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events tonite, translated

sprout | 03.06.2003 19:33

news from geneva
The police are being very aggressive.
20h40 Police have surrounded TSR, tv and radio station
It is thought they are trying to stop journos getting back to broadcast news.
20h35 Police nad fireservice are in the banking district
20h30 ADSL line of I MMC 3 is cut.
20h30 one injured persom on Rue Dancet.
20h25 Police threaten to kill an adolescent!Police in Place Plainpalais threaten a photographer with a baton, to try and stop him taking photos.
20h20 Rumours circulating that Geneva will be declared in a state of siege, to be confimed
20h20 Plain clothes police identified wearing 'grutli's'??, for once not in hoodies, wearing arm bands
20h15 at least 15 people arrested since17h30
20h00 3 people arrested near Uni -Mail, and 2 others at Place plainpalais (1 hour ago)
19h55Massive police presence again in the area surrounding Usine
19h50Mme Spoerri, the head of the geneva Police has not ruled out shooting at peoples legs, as a last resort.
19h45The police cxontinue to fire concussion grenades on Bve. Carl-Vogt. During this time, plain clothes hitting poeple with batons
19h50 Police charge with water canons, and rubber bullets near the cooperative on Boulevard-Saint Georges
19h45 Plain clothes arrest one person
19h40 2 arrests outside TSR
19h40Police man hurt himself, falling over ( all by himself)
19h30 Des flics tabassent deux hommes
19h25 100-150 people gather to demand the resignation of Mme Spoerri
19h20 Police beat one man behind truck



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  1. Vas-y les flics! — Tuez les cagoulés de merde