True Jews versus Nazi Clones
Dan | 06.06.2003 09:57
There is a vile lie, which stalks the Jewish people across the globe. It is a lie so heinous, so far from the truth, that it can only gain popularity due to the complicity of powerful forces in the "mainstream" media and educational establishment.
Judaism believes in One G-d who revealed the Torah. It affirms Divine Providence and, accordingly, views Jewish exile as a punishment for sin. Redemption may be achieved solely through prayer and penance. Judaism calls upon all Jews to obey the Torah in its entirety including the commandment to be patriotic citizen
Zionism rejects the Creator, His Revelation and reward and punishment. Among its fruits are the persecution of the Palestinian people and the spiritual and physical endangering of the Jewish people. It encourages treasonous, dual loyalty among unsuspecting Jews throughout the world. At its root Zionism sees reality as barren and desacralized. It is the antithesis of Torah Judaism.
There is a vile lie, which stalks the Jewish people across the globe. It is a lie so heinous, so far from the truth, that it can only gain popularity due to the complicity of powerful forces in the "mainstream" media and educational establishment.
It is a lie which has brought many innocent people untold suffering and if unchecked has the potential to create extraordinary tragedy in the future.
It is the lie that declares that Judaism and Zionism are identical.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Judaism is the belief in revelation at Sinai. It is the belief that exile is a punishment for Jewish sins.
Zionism has for over a century denied Sinaitic revelation. It believes that Jewish exile can be ended by military aggression.
Zionism has spent the past century strategically dispossessing the Palestinian people. It has ignored their just claims and subjected them to persecution, torture and death.
Torah Jews the world over are shocked and pained at this short-lived dogma of irreligiosity and cruelty. Thousands of Torah scholars and saints have condemned this movement from its inception. They knew that the pre-existing good relationship between Jews and Muslims in the Holy Land was bound to suffer as Zionism advanced.
The so-called "State of Israel" stands rejected on religious grounds by the Torah. Its monstrous insensitivity to the laws of basic decency and fairness appall all men be they Jewish or not.
We of Neturei Karta have been in the forefront of the battle against Zionism for over a century.
Our presence here is to refute the base lie that the evil, which is Zionism, in some way represents the Jewish people.
The reverse is true.
We are saddened day in and day at the terrible toll of death emanating from the Holy Land. Not one of then would have occurred if Zionism had unleashed its evil energies upon the world.
As Jews we are called upon to live in peace and harmony with all men. We are exhorted to be law abiding and patriotic citizens in all lands.
We condemn the current Zionist atrocities in the Holy Land. We yearn for peace based upon mutual respect. We are convinced that this proposed mutual respect is doomed to fail as long as the Israeli state exists. We welcome its abolition in a peaceful manner.
May we be worthy of true redemption when all men will join in brotherhood in His worship.
Judaism believes in One G-d who revealed the Torah. It affirms Divine Providence and, accordingly, views Jewish exile as a punishment for sin. Redemption may be achieved solely through prayer and penance. Judaism calls upon all Jews to obey the Torah in its entirety including the commandment to be patriotic citizen
Zionism rejects the Creator, His Revelation and reward and punishment. Among its fruits are the persecution of the Palestinian people and the spiritual and physical endangering of the Jewish people. It encourages treasonous, dual loyalty among unsuspecting Jews throughout the world. At its root Zionism sees reality as barren and desacralized. It is the antithesis of Torah Judaism.
There is a vile lie, which stalks the Jewish people across the globe. It is a lie so heinous, so far from the truth, that it can only gain popularity due to the complicity of powerful forces in the "mainstream" media and educational establishment.
It is a lie which has brought many innocent people untold suffering and if unchecked has the potential to create extraordinary tragedy in the future.
It is the lie that declares that Judaism and Zionism are identical.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Judaism is the belief in revelation at Sinai. It is the belief that exile is a punishment for Jewish sins.
