Amazonian Indigenous Communities Faces Violent Military Opposition
xerikax | 06.06.2003 11:42
The Ecuadorian Government threatens to use public force in order to initiate petrol activities in oil concession block 23 and block 24 in the Amazonian region. In a clear threat against the indigenous peoples that since ancient times inhabit the Ecuadorian Amazon, and specifically in the territories of the provinces of Pastaza and Morona Santiago.
Fierce opposition to oil development in Block 23 and 24 in the Ecuadorian Amazonian region by the indigenous communities inhabiting the area forced the American-based energy company Burlington Resources to declare force majeure in its contract with the host government to develop the Block 23 and 24 concession. Indigenous opposition, which is out of the company and the government's control, has blocked the project. The company is required to consult with local populations as a condition of its concession contract, but the indigenous communities, have refused to participate in such consultations, and prevented the company from moving ahead with exploration plans. A court injunction filed by FIPSE (the Independent Federation of the Shuar People of Ecuador),requires the company to engage with FIPSE as the authorized representative of Shuar communities [img. src]
Now, the Ecuadorian Government threatens to use public force in order to initiate petrol activities in oil concession block 23 and block 24 in the Amazonian region. In a clear threat against the indigenous peoples and nationalities that since ancient times inhabit the Ecuadorian Amazon, and specifically in the territories of the provinces of Pastaza and Morona Santiago, the governor of Pastaza, Mr. Fernando Ordoñez (The delegate of the president in the mentioned zone), stated to the daily newspaper El Universo of the city of Guyayaquil that "the decision of the regime is to initiate the petrol activity in the blocks number 23 and 24", "even it has to use the public force" (El Universo, page 16, section El País, May 29 2003). In the same manner, insisted in that "the Government will not take one step back in the petrol policy".
The declarations of the representative of the Government has generated indignation and rejection among the population, given that this would encourage the use of force against the indigenous people living in the Blocks 23 and 24 in order to guarantee the plans and programs of the petrol companies operating these blocks [img src=]. If Governor Ordoñez fulfils his threats, this would place the regime of Ing. Lucio Gutiérrez outside International Law, in a clear contempt of the cautionary measures of protection of the indigenous people, passed by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and would encourage the non-compliance of the resolution of the Constitutional Court, that has made a pronouncement for the protection and guarantees of the human rights of the people that since ancient times inhabit the region.
We make a call to the national and international human rights community, and to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, IACHR, to act immediately and avoid what may be a step towards the imposition of an authoritarian practice that favours the use of force in order to resolve the conflicts. We ask you to send letters to the President of the Republic, Mr. Lucío Gutiérrez, Minister of Government Mr. Mario Canessa, and Dr. Nina Pacari, chancellor of the Republic, requesting respect for the, national and international, judicial decisions that protect the indigenous people of the region and, additionally, asking for the removal of the Governor, Mr. Fernando Ordoñez, in order to assure the peace and tranquillity of the province and the region.
Also, we ask all of you to be aware of the distinct versions in the press, regarding the titles as well as the content, provided by the newspaper El Universo (in the electronic version and in the printed version)
Please click here in order to send letters to the Ecuadorian Government (
Presidencia de la Republica Gutierrez Lucio Ing. Presidente Garcia Moreno
y Chile troncales 2584-000 hasta 008 despacho 2580-833 2580-735
Ministerio de Gobierno y Policia Canesa Mario Dr. Ministro Benalcazar y
Espejo 2584-914 / 2584-919 / 2584-921 / 09-9-493-422 2580-067 /
2583-356 /
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Pacari Nina Dra. Ministra Av. 10 de
Agosto y Carrion despacho 2503-093 / 2503-417 troncal 2507-307 2564-873 /

Now, the Ecuadorian Government threatens to use public force in order to initiate petrol activities in oil concession block 23 and block 24 in the Amazonian region. In a clear threat against the indigenous peoples and nationalities that since ancient times inhabit the Ecuadorian Amazon, and specifically in the territories of the provinces of Pastaza and Morona Santiago, the governor of Pastaza, Mr. Fernando Ordoñez (The delegate of the president in the mentioned zone), stated to the daily newspaper El Universo of the city of Guyayaquil that "the decision of the regime is to initiate the petrol activity in the blocks number 23 and 24", "even it has to use the public force" (El Universo, page 16, section El País, May 29 2003). In the same manner, insisted in that "the Government will not take one step back in the petrol policy".
The declarations of the representative of the Government has generated indignation and rejection among the population, given that this would encourage the use of force against the indigenous people living in the Blocks 23 and 24 in order to guarantee the plans and programs of the petrol companies operating these blocks [img src=

We make a call to the national and international human rights community, and to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, IACHR, to act immediately and avoid what may be a step towards the imposition of an authoritarian practice that favours the use of force in order to resolve the conflicts. We ask you to send letters to the President of the Republic, Mr. Lucío Gutiérrez, Minister of Government Mr. Mario Canessa, and Dr. Nina Pacari, chancellor of the Republic, requesting respect for the, national and international, judicial decisions that protect the indigenous people of the region and, additionally, asking for the removal of the Governor, Mr. Fernando Ordoñez, in order to assure the peace and tranquillity of the province and the region.
Also, we ask all of you to be aware of the distinct versions in the press, regarding the titles as well as the content, provided by the newspaper El Universo (in the electronic version and in the printed version)
Please click here in order to send letters to the Ecuadorian Government (

Presidencia de la Republica Gutierrez Lucio Ing. Presidente Garcia Moreno
y Chile troncales 2584-000 hasta 008 despacho 2580-833 2580-735

Ministerio de Gobierno y Policia Canesa Mario Dr. Ministro Benalcazar y
Espejo 2584-914 / 2584-919 / 2584-921 / 09-9-493-422 2580-067 /

Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Pacari Nina Dra. Ministra Av. 10 de
Agosto y Carrion despacho 2503-093 / 2503-417 troncal 2507-307 2564-873

