The Omnipotence of God
Reinarto Hadipriono | 08.06.2003 07:09
The fact that almost all religions believe that nothing, not even a single space or a single entity, is capable of restricting God’s existence is an obvious indication that sub-atomic particles are part of God.
The Omnipotence of God
Almost everyone of us who believes in the presence of God must believe that God is Omnipotent and that nothing can ever prevent His presence. But even though almost everyone of us does agree on this, a further study on the subject through the various sciences in combination with logics may lead us to one unique conclusion.
Creationists all over the world say that all the contents of the universe are the creation of God. This implies that every single habit of nature or law of nature must have come from Him. Now, when man endeavors to make a study of all the contents of the universe, including their various habits, and documents all his findings systematically and mould a variety of sciences from them, then any attempt to study these sciences must certainly mean an attempt to get to know His creation. Naturally misassumptions and misinterpretations do occur sometimes, but we never stop revising it. Regardless of whether what has been documented is compatible or not with what exists in reality, the very fact that we have tried to study the creation of our Creator is itself an indication of our attempt to know more about it, which further implies that we do appreciate all His creation. It is thus through our acquaintance with the contents of the universe that we hope to be able to know the Creator better. Let us view the presence of God from a different perspective through science.
With the infinite nature of God, there are not any empty spaces and any matter in this Universe that can restrict the presence of God. He is present in anything and anywhere in this Universe. If God is the All Powerful and if nothing can ever prevent His presence, God must then be certainly present in every empty space in this universe. By implication, He is present even in the empty space between us; He is present in the empty space inside objects; He is present in the empty space between the molecules of objects; and He is present in the empty space between atoms. Inside the atoms themselves, between the nuclei and the electrons that revolve around them, there must be innumerable empty spaces, which in no sense can ever prevent the presence of God. Sub atomic particles such as electrons, *neutrons, *protons, etc. can show their characteristics only if they are present in an empty space. And even there God is present. Verily then, as already implied earlier, absolutely nothing—not even atom parts—can restrict the presence of God. And absolutely nothing in this universe can ever exist in total isolation either, not even one percent of it, because such total isolation would certainly mean hindering the presence of God Thus it becomes obvious that whatever is existent in the universe, all this must naturally exist completely within the very existence of God, within His power. In other words, all existence must absolutely be part of God. The fact that we are part of God, however, does not mean that we are God. Our hair is not our selves, is it? It is thus clear that the sub-atomic particles are also part of God.
It is from these sub-atomic particles that the contents of the universe, including human beings, have evolved. All of us exist in The Absolute Unity, regardless of whether the universe is an independent entity with its own exclusive status, or whether it is a creation of God. All is but just parts of God that together form this universe. To ask questions about the shape of God would just be of no avail, because no one has the ability to imagine what He looks like. How can one imagine what God looks like when one in inside Him? Is it not true that our senses too have their limitations? However, by being aware that we are all made from the same basic material, and are together in one Absolute unity, we are certainly expected to be able to act wiser in coping with the various differences human being have. This, hopefully, will further lead us together towards worshipping the One and Only God.
Realizing that the whole universe is but a blessing that God bestows upon the human kind, the creationists in general, therefore, acknowledges that it is quite natural if man should attempt to study, take advantage of, and preserve it. They believe that only through the study of the contents of the universe as“the fruits of the work of God can man get to know Him better. We learn a lot about the personality of an artist by studying the results of his work, do we not? So, what is wrong with trying to get to know our Creator the same way?
We human beings should feel very grateful, because despite the fact that we can perceive only a tiny part of the existence of God (within and around ourselves), we are still able to see, hear, feel, touch and smell it.
* To ease understanding we are still using the obsolete theory for sub-atomic articles. In the new thoery, Leptons and Quarks are said to be sub-atomic particles.
Reinarto Hadipriono ……………………………Copyright © 2002
Quoted from: and
Mailing address: Lemahwungkuk 37, Cirebon - Indonesia. Fax 62 231 207569, Phone 62-231-206980
Almost everyone of us who believes in the presence of God must believe that God is Omnipotent and that nothing can ever prevent His presence. But even though almost everyone of us does agree on this, a further study on the subject through the various sciences in combination with logics may lead us to one unique conclusion.
Creationists all over the world say that all the contents of the universe are the creation of God. This implies that every single habit of nature or law of nature must have come from Him. Now, when man endeavors to make a study of all the contents of the universe, including their various habits, and documents all his findings systematically and mould a variety of sciences from them, then any attempt to study these sciences must certainly mean an attempt to get to know His creation. Naturally misassumptions and misinterpretations do occur sometimes, but we never stop revising it. Regardless of whether what has been documented is compatible or not with what exists in reality, the very fact that we have tried to study the creation of our Creator is itself an indication of our attempt to know more about it, which further implies that we do appreciate all His creation. It is thus through our acquaintance with the contents of the universe that we hope to be able to know the Creator better. Let us view the presence of God from a different perspective through science.
With the infinite nature of God, there are not any empty spaces and any matter in this Universe that can restrict the presence of God. He is present in anything and anywhere in this Universe. If God is the All Powerful and if nothing can ever prevent His presence, God must then be certainly present in every empty space in this universe. By implication, He is present even in the empty space between us; He is present in the empty space inside objects; He is present in the empty space between the molecules of objects; and He is present in the empty space between atoms. Inside the atoms themselves, between the nuclei and the electrons that revolve around them, there must be innumerable empty spaces, which in no sense can ever prevent the presence of God. Sub atomic particles such as electrons, *neutrons, *protons, etc. can show their characteristics only if they are present in an empty space. And even there God is present. Verily then, as already implied earlier, absolutely nothing—not even atom parts—can restrict the presence of God. And absolutely nothing in this universe can ever exist in total isolation either, not even one percent of it, because such total isolation would certainly mean hindering the presence of God Thus it becomes obvious that whatever is existent in the universe, all this must naturally exist completely within the very existence of God, within His power. In other words, all existence must absolutely be part of God. The fact that we are part of God, however, does not mean that we are God. Our hair is not our selves, is it? It is thus clear that the sub-atomic particles are also part of God.
It is from these sub-atomic particles that the contents of the universe, including human beings, have evolved. All of us exist in The Absolute Unity, regardless of whether the universe is an independent entity with its own exclusive status, or whether it is a creation of God. All is but just parts of God that together form this universe. To ask questions about the shape of God would just be of no avail, because no one has the ability to imagine what He looks like. How can one imagine what God looks like when one in inside Him? Is it not true that our senses too have their limitations? However, by being aware that we are all made from the same basic material, and are together in one Absolute unity, we are certainly expected to be able to act wiser in coping with the various differences human being have. This, hopefully, will further lead us together towards worshipping the One and Only God.
Realizing that the whole universe is but a blessing that God bestows upon the human kind, the creationists in general, therefore, acknowledges that it is quite natural if man should attempt to study, take advantage of, and preserve it. They believe that only through the study of the contents of the universe as“the fruits of the work of God can man get to know Him better. We learn a lot about the personality of an artist by studying the results of his work, do we not? So, what is wrong with trying to get to know our Creator the same way?
We human beings should feel very grateful, because despite the fact that we can perceive only a tiny part of the existence of God (within and around ourselves), we are still able to see, hear, feel, touch and smell it.
* To ease understanding we are still using the obsolete theory for sub-atomic articles. In the new thoery, Leptons and Quarks are said to be sub-atomic particles.
Reinarto Hadipriono ……………………………Copyright © 2002

Quoted from: and

Mailing address: Lemahwungkuk 37, Cirebon - Indonesia. Fax 62 231 207569, Phone 62-231-206980
Reinarto Hadipriono
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