Zionism has for over a century denied Sinaitic revelation. It believes that Jewish exile can be ended by military aggression.
Zionism has spent the past century strategically dispossessing the Palestinian people. It has ignored their just claims and subjected them to persecution, torture and death.
Torah Jews the world over are shocked and pained at this short-lived dogma of irreligiosity and cruelty. Thousands of Torah scholars and saints have condemned this movement from its inception. They knew that the pre-existing good relationship between Jews and Muslims in the Holy Land was bound to suffer as Zionism advanced.
The so-called "State of Israel" stands rejected on religious grounds by the Torah. Its monstrous insensitivity to the laws of basic decency and fairness appall all men be they Jewish or not.
We of Neturei Karta have been in the forefront of the battle against Zionism for over a century.
Our presence here is to refute the base lie that the evil, which is Zionism, in some way represents the Jewish people.
The reverse is true.
We are saddened day in and day at the terrible toll of death emanating from the Holy Land. Not one of then would have occurred if Zionism had unleashed its evil energies upon the world.
As Jews we are called upon to live in peace and harmony with all men. We are exhorted to be law abiding and patriotic citizens in all lands.
We condemn the current Zionist atrocities in the Holy Land. We yearn for peace based upon mutual respect. We are convinced that this proposed mutual respect is doomed to fail as long as the Israeli state exists. We welcome its abolition in a peaceful manner.
May we be worthy of true redemption when all men will join in brotherhood in His worship.
Hide the following 3 comments
06.06.2003 11:04
"The peculiar bond between white nationalist groups and certain Muslim extremists derives in part from a shared set of enemies Jews, the United States, race-mixing, ethnic diversity. It is also very much a function of the shared belief that they must shield their own peoples from the corrupting influence of foreign cultures and the homogenizing juggernaut of globalization. Both sets of groups also have a penchant for far-flung conspiracy theories that caricature Jewish power."
Palestinian Nazi
06.06.2003 11:08
How to Wean Muslims From Islam
The passage from belief to freethinking and enlightenment has its stages. The first stage is shock and then it is denial. If one can overcome the denial one goes through confusion, guilt, dismay, anger and finally enlightenment. The majority of the Muslims are trapped in denial. They are unable and unwilling to admit that Quran is a hoax. They desperately try to explain the unexplainable, find miracles in it and are not abashed to bend all the rules of logic to prove that Quran is right. Each time they are exposed to a shocking statement in Quran or shocking act performed by Muhammad they retreat in denial. Denial is a safe place. This is the comfort zone. In denial they are not going to be hurt, every thing is okay; everything is fine.
Truth is extremely painful especially if one has been accustomed to lies all his life. It is like telling someone that his father is a murderer, a rapist or a criminal. This might be the truth yet the child who adulates his father cannot take it. The shock would be so great that the first thing he will do is to deny it. He will call you a liar and he will hate you for hurting him. He will curse you, hold you as his enemy and he may even discharge his anger at you by physically attacking you.
This is the stage of denial. It is a self defense mechanism. If pain is too big, denial will take that pain away. If a mother is informed that her child has died in an accident, the first thing she would do is to deny. People who have lost a loved one often believe that this is all a bad dream and when they wake up everything will be okay. But unfortunately facts are stubborn and they will not go away. One can live in denial for a while but s/he must accept the truth sooner or later.
Muslims are cocooned in lies. Because speaking against Islam is a crime punishable by death, no one dares to tell the truth. Those who do, do not go far; they are silenced very soon. So how would you know the truth if all you hear are lies? On one hand the Quran claims to be a miracle and challenges everyone to produce a Surah like it, on the other hand it instructs its followers to kill anyone who dares to criticize it. In such an atmosphere of insincerity and deceit, truth will never be known.
