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An Essential Guide for Young Aryans

David Myatt | 10.06.2003 21:44

Essential Guide for the young and proud white warrior

Only a few things in life are really worth being concerned about - the rest are irrelevant. These few important things enhance life, and increase vitality. They make a person strong. The irrelevant things weaken a person.

Most young people today are being manipulated - by those behind the Media; by those involved in ‘entertainment’; and by those with a vested interest in weakening young Aryans and turning them away from their unique, racial, heritage.

Few young Aryans are really strong; that is, few possess real character. Most ‘fit-in’ with the society around them. Few are prepared to be Aryan and reject the unhealthy, multi-racial, materialistic society they live in. In fact, most young Aryans are unaware of their heritage, and have no conception of what it means to be Aryan.

A lot of young Aryans - often because of fear of being isolated from those around them - do not say ‘no!’ to being involved, for example, with drugs, or criminal acts such as stealing cars and driving them recklessly at high speed. A whole ‘cult of the teenager’ has been developed and promoted, where young people are subjected to fashionable ideas and are expected to be concerned about such things as ‘sex’; love; relationships; fashion; ‘having a good time’; ‘enjoying themselves’; the latest ‘craze’ or the latest ‘music’.

Basically, all these concerns are irrelevant, and un-Aryan - and to be concerned about them shows a lack of real Aryan character.

All young Aryans should be concerned about are the following:

(1) Seeking after glory or renown (particularly by fighting, and combat) and so making a name for themselves;

(2) the well-being and health of themselves and their race;

(3) advancing in some way their own unique Aryan culture;

(4) striving to be an example of what is best, what is Aryan by seeking to uphold Aryan values such as honour, loyalty and duty.

Any concern other than these is a sign of weakness; a sign of being just part of a mindless herd which is manipulated by those behind the scenes. Basically, the modern concerns of the young are inward-looking and/or selfish - geared toward self-indulgence. They are petty and materialistic. Because of this they are degenerate, leading to a loss of vitality.

This is exactly what the enemies of the Aryan want. They want Aryan youths to be self-centred; they need them to be materialistic; they desire them to be weak, pale, obsessed with ‘sex’. They want those whom these young people admire to be empty, vain, weak, characterless ‘entertainers’ or ‘sports personalities’. In brief, the enemies of the Aryan want to manipulate young Aryans into having no racial identity, and no awareness of their Aryan heritage.

All young Aryans should ask themselves the question - Do I want to be manipulated by those who seek to undermine and destroy what is uniquely Aryan? By those who seek to enslave the Aryan and ultimately destroy the Aryan race?

To be Aryan now means to be a National-Socialist, and to fight the present System which is so detrimental to us, our culture, and our civilization. National-Socialism is a means whereby young Aryans can free themselves from the worthless, materialistic, degenerate System which seeks to make them, and keep them, weak. National-Socialism is a means whereby Aryans can live and act like Aryans - and so be strong, and so fulfil the purpose of their lives.

Anything else is fundamentally irrelevant, and a waste of life and living.

David Myatt


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