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rubber bullets

sprout | 04.06.2003 11:15

link to scaled pictures of rubber bullets



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pain is pleasure

04.06.2003 11:50

And save the real ones for you Realist. Actually I would rather give you a jolly good thrashing on your bottom! Much more fun :)

P Snik

You're just jealous...

04.06.2003 11:54

Poor Realist - he is jealous 'cos his boss wont let him have a gun.

Instead, his place is behind a desk spouting shit on a newswire where no-body listens to his pig-drivel.

Get out on the streets and tackle some real crime you pathetic excuse for a human being.


Poor Realist...

04.06.2003 12:20

How does it feel to have "superiors"?

As an anarchist I don't have to experience that particular humiliation.

How you gonna shut us down Realist? Indymedia is an idea that can't be killed - raid some offices, confiscate some computers. We'll just shift off-shore, or work through a relay of anonymous proxy servers, or into the jungle with a sat-link.

You have the guns but we have the numbers. You pathetic pig-slaves can't possibly win. We are EVERYWHERE...


dream on

04.06.2003 13:06

The only choices in unrealist limited nazi imagination are communist dictatorship, islamic fundamentalism or unrealist nazi's personal choice of totalitarian capitalism and unlimited commerism. To understand unrealist nazis closed and insular brain misworking, we must first understand the way the mind of the uber capitalist sex tourist works. the global poor must be subjugated, starved, brutalised, enslaved and repressed in order to work as slave labour/sex slaves for the idol rich of this world. How else can Mr boring tedious mindless bossman fat cat balding buisness executive get a fuk.

enoch powells rent boy


04.06.2003 13:08

'But you'll soon all be dead or in jail, so we can sleep safely and go to McDonalds and wear Nike trainers without feeling guilty. '

so u do feel guilty about it?!? maybe that's why you seem to hate what people here stand for so much? does it upset your comfortable little world?


Something to look forward to

04.06.2003 13:35

The poor of the world should not be able to afford nike trainers, you know they cost £45 a pair. As a rich blubberous executive buisness man, I feel that my reward for working so hard and submissively, under my boss/superiors, is that I should be able to enjoy sex tourist holidays in third world flesh pots. As a longtime happily married respectable family man, where else can I experience sexual excitement and relief from my tedious monotonous boring existence in Britain. There is an old southern quote which applies to aspiring social class climbers noveau rich people like myself 'if you're not better than a black, who can you be better than'. I like to use this as my yard stick in my buisness and social dealings. The standard of living in the third world has dropped so drastically, that even as a mere noveau rich middle class person, my money goes alot further in these countries, I am practically a millionaire in the poverty ridden tin shack shanty towns of the third world. This can only be good thing for an uber capitalist sex tourist paedophile, like myself and Realist. I hope this sheds light on why people like realist cling fast and hold on for dear life, to the unfair and unjust principles of totalitarian capitalism.

enoch powells rent boy

Realist exposed...

04.06.2003 13:41

Well hasn't this been an instructive little chat Realist?

Firstly you admit you are a cop (I expect you work for some US security agency, seeing as your "prose" is littered with Americanisms like "butt" and "jail", and non-fed-type cops would not have a remit to spam UK activist news sites).

Secondly you have exposed your true colours as a political ignoramus without the ability to understand the glorious rainbow of political systems. You exhibit classic "with us or against us" thinking that destroys the capacity for rational thought, and prevents innovation of ideas and life-styles. In short you are a "useful idiot" who's blind acceptance of the status quo has been engineered by systematic efforts from your "superiors" and their control over the media.

I bet you can't even define this "capitalism" that you claim is the only alternative. You seem to be unaware of the evidence that is system you are defending is rapidly destroying the planet. Resource wars, pollution, widespread poverty, disease... The list goes on. Any system that raises individual profit to be the highest good (ie: capitalism), over human happiness and survival of the species, is both spiritually and practically bankrupt.

The dictatorship of Capital may have won its phony war against the dictatorship of the Communist State, but the true war, the only war, is the one that will never be won by "the few".

The war we are fighting is the same war that hit the streets of Barcelona during the Spanish Civil War. This is the Class War. The war to wake up each individual in the world to their own power and responsibility, so that there will be no-more need or tolerance of "superiors".

We don't need to use violence to achieve our means. Indeed, violence only hurts our side as "the few" hit back with their superior weapons (built with our stolen labour) harder each time. We are winning this war with words and deeds. A multitude of individual examples. Alternative lives lived in freedom.

I find it interesting that you express a wish to "go to McDonalds and wear Nike trainers without feeling guilty." Were does that guilt come from Realist? Could it be from that fact that deep down, in the back of your Fox-News-programmed brain, you realise that you are fighting on the wrong side? We are your own people, your family and friends. We are that ones that care if the air you breathe is clean and the wages you earn are fair. You are fighting your own people. Do you think that your "superiors" give a shit about you beyond your ability to make it to your work-cubicle each day?

Take the red pill Realist. Lets see if you really can handle reality...
