Jewish Students for Justice for Palestinians
Jewish Students for Justice for Palestinians | 09.06.2003 13:00
Jewish Students for Justice for Palestinians is a recently formed network of students who are holding their first meeting this Thursday at QMUL Students' Union
Jewish Students for Justice for Palestinians is a recently formed network for students who oppose Israeli policies that undermine the livelihoods, human, civil and political rights of the Palestinian people.
As a section of Jews for Justice for Palestinians, we do not have an official line on issues beyond general support for the principles above and support for the right of Israelis to live in freedom and security within Israel's 1967 borders. We see ourselves as a network and a forum in which people can find their own level of participation and engage in activities which they find most relevant.
We believe the plurality of views of Jewish students should be represented to the wider student and political movements and vehemently counter the often-used claim that opposition to Israel's destructive policies is in itself anti-semitic.
We welcome students from across the political and religious spectra, including those with no political background or who have not previously felt engaged by on-campus Jewish activities.
We will be holding our first networking meeting at 2pm this Thursday (12th) at Queen Mary Students Union. For more information or to join the contact list please email For more information on JFJFP see
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As a section of Jews for Justice for Palestinians, we do not have an official line on issues beyond general support for the principles above and support for the right of Israelis to live in freedom and security within Israel's 1967 borders. We see ourselves as a network and a forum in which people can find their own level of participation and engage in activities which they find most relevant.
We believe the plurality of views of Jewish students should be represented to the wider student and political movements and vehemently counter the often-used claim that opposition to Israel's destructive policies is in itself anti-semitic.
We welcome students from across the political and religious spectra, including those with no political background or who have not previously felt engaged by on-campus Jewish activities.
We will be holding our first networking meeting at 2pm this Thursday (12th) at Queen Mary Students Union. For more information or to join the contact list please email

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Jewish Students for Justice for Palestinians
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Notice anything?
10.06.2003 23:28
Usually at Indymedia if you just mention the words Jew or Israel in a remotely positive light, you are bombarded with a torrent of racist bile, intolerance and ignorance.
In this case nothing... I wonder why.
How refreshing it would have been to see just one regular contributor praising the efforts of these Jewish students.
Oh, and by the way; when was the last time you saw
mention of 'Palestinian Students for Justice for Israelis'?
Just a thought.
cool links on your site
12.06.2003 09:00
anyway...i noticed they are promoting a speaking tour by LENNI BRENNER!!! People, do not miss an opportunity to hear this LEGEND in person, trust me, you won't be sorry!!!
Wednesday 18th June, 7.30p.m. central London
Zionism Against the Jews
University of London Union, Malet Street, London WC1
* Lenni Brenner on Zionism, Racism and the Jews
Information about Lenni Brenner
* Haim Bresheeth on Zionism, anti-Zionism and the state of Israel
Haim Bresheeth is an activist and film-maker of Israeli origin, living in Britain, where he is Professor of Cultural Studies at the University of East London. He is co-author of “The Gulf War and the New Word Order” (with Nira Yuval-Davis) and “Introduction to the Holocaust” (with Stuart Hood).
Alice, a memeber of ISM, was with Rachel Corrie when she was killed, and Tom Hurndall when he was shot, and describes herself as a " feminist, anti capitalist, anti authoritarian, Jewish peace activist"
Tuesday 24th June, 7.30p.m. Leeds
Anti-Semitism: the origins of the state of Israel
Leeds Civic Hall
Public forum, to be addressed by Lenni Brenner
Sponsored by Leeds Socialist Alliance and Leeds Alliance for Green Socialism
Good stuff guys
12.06.2003 19:09
Thomas J