However, for the first time, the Internet has changed the balance of power. Now the brutal force of the guns, bombs, prisons and death squads are helpless and pen is almighty. For the first time Muslims cannot stop the truth by killing its messenger. Now a great number of them are coming in contact with the truth and they feel helpless. They want to silence this voice but they cannot. They want to kill the messenger but they cannot. They try to ban the sites exposing their cherished beliefs, sometimes they succeed momentarily but most of the times they don't. (Tripod was forced to shut down this site now I have it hosted in three places and receive over 3000 visitors per day). So the old way of killing the apostates, burning their books and silencing them by terror does not work. Also they cannot stop people from reading. So a great number of Muslims who never knew the truth about Islam are becoming shocked after they learn the truth for the first time. This shock is tremendously painful. The only mechanism and the natural way to deal with it is denial.
Denial takes away the pain. Denial is soothing. Denial is bliss. But denial is hiding ones head in the sand. One cannot stay in denial forever. Sooner or later we have to face the truth and deal with it.
A great majority of Muslims live in denial. Those who don't are the fundamentalists who are so brainwashed that they actually think that killing is good, bombing is holy, stoning is divine mandate, beating wives is prescribed by God, hating the unbelievers is what God has told them to do, and terrorism will take them to Paradise. Apart form this group that unfortunately constitutes the majority of ignorant masses (see Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc) those Muslims who have come in contact with the humanistic values of civilized world and like it, either know nothing of the ugly truth of Islam or they deny it.
I do not think this group of Muslims will ever see the truth if they are kept cocooned in lies. All they have heard so far is the lie that Islam is good and if only Muslims practiced the true Islam the world would be a paradise; that it is all the fault of the Muslims. This is a lie. Most Muslims are extremely good people. They are kind, generous, caring, hospitable, wonderful human beings. What is wrong is Islam. Those Muslims who do bad things are those who follow Islam. Islam rears the criminal instinct of the people. The more a person is Islamist, the more bloodthirsty, hate mongering, zombie s/he becomes.
Quran tells Muslims to kill the disbelievers wherever they find them (Q. 2:191), to murder them and treat them harshly (Q. 9:123), slay them (Q. 9: 5) and fight with them, (Q. 8: 65). The teachings of Quran are inhumane and barbaric.
What we have to do is to jolt the Muslims to reality. We have to tell them the truth, expose them to all the facts about Islam, and tell them about the absurdities of Quran and the inhumanities of its author so harshly that something shocks them. There is no easy way. The followers of Muhammad must see the naked truth and they must be shocked. We cannot keep sugar coating the truth. The truth is bitter and it must be swallowed. Only then the process of enlightenment starts.
But because every person’s sensitivity is different, what shocks one person may not shock the other. Even as a man I was shocked when I read Muhammad instructed his followers to beat their wives and called women “deficient in intelligence”. Yet I have found many Muslim women who have no difficulty accepting these derogatory statements uttered by their prophet. Not that they agree that they are deficient in intelligence or that they believe that the majority of the inhabitants of the hell are women, or that they deserve to be scourged if they disobey their husband, just because the Prophet said so. But they simply block out that information. They read it but it doesn’t sink. They are in denial. The denial acts as a shield that covers them, that protects them, that saves them from facing the pain of shock and disillusionment. Once that shield is up, nothing can bring it down. It is no use to simply repeat the same things over and over. At this point they must be attacked from other directions. We have to bombard them with other stupid and shocking teachings of Quran. They may have a weak spot for one of them and one of those stupid teachings may shock them. That is all they need: a good shock. Shocks are painful, but sometimes they can be lifesavers. Shocks are used by doctors to bring back to life a dead patient.
Last year I met a lady on the net (Yahoo clubs) who called herself Khadija in Niqab. She had a web site with her picture completely covered in black veil and her story of how she had become a Muslim. She was very active and she used to tell everyone not to come to the Society For Islamic Humanist club (SFIH) where I used to post my writings. But when she read the story of Safiyah, she was shocked. She asked explanation from other Muslims who could not answer her. Then the door was open, she joined SFIH with another ID: “Liberty” and kept asking questions. Finally she passed through the other stages between blind faith to enlightenment very quickly and wrote a thank you letter to me for opening her eyes and withdrew from the Yahoo Islamic clubs altogether.
