Baghdad protest against US troops entering mosque
The Crimson Repat | 13.06.2003 17:38
AP report says there was a demonstration today in Baghdad to protest US troops entering a mosque in the city the previous day, "claiming the troops mistreated worshippers and took money".
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Around 200 Iraqis rallied Friday in downtown Baghdad to protest U.S. soldiers entering a mosque, claiming the troops mistreated worshippers and took money.
U.S. military spokesmen contacted in Baghdad and at Central Command headquarters in Tampa, Fla. said they had no information about the alleged incident.
Chanting Islamic slogans, the protesters gathered after prayers in front of the Palestine Hotel, where some American troops and international media are staying.
They said U.S. soldiers entered the Hotfaifa bin al-Yaman Mosque on Thursday without permission, improperly searched the building, interrogated worshippers and took about 100,000 Iraqi dinars, worth about $71.
The crowd dispersed peacefully.
U.S. military spokesmen contacted in Baghdad and at Central Command headquarters in Tampa, Fla. said they had no information about the alleged incident.
Chanting Islamic slogans, the protesters gathered after prayers in front of the Palestine Hotel, where some American troops and international media are staying.
They said U.S. soldiers entered the Hotfaifa bin al-Yaman Mosque on Thursday without permission, improperly searched the building, interrogated worshippers and took about 100,000 Iraqi dinars, worth about $71.
The crowd dispersed peacefully.
The Crimson Repat