Argentina Autonomista Tour!
LARC | 12.06.2003 00:45
As part of a UK tour the Argentina Autonomista Project is coming to
London Action Resource Centre, 62 Fieldgate street, EC1 1ES. 19th June - 7.30 pm. There will be:
Talk - discussion - slideshow - food - music - puppet show - documentaries
£2 donation on the door
London Action Resource Centre, 62 Fieldgate street, EC1 1ES. 19th June - 7.30 pm. There will be:
Talk - discussion - slideshow - food - music - puppet show - documentaries
£2 donation on the door
If you want to contribute towards the travelling cost of the tour please write a cheque payable to: London International Solidarity, 62 Fieldgate street, London EC1 1ES.
Neka of the unemployed workers of the Anibal Veron Co-ordination is coming to share her experience of the vast movement of occupations and grass-roots organising and resistance that has swept Argentina over the past two years or more. Graciela, a puppeteer, will give a show about local social movements and Argentina's insurrection. The puppet show will give people a chance to understand the situation in Argentina where workers have gone from regular jobs to picking up cardboard from the streets of Buenos Aires every night to sell it for a few cents. There will be opportunities for those that come along to participate, and it is hoped people will also be able to make connections between the situation in Argentina and what's faced here. This will be an inspiring look at the grassroots organisation that has sprung up in Argentina.
Over the last year an incredible wave of social protest and action has engulfed Argentina. In the midst of a severe economic crisis there have been massive street protests, over 200 factory under workers control, more than three hundred co-ordinated micro-enterprise co-operatives organised by unemployed women and men, countless neighbourhood associations formed, and many other autonomous popular initiatives. Yet little is heard about this in the United States or in Europe. The purpose of the Argentina Autonomista project is to bring news about events in Argentina to North America and Europe, through people-to-people exchanges and the internet (web and email) and to facilitate non-hierarchical communication within Argentina, especially among groups with a minimum of resources.
The tour is timed to coincide with the first anniversary of the Avellaneda Massacre outside Buenos Aires on June 26th 2002
Tour schedule:
Brighton 16th June: Cowley Club, 12 London road, Brighton BN1 4JA,
Guildford 18th June: venue TBC
London 19th June: London Action Resource Centre, 62 Fieldgate street, E1 1ES.
Durham 21st June: Durham University
Hebden Bridge 25th June: THE TRADES CLUB - 7.30pm
Glasgow 1st July: Alex Thompson Hotel 320 Argle Street
Edinburgh 2nd July: 2pm Forest art space / café, Westport, off Grass Market
Edinburgh 3rd July: at 7.30pm CWU, 15, Brunswick Street
Lancaster 5th July : The Gregson Centre, Moor Lane, Lancaster. 8.30 pm.
Bradford 7th July: organised by the 1in12 social centre
Leeds 8th July: organised by local EF! Venue TBC
Liverpool 9th July: organised by Merseyside AF. Venue TBC
Cardiff 11th July: venue TBC
Bristol 13th July: venue TBC
For updated tour details see
- for more info see:
Neka of the unemployed workers of the Anibal Veron Co-ordination is coming to share her experience of the vast movement of occupations and grass-roots organising and resistance that has swept Argentina over the past two years or more. Graciela, a puppeteer, will give a show about local social movements and Argentina's insurrection. The puppet show will give people a chance to understand the situation in Argentina where workers have gone from regular jobs to picking up cardboard from the streets of Buenos Aires every night to sell it for a few cents. There will be opportunities for those that come along to participate, and it is hoped people will also be able to make connections between the situation in Argentina and what's faced here. This will be an inspiring look at the grassroots organisation that has sprung up in Argentina.
Over the last year an incredible wave of social protest and action has engulfed Argentina. In the midst of a severe economic crisis there have been massive street protests, over 200 factory under workers control, more than three hundred co-ordinated micro-enterprise co-operatives organised by unemployed women and men, countless neighbourhood associations formed, and many other autonomous popular initiatives. Yet little is heard about this in the United States or in Europe. The purpose of the Argentina Autonomista project is to bring news about events in Argentina to North America and Europe, through people-to-people exchanges and the internet (web and email) and to facilitate non-hierarchical communication within Argentina, especially among groups with a minimum of resources.
The tour is timed to coincide with the first anniversary of the Avellaneda Massacre outside Buenos Aires on June 26th 2002
Tour schedule:
Brighton 16th June: Cowley Club, 12 London road, Brighton BN1 4JA,
Guildford 18th June: venue TBC
London 19th June: London Action Resource Centre, 62 Fieldgate street, E1 1ES.
Durham 21st June: Durham University
Hebden Bridge 25th June: THE TRADES CLUB - 7.30pm
Glasgow 1st July: Alex Thompson Hotel 320 Argle Street
Edinburgh 2nd July: 2pm Forest art space / café, Westport, off Grass Market
Edinburgh 3rd July: at 7.30pm CWU, 15, Brunswick Street
Lancaster 5th July : The Gregson Centre, Moor Lane, Lancaster. 8.30 pm.
Bradford 7th July: organised by the 1in12 social centre
Leeds 8th July: organised by local EF! Venue TBC
Liverpool 9th July: organised by Merseyside AF. Venue TBC
Cardiff 11th July: venue TBC
Bristol 13th July: venue TBC
For updated tour details see
- for more info see:

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