That is what we have to do. Our job is to expose Islam, write the truth about Muhammad’s unholy life, his shameful words, his stupid assertions and bombard the Muslims with the facts. These people read what you write, they become angry with you, curse you, insult you and tell you that after reading your articles their faith in Islam is strengthened. But that is when you know that you have sown the seed of doubt in their mind. They say all this to you because they are shocked. Now they have entered the stage of denial. The seed of doubt is planted and it will wait for the first chance to germinate. In some people it takes years, but given the change it will eventually germinate.
Doubt is the greatest gift we can give to each other. It is the gift of enlightenment. Doubt will set us free, will advance knowledge, will unravel the mysteries of this universe, but faith will keep us ignorant.
One of hurdles we have to overcome is the hurdle of tradition and false values imposed on us by thousands of years of religious upbringing. The world still values faith and considers doubt something evil. People talk of men of faith with respect and disdain men of little faith. We are screwed up in our values. The word faith means belief without evidence but gullibility also means belief without evidence. Therefore faithfulness is not a glory. It means being gullible, credulous, naïf, susceptible, easy to fleece. How can one be proud of such qualities?
Doubt on the other hand means the reverse of the above. It means being capable to think independently, being capable to question, to be skeptic. We owe our science and our modern civilization to men and women who doubted, not those who believed. Those who doubted were the pioneers, they were the leaders of thought, they were philosophers, inventors, and discoverers, but those who believed lived and died as followers, gave little or no contribution to the advancement of science and human understanding.
Those who read my articles and are hurt by what they discover in Quran are lucky. They have me to blame. They can hate me, curse me and direct all their angers towards me. But when I read the Quran and learned about its content, I could not blame anyone. So after going through the stages of shock and denial, I was confused and started to blame myself. I hated myself for thinking, for doubting and for finding faults with what I regarded to be the words of God.
Just like all the other Muslims I was exposed to many lies, absurdities and inhumanities inherent in Islam but had accepted all that. I was brought as a religious person. I believed in whatever I was told and had faith. These lies were given to me in small doses and since my childhood. I was never given an alternative to compare. It is like vaccination. I was immune to the truth. But when I started to read the Quran seriously from cover to cover and understood what this book had to say. I felt nauseated. Like it was all those lies coming to me at once. I knew all these lies and had accepted them. It was as if my rational thinking was numbed. I had become insensitive to the absurdities of Quran. When I found something that did not make sense I automatically overlooked and said one has to look at the “big picture”. The big picture however was nowhere to be found except in my own mind. I had made a picture of Islam in my mind that was perfect. So all those absurdities did not bother me because I did not pay attention to them. But when I read the whole Quran I discovered a different picture very much distinct from the picture I had made of it in my mind. The new picture of Islam emerging from the pages of the Quran was a violent, intolerant, irrational, arrogant picture that was a far cry from my mental picture that depicted Islam as a religion of peace, equality and tolerance.
My first reaction, of course was denial. That was the easiest thing to do. I had to deny, in order to keep my sanity. But for how long I could keep denying when it was there in black and white in front of me? I started to read the Quran in Arabic and used an English translation for the words that I did not understand. I went back and forth from Arabic to English reading over and over each verse until I was sure that I understood the Arabic. I realized many translations in English are not entirely reliable. The poor translators had tried very hard to hide the inhumanity and the violence of Quran by twisting the words and adding their own words sometimes in parenthesis. When you read the Quran in Arabic and understand it, it is shocking.
