Citizens' Initiative Omega | 04.06.2003 20:14
Hearing Transcript - Support of ES - Big Brother multiple-sensory/all-knowing implants - The FCC has enacted "guidelines" - Help to save seamangeum in Korea - Pentagon's diary could track each word - Selling "Security" Snake Oil - Can our justice system be saved? Does the USA intend to dominate the whole world by force?
Fw: A0I4K5 - Hearing Transcript
Roy (Beavers): Available below are pages of transcript re National Energy Board Hearing taking place in Abbotsford BC in regards to SE2 proposale to build aprox.6 miles of 230.KV powerline through the city center. It will take a bit of time to downlaod, but you may find it interesting reading.
Both Milt Bowling and myself had a kick at Dr Gallagher. If you find interest there is another session of questioning by a lawyer that took time to study EMF and related health effects.Good Stuff.Regards Robert (Riedlinger)
Published letter in support of ES from a U.S. Federal Agency
Hi Klaus:
I'm still on the trail researching responses to the two questions posed to me by the Human Rights Commission:
1. what health authorities or/and governments, in any country, recognise the ES/EHS condition
2. have there been any other instances of legal actions bassed on the ES/EHS issue so is anyone else on your list has useful input on these please share it.
Perhaps some supporters may be unaware of the following important acknowledgement of our EHS condition by a U.S. federal authority. The letter was published in Arthur Firstenberg's "No Place to Hide"
EHS Newsletter in April 2001.
Arthur Firstenberg captions it with "U.S. Access Board Recognizes Electrical Sensitivity"
"United States Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board 1331 F Street, NW Washington, DC 20004 (202) 272-5434 October 26, 2000
Mr. Nelson French, Director
White Mountain Catholic Charities
McNary, Arizona 85930
Dear Mr. French:
I am writing regarding the Dispossessed outreach Project's plans to seek assistance from the Arizona Department of Commerce to develop housing for people with multiple chemical sensitivities and electrical sensitivities in West Yavapai County. The Access Board is a federal Agency whose mission is to promote accessibility for people with disabilities.
We develop accessibility guidelines for the built environment, transit vehicles, and telecommunications equipment, and standards for electronic and information technology. Our guidelines are adopted by other federal agencies as enforceable standards under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Architectural Barriers Act, and Telecommunications Act. We also enforce accessibility standards for federally funded facilities.
Over the years, the Access Board has learned about the very important needs of people with multiple chemical sensitivities and electrical sensitivities. We have heard from thousands of people across the country who are sensitized to chemicals and electromagnetic, radio, and cell phone emissions and who cannot safely use facilities because of chemicals released from building materials and furnishings, exposure to certain types of electrical equipment and systems, and cleaning products and pesticides commonly used in operating and maintaining buildings.
The Access Board is initiating a major project to examine the needs of people with multiple chemical sensitivities and electrical sensitivities as they relate to indoor environmental quality, and to develop an action plan to address those needs.
We will be involving people with multiple chemical sensitivities and electrical sensitivities, the building industry, and other federal agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency, in the project. We also are developing technical assistance materials that will
focus on best practices for addressing the needs of this population.
Based on our experience. I can state that there definitely is a need for specially planned and designed housing for people with multiple chemical sensitivities and electrical sensitivities. There are many people with these and related disabilities whose condition is so severe that they cannot live in conventional housing.
We recently visited Ecology House, an 11-unit apartment development in San Rafael, California, talked with its residents, and learned first hand about the special design and construction practices that have made the project habitable for people who could not tolerate other housing.
The housing project being planned by The Dispossessed Outreach Project would build on the experiences of Ecology House and meet a rel need for healthy and affordable housing by people who have no other choices.
If I can be of further assistance, please call me at (202) 272-5451.
James J. Raggio
General Counsel.
One of the more recent texts on housing design that incorporates a section on EMR bioeffects and precautionary measures to take is: THE GAIA NATURAL HOUSE BOOK by David Pearson, 1998. On page 217 there is a short section on avoiding EMR emissions captioned "Sleeping Space options."
Does anyone know of other Housing texts that include similar sections?
Media update on "voluntary" Big Brother multiple-sensory/all-knowing implants
Hi Klaus: This brief article on the U.S. military and defense "Lifelog" projects appears on today's online news (AP--Politics). "Pentagon Tool Records User's Every Sense" by Michael J. Sniffer. It can be accessed at www.darpa.mil/ipto/solicitations/PIP_03-30.html
Sounds like what lots of involuntary/unsuspecting victims worldwide are already implanted with but it's just getting a more public airing now. What a chuckle is Sniffer's observation that the technology is "intended for users who give their consent to be monitored." A number of victims of this very worst violation of Human Rights (involuntary implant-snooping technology) have earned the right to be cynical of the real motivations.
Best, Imelda, Cork, Ireland
Re: "FCC's laws" - the FCC has enacted "guidelines"
which are not laws. The tables Radi is looking for can be found in OET Bulletin 65 which can be found at www.fcc.gov/oet/rfsafety
If you think "guidelines" are "regulations" just ask a hospital administrator if a guideline can be enforced. Guidelines are suggestions. If the FCC failed in its congressional mandate, there may be a cloud over the State restrictions which has not yet been scrutinized by the courts. The word "guidelines" appears in the introduction of Bulletin 65 a total of six times. The title is "Evaluating Compliance With FCC Guidelines For Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields."
There is an important point here. In the TCA, congress directed the FCC, within 180 days after the enactment of the TCA to prescribe and make effective "rules" regarding the environmental effects of radio frequency "emissions" and upon doing so, no State, local government or instrumentality thereof could "regulate" a facility on the basis of the environmental effects of radio frequency "emissions".
Unless I miss my guess, the planning commission has no regulatory authority anyway. It is making a "decision" on one application - not enacting what's good for the goose regulations that will be applied to all applications (an ordinance). A "decision" is not a "regulation".
The FCC environmental guidelines are written in terms of limitations on human "exposure" to RF fields for specific time periods. "Exposure" and "emissions" are two enirely different matters (two different meanings), just as "decision" and "regulation" are not identical in
meaning. The FCC guidelines do not limit the maximum levels of RF energy. They only limit the amount of time that an indvidual can remain in fields above prescribed levels. See 47 CFR Section 1.1310.
The FCC was created by, and is subservient to Congress. Even if, as it did with the open video services, Congress specifies a very short time period for the FCC to act, the FCC still has no option but to obey - even if the time period is unreasonable.
In my opinion, the FCC has failed to comply with the statutory mandate. And, as a result of that, I do not believe that any of the "emissions" provisions of the federal statute can be applied in any situation.
Kathy Hawk
Help to save seamangeum in Korea
Your help is urgently needed.
Please use our cyberaction centre to help save seamangeum in Korea, one of the world's five most ecologically important mudflats
For more information and a suggested message visit
Please forward this message to your friends and colleagues and encourage them to get involved with this action, too.
Thanks for your support.
FoEI Web Team
Friends of the Earth International
web :www.foei.org
email: web@foei.org
Pentagon's diary could track each word, step
Informant: Kevin
Selling "Security" Snake Oil
Liberty Action of the Week
Can our justice system be saved?
Rational Review
by Mary Lou Seymour
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Bush plan would wreck an already ailing economy
Informant: Jonathan Mark
Does the USA intend to dominate the whole world by force?
Informant: Michael Albert
Roy (Beavers): Available below are pages of transcript re National Energy Board Hearing taking place in Abbotsford BC in regards to SE2 proposale to build aprox.6 miles of 230.KV powerline through the city center. It will take a bit of time to downlaod, but you may find it interesting reading.
Both Milt Bowling and myself had a kick at Dr Gallagher. If you find interest there is another session of questioning by a lawyer that took time to study EMF and related health effects.Good Stuff.Regards Robert (Riedlinger)
Published letter in support of ES from a U.S. Federal Agency
Hi Klaus:
I'm still on the trail researching responses to the two questions posed to me by the Human Rights Commission:
1. what health authorities or/and governments, in any country, recognise the ES/EHS condition
2. have there been any other instances of legal actions bassed on the ES/EHS issue so is anyone else on your list has useful input on these please share it.
Perhaps some supporters may be unaware of the following important acknowledgement of our EHS condition by a U.S. federal authority. The letter was published in Arthur Firstenberg's "No Place to Hide"
EHS Newsletter in April 2001.
Arthur Firstenberg captions it with "U.S. Access Board Recognizes Electrical Sensitivity"
"United States Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board 1331 F Street, NW Washington, DC 20004 (202) 272-5434 October 26, 2000
Mr. Nelson French, Director
White Mountain Catholic Charities
McNary, Arizona 85930
Dear Mr. French:
I am writing regarding the Dispossessed outreach Project's plans to seek assistance from the Arizona Department of Commerce to develop housing for people with multiple chemical sensitivities and electrical sensitivities in West Yavapai County. The Access Board is a federal Agency whose mission is to promote accessibility for people with disabilities.
We develop accessibility guidelines for the built environment, transit vehicles, and telecommunications equipment, and standards for electronic and information technology. Our guidelines are adopted by other federal agencies as enforceable standards under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Architectural Barriers Act, and Telecommunications Act. We also enforce accessibility standards for federally funded facilities.
Over the years, the Access Board has learned about the very important needs of people with multiple chemical sensitivities and electrical sensitivities. We have heard from thousands of people across the country who are sensitized to chemicals and electromagnetic, radio, and cell phone emissions and who cannot safely use facilities because of chemicals released from building materials and furnishings, exposure to certain types of electrical equipment and systems, and cleaning products and pesticides commonly used in operating and maintaining buildings.
The Access Board is initiating a major project to examine the needs of people with multiple chemical sensitivities and electrical sensitivities as they relate to indoor environmental quality, and to develop an action plan to address those needs.
We will be involving people with multiple chemical sensitivities and electrical sensitivities, the building industry, and other federal agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency, in the project. We also are developing technical assistance materials that will
focus on best practices for addressing the needs of this population.
Based on our experience. I can state that there definitely is a need for specially planned and designed housing for people with multiple chemical sensitivities and electrical sensitivities. There are many people with these and related disabilities whose condition is so severe that they cannot live in conventional housing.
We recently visited Ecology House, an 11-unit apartment development in San Rafael, California, talked with its residents, and learned first hand about the special design and construction practices that have made the project habitable for people who could not tolerate other housing.
The housing project being planned by The Dispossessed Outreach Project would build on the experiences of Ecology House and meet a rel need for healthy and affordable housing by people who have no other choices.
If I can be of further assistance, please call me at (202) 272-5451.
James J. Raggio
General Counsel.
One of the more recent texts on housing design that incorporates a section on EMR bioeffects and precautionary measures to take is: THE GAIA NATURAL HOUSE BOOK by David Pearson, 1998. On page 217 there is a short section on avoiding EMR emissions captioned "Sleeping Space options."
Does anyone know of other Housing texts that include similar sections?
Media update on "voluntary" Big Brother multiple-sensory/all-knowing implants
Hi Klaus: This brief article on the U.S. military and defense "Lifelog" projects appears on today's online news (AP--Politics). "Pentagon Tool Records User's Every Sense" by Michael J. Sniffer. It can be accessed at www.darpa.mil/ipto/solicitations/PIP_03-30.html
Sounds like what lots of involuntary/unsuspecting victims worldwide are already implanted with but it's just getting a more public airing now. What a chuckle is Sniffer's observation that the technology is "intended for users who give their consent to be monitored." A number of victims of this very worst violation of Human Rights (involuntary implant-snooping technology) have earned the right to be cynical of the real motivations.
Best, Imelda, Cork, Ireland
Re: "FCC's laws" - the FCC has enacted "guidelines"
which are not laws. The tables Radi is looking for can be found in OET Bulletin 65 which can be found at www.fcc.gov/oet/rfsafety
If you think "guidelines" are "regulations" just ask a hospital administrator if a guideline can be enforced. Guidelines are suggestions. If the FCC failed in its congressional mandate, there may be a cloud over the State restrictions which has not yet been scrutinized by the courts. The word "guidelines" appears in the introduction of Bulletin 65 a total of six times. The title is "Evaluating Compliance With FCC Guidelines For Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields."
There is an important point here. In the TCA, congress directed the FCC, within 180 days after the enactment of the TCA to prescribe and make effective "rules" regarding the environmental effects of radio frequency "emissions" and upon doing so, no State, local government or instrumentality thereof could "regulate" a facility on the basis of the environmental effects of radio frequency "emissions".
Unless I miss my guess, the planning commission has no regulatory authority anyway. It is making a "decision" on one application - not enacting what's good for the goose regulations that will be applied to all applications (an ordinance). A "decision" is not a "regulation".
The FCC environmental guidelines are written in terms of limitations on human "exposure" to RF fields for specific time periods. "Exposure" and "emissions" are two enirely different matters (two different meanings), just as "decision" and "regulation" are not identical in
meaning. The FCC guidelines do not limit the maximum levels of RF energy. They only limit the amount of time that an indvidual can remain in fields above prescribed levels. See 47 CFR Section 1.1310.
The FCC was created by, and is subservient to Congress. Even if, as it did with the open video services, Congress specifies a very short time period for the FCC to act, the FCC still has no option but to obey - even if the time period is unreasonable.
In my opinion, the FCC has failed to comply with the statutory mandate. And, as a result of that, I do not believe that any of the "emissions" provisions of the federal statute can be applied in any situation.
Kathy Hawk
Help to save seamangeum in Korea
Your help is urgently needed.
Please use our cyberaction centre to help save seamangeum in Korea, one of the world's five most ecologically important mudflats
For more information and a suggested message visit
Please forward this message to your friends and colleagues and encourage them to get involved with this action, too.
Thanks for your support.
FoEI Web Team
Friends of the Earth International
web :www.foei.org
email: web@foei.org
Pentagon's diary could track each word, step
Informant: Kevin
Selling "Security" Snake Oil
Liberty Action of the Week
Can our justice system be saved?
Rational Review
by Mary Lou Seymour
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Bush plan would wreck an already ailing economy
Informant: Jonathan Mark
Does the USA intend to dominate the whole world by force?
Informant: Michael Albert
Citizens' Initiative Omega