosate, glufosinate or thifensulfuron [1]. Certified seed stocks were studied in field plots to which herbicides were applied. The results showed that 95% of 27 certified seed lots were contaminated with herbicide tolerance transgenes; with 52% of the seed lots exceeding the 0.25% maximum contamination standard set for certified seed. Some lots were tolerant to both glyphosate and glufosinate.
A year earlier, Downie and Beckie from AgriFood Canada in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan [2], examined 70 certified canola seed lots using a laboratory Petri dish assay. They found 59% of the seed lots had detectable herbicide tolerance and 25% had contamination levels exceeding the maximum acceptable standard for certified seeds. The standard for cross contamination was established for conventional not transgenic cultivars, and presently, there are no standards for transgenic contamination of certified cultivars in Canada. Standards for transgene contamination of canola oil or oilseed cake for animal feed would be desirable, and even necessary for export purposes, given the requirements for labeling and traceability in Europe.
The extensive contamination of certified canola seed with transgenes for herbicide tolerance is staggering. The Canadian canola crop extends over some 5 million hectares, of which roughly 60% are planted with transgenic varieties. The extensive cross contamination by transgenic varieties
could have been foreseen and predicted at the time field trials of transgenic crops were carried out.
By now, it seems unlikely that transgene- free canola can be produced in western Canada. It is disturbing that CFIA appears to be totally unconcerned over the extensive contamination, which is evidence of gross negligence in oversight on its part.
1. Friesen LF, Nelson AG and Van Acker RC. Evidence of contamination of pedigreed canola (Brassica napus) seedlots in western Canada with genetically engineered herbicide resistance traits. Agron. J. 2003, 95 (in press).
2.Downey RK, and Beckie H. 2002. Isolation Effectiveness in Canola Pedigree Seed Production. Internal Research Report, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Saskatoon Research Centre, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N 0X2, Canada, 2002, 14 pp.
Informant: The Institute of Science in Society
Science Society Sustainability
Target: U.S. Senators and Representatives
Sponsor: SaveOurEnvironment.org
America's National Forests are again under attack by the Bush administration. The administration's goal is simple: virtually eliminate public input into forest management decisions, and give extractive industries unfettered access to America's forests, regardless of the cost.
A key component of the Bush administration's anti-conservation agenda is to change federal regulations -- proposals that usually do not make it to the front page of the newspaper, but which can fundamentally change how forests are managed and what rights the public has to weigh in on management decisions. The administration is also trying to weaken the newly established Roadless Area Conservation Rule.
We need your help. Please sign this petition to send a letter to your members of Congress urging them to contact the administration and insist that it not rewrite and weaken the NFMA regulations and that it refrain from any efforts to abandon the historic and popular Roadless Rule. Our National Forests are treasures that belong to every American, and their last remaining wildlands deserve strong protections.
Bill Moyers's Presidential Address
CIA aware of dubious war motive
UK seeing war itself as war crime
The Growing Case Against Bush's War
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Citizens' Initiative Omega