I went through a period of depression. It was as if my whole world had fallen apart. I felt like someone who feels like the floor on which he was standing is no longer there and is falling to a bottomless pit. If I say that was like being in hell I am not exaggerating. I was confused and I did not know where to turn. My faith was shaken and my world had crumbled. I could no longer deny what I was reading. But I could not accept the possibility that this was all a huge lie. “How could it be?” I kept asking myself. How could it be that so many people died for this religion for nothing? How could it be that so many people have not seen the truth and I see it? How could it be that great seers and saints like Moulana Jalaleddin Rumi did not see that Muhammad was an impostor and that Quran is a hoax and I see it? It was then that I entered into another stage and that was guilt.
The guilt lasted for many months. I hated myself for having these thoughts. I felt God is testing my faith. I felt ashamed. I spoke with learned people that I trusted, people who were not only knowledgeable but also were wise and spiritual. I heard very little that could quench the burning fire that I had within me. Some of these learned men told me not to read the Quran for a wile, pray and read only books that strengthen my faith. I did that, but it did not help. The thoughts about the absurd, sometimes-ruthless sometimes-ridiculous verses of Quran kept throbbing in my head. Each time I looked at my bookshelf and saw that book, I felt pain. I took the Quran and hid it behind the other books. I thought if I do not think about it for a while my thoughts will go away and I will regain my faith once again. But they didn’t go away. I denied as much as I could, until I could no more. I was shocked and it was painful. Then I went through the stage of confusion and bewilderment pleading for help and no one could help. Now I was in a deep sense of guilt, ashamed of my thoughts and hating myself for having such thoughts. This sense of guilt was accompanied by a profound sense of loss and depression. Naturally I am a positive thinker. I see the good side of everything. I always think tomorrow is going to be better. I usually am not depressed. But this feeling of loss was overbearing. I still recall that weight on my heart. I thought God has forsaken me and I did not know why. I did not remember hurting anyone ever. I had gone out of my way to help anyone who had crossed my way and asked me for help. I had many people who hugged me and thanked me, sometimes with tears in their eyes because I helped them to put their lives back on track, start a new business or save their marriage. I stopped eating meat because I did not want to destroy a life just to satisfy my taste buds, although the smell and the taste of a good stake drives me crazy. So, why did God want to punish me in this way? Why was He not answering my prayers? Why had He abandoned me to myself and to these thoughts for which I could find no answers?
This period of guilt lasted too long. One day I decided enough is enough. I told myself that it is not my fault. I am not going to carry this guilt forever for thinking about things that make no sense to me. If God gave me a brain, it is because he wants me to use it. If what I perceive as right and wrong is completely twisted, then it is not my fault. He tells me killing is bad and I know it is bad because I do not like to be killed, then why had his messenger killed so many innocent people and asked others to kill people who disbelieve? If rape is bad and I know that it is bad because I do not want it to happen to people I love, why Allah's prophet raped his captives of war? If imposition of religion is bad and I know that it is bad because I would not like another person to force a religion that I don’t want down my throat, then why did the Prophet eulogized the Jihad and exhorted his followers to kill the unbelievers, take their booty and sell their women and children as spoils of war? If God tells me something is good and I know that it is good because it feels good to me then why His prophet does the reverse of that thing?
It was then that I felt liberated from guilt and entered the next stage, which is dismay, disillusionment and cynicism. I felt sorry for all the religious people and especially for all the Muslims for still believing in these foolish teachings. I felt sorry for all those who lost their lives in the name of these false doctrines. I felt sorry for all the women in virtually all the Islamic countries that suffer all sorts of abuses and are so subdued that do not even know that they are being abused.
Then I became angry. Angry because I believed in those lies for so many years. Angry because I wasted so many years of my life chasing a wild goose. I was angry at my culture for it had betrayed me. I was angry at my parents for teaching me a lie. I was angry at my self for not thinking before, for believing in lies, for trusting an impostor and I was angry at God for letting me down, for not intervening and stopping the lies that were being disseminated in His name.
By then I knew that Muhammad was no messenger of God but a charlatan, a demagogue whose only intention was to beguile people and satisfy his own narcissistic ambitions. I knew that all those childish stories of a hell with scorching fire and a heaven with rivers of wine, honey and milk full of orgies were the figments of a sick, wild, insecure and bullying mind of a man in desperate need to dominate, destroy and affirm his own authority.
But I could not be angry with my parents; for they did their best and taught me what they thought was the best. I could not be angry with my community, society, and culture; because they too were just as misinformed as my parents and myself. When I looked carefully I saw that everyone is a victim. There are one billion victims who in turn have become victimizers. How I could blame the Muslims if they do not know what Islam stands for and honestly, though erroneously, believe that it is a religion of peace?
What about Muhammad? Should I be angry with him for lying, deceiving and misleading people? How could I be angry with a dead corpse? Muhammad was a sick man who was not in control. He grew as an orphan, changed five foster parents before he reached the age of eight. As soon as he came to be attached to someone, he was snatched and was given to another person. This must have been hard on him and was detrimental to his emotional health. As a child, deprived of love and a sense of belonging, he grew with deep feelings of fear and lack of self-confidence. He tried to make up for it by becoming a narcissist. A narcissist is a person who has not received enough love in his childhood, who is incapable to love, but instead craves attention, respect and recognition. He sees his own worth in the way others view him. Without that recognition he is nobody. He is manipulative and a pathetic liar.
Narcissists have grandiose dreams. They want to conquer to world and dominate every body. Only in these megalomaniac reveries they find their narcissistic supply. Allah for Muhammad was just an alter ego. He could wield control over everyone's life and death by telling them this is what God has ordained.
Muhammad was a man with profound emotional scars. He was a victim in his own right. He was desperate for recognition and respect. He is responsible but like an addict he needed his narcissistic supply and he was not in control.
I could not criticize or blame the ignorant Arabs of the 7th century for not being able to discern that Muhammad was sick and not a prophet, that his outlandish promises, his impressive dreams of conquering and subduing the great nations when he was just a pauper and the head of a group of bandits, were caused by his pathological emotional complications and not due to a divine power. How could I blame those stupid Arabs for falling prey to a man like Muhammad when only in the last century, millions of Germans fell prey to the charisma of another narcissist who also like Muhammad gave them big promises of total domination, who was as ruthless as him, as manipulative as him and as ambitious as him?
When I looked with care, I saw there is not a single person I could find guilty to be angry with. I realized we are all victims and victimizers at the same time. The only culprit is ignorance. it is our ignorance that makes us believe in charlatans and their lies. It is because of ignorance that we let these impostors inseminate hate in us in the name of false deities, ideologies or religions. It is our ignorance that does not allow us to see our oneness and hinders us from understanding that we are members of one body of humanity related to each other and interdependent with each other.
It was then that my anger gave way to a profound feeling of empathy, compassion and love. I made a promise to myself to fight this ignorance that divides the human race. We paid dearly for our disunity. The disunity in the human race is caused by ignorance and the ignorance is the result of false beliefs and pernicious ideologies often concocted by emotionally unhealthy individuals for self-serving purposes.
Ideologies separate us. Religions cause disunity, hate and antagonism. Humanity needs no ideology nor does it need any religion. As members of the human race, we need no ideology, cause or religion to be united, but to be disunited, fight and kill each other we need to have an ideology, a cause or a religion.
The process of going from faith to enlightenment is an arduous and painful process. Faith is the state of being confirmed in ignorance. You will continue to stay in that state of blissful oblivion until you are shocked and forced out of it. The natural and first reaction to shock is denial. Denial acts like a shield. It buffers the pain and protects you from the agony of going out of your comfort zone. The comfort zone is where we feel at ease, where we find everything familiar, where we don't have to take new challengers or face the unknown. But growth doesn't take place in comfort zones. In order to go forward and to evolve we need to get out of our comfort zones. We won't get out of our comfort zones unless we are shocked. It is also natural to buffer the pain of the shock by denial. At this moment we need another shock, and we may decide to shield ourselves again with another denial. The more a person is exposed to facts and the more he is shocked, the more he tries to protect himself by denial. But denial does not eliminate the facts. It just shields us momentarily. Facts are very stubborn and they will not go away. When we are exposed to all the facts, at one moment we will find ourselves unable to keep denying. That is when one of those facts will hit us and we are shocked. Suddenly we will find ourselves unable to keep our defenses up and all the denials come down. We can no longer can keep hiding our head in the sand pretending that everything is okay. The first shock will have a domino effect and we find ourselves being hit from all directions by facts that up until now we kept at bay by denying them. Suddenly all those absurdities that we had accepted and even defended, do not seem logical anymore and we won't be able to accept them.
It is then that we are driven into the painful stage of confusion. The old beliefs seem unreasonable, foolish and unacceptable yet we have nothing to cling to. This stage, I believe, is the most dreadful stage in the passage from faith to enlightenment. In this stage we have lost our faith but we have found no enlightenment yet. We are basically standing in nowhere. We experience a free fall. We ask for help but all we get is the rehashing of some nonsense cliché. It seems that those who try to help us have no clue of what they are talking about, yet they are so convinced about it. They believe in what they don't know. The arguments that they present are not logical at all. They expect us to believe without questioning. They bring the example of the faith of others. But the intensity of the faith of other people does not prove the truth of what they believe in.
This confusion eventually gives way to guilt. You feel guilty for thinking. You feel guilty for doubting, for questioning, for not understanding. You think it is your fault if the absurdities mentioned in your holy books make no sense to you. You think that God has abandoned you or that he is testing your faith. In this stage you are torn apart between your emotions and your intellect. Emotions are not rational but they are extremely powerful. You want to go back, you desperately want to believe but you simply can't. You have committed the sin of thinking. You have eaten the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge. You have angered your imaginary god. You are cast out of the paradise of ignorance. Now you find yourself naked, ashamed, overtaken by guilt and with no way to return.
Thereupon you enter the stage of anger. One day you decide that it is not your fault at all if all the mumbo jumbo taught to you in the name of the religion and truth make no sense. You decide to rebel. If the religions are stupid, it is not your fault. If they make no sense, then why should you feel guilty? If they are from God certainly they should be logical and reasonable. If they are not reasonable, then perhaps they are not from God. Perhaps they are false doctrines. The fact that a billion people believe in something does not make that thing true. How many of those billion people actually sat down and questioned their beliefs? How many of them can answer your questions? How many of them are allowed to question without fearing persecution? Maybe all of them are in denial. There was a time that everyone thought that the Earth was flat. Did this unanimous consensus make any difference in the shape of the Earth? In this stage you become angry at yourself, and at everything else. You realize how much you lost of your precious life believing in so many lies. That is when you enter the next stage, which is dismay.
In this stage you are over taken by sadness. You ponder upon time lost. You think of so many people who believed in this nonsense and foolishly sacrificed everything for it including their lives. How many millions of lives were sacrificed at the altar of these false religions? How many people voluntarily faced death and in the case of Islam how many people took the lives of other innocent people with completely clear consciences. The pages of history are written with the blood of people who were killed in the name of Yahweh, Allah or other gods. All for nothing! All for a lie!
But then you realize that you are the lucky one for having made it this far and that there are billions of others who are still trying to shield themselves with denials and not venture out of their comfort zone. There are billions of believers who are cocooned in lies and desperately try to stay there. At this stage, when you are completely free from faith, guilt and anger, you are ready for understanding the ultimate truth and unraveling the mysteries of life. You are ready to be enlightened. The enlightenment comes when you realize that the truth is in love and in our relationship with our fellow human beings and not in a religion or a cult.
Truth is a pathless land.
Ali Sina
Don't feed the trolls
06.06.2003 15:33
So hence ignore these two previous comments, as they are not worthy of any of our time.
Thomas J