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Fairford Gatecrashers' Stroll 4th July 2003

Fairford Peacewatch | 11.06.2003 10:29 | Oxford

Fairford Peacewatchers and friends
Cordially invite you to


Venue: Meet up at the main car park at the top of the main street in Fairford town Gloucestershire, Stroll to Main Entrance to USAF Fairford, and along southern perimeter.

Date and time: Friday 4 July 2003 - 3pm onwards

Speakers: 'Gatecrashers', Peacewatchers and friends :o)

Tour: around the base

Music: bring some !

Public reading: Declaration of Independence FROM American Militarism

Food: bring cucumber sandwiches and fairy cakes to share !

All partygoers and gatecrashers are required to bring what they might need for a good time: fancy dress, Morris dancers, soundsytems, street theatre, musical instruments, samba bands, party poppers, Mad Hatters, ladders etc.

Suggested attire: Black tie and ball gowns/masks

Partygoers are reminded that this is a peaceful demonstration and that the land on and around the base must be respected at all times.

RSVP: General enquiries -
[t] 07932 628 269 0r 07748015601

** Note: USAF Fairford was the 'forward deployed' European airbase for 14 B52 bombers and their lethal cargoes in spring 2003 and during the attacks on Kosovo and the first Gulf War. It is the focus of Peacewatch, which has been established to observe and educate about military activity in and around USAF Fairford and its linked bases. **

**EVENT organised in friendship and with support from Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases (CAAB) see CAAB website:**

Be at Fairford or Menwith on 4th July !!

Fairford Peacewatch
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  1. Directions To Fairford — Monkey Unit