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US soldier shot dead in Iraq

The Crimson Repat | 03.06.2003 18:25

A US soldier was shot dead while on patrol in central Iraq, according to AP.

US soldier killed in Iraq

An American soldier has been shot dead while on patrol in central Iraq.

The incident happened near the town of Balad, 55 miles north of Baghdad, says Major William Thurmond, a spokesman for the US Army's V Corps.

There has been a series of hit-and-run attacks on US troops across central Iraq since major ground combat ended almost two months ago.

© Associated Press

Story filed: 08:00 Tuesday 3rd June 2003

The Crimson Repat


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so it begins!

03.06.2003 18:38

so begins the inevitable resistance, a war of attrition slowly gathering steam. it will see sharp increases when people realise that the US isn't going anywhere soon!

more dead yanquis!


the ordinary folk will pay

03.06.2003 19:29

not wothgloating over as the americans will make innocent
Iraqies pay a terrible price .. check out the thousands of deformed babies in Vietnam ...

agent orange

Dead Soldiers Are Payback!

03.06.2003 20:06

Every American soldier that is killed or British for that matter is just in my opinion, I am traditionally a peace loving, non-violent person, but I am at this moment raging with anger, not just at Blair's decison to take this country kicking and screaming into this unjust war, but also at the Stop The War Coalition, after Feb 15 when they had 2 million on the streets of London they became complacent, instead of turning up the heat on Blair they relied on that one single event to swing public opinion their way and it failed. We could have stopped Blair's bloodlust, it was within our grasp and they let it slip away, I will never forgive them or Blair for the thousands of innocent people he needlessly slaughtered.

Nothing can bring any of those people back, but every soldier that's killed by the resistance is justified, it's at least something to pay back the invaders for their crimes.

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Could be the mother of all guerilla wars

03.06.2003 21:08

The US seems destined to commit national suicide over the invasion and occupation of Iraq. The longer they stay the more they pay. The troops already want to go home and this is going to include most officers too. They appear to have blundered every step of the way and taken a few too many people along for the ride to get away with it. Arab unity is also being greatly strengthend by the occupation.

And they can't even say they weren't warned.


A 'just' death?

03.06.2003 21:17

Like most people here I am shocked, disgusted and deeply saddened by the actions of the American and British governments in Iraq, and in the countless other examples of murderous 'intervention' and invasion that litter the graveyards of history. But I have to very strongly disagree with your assertion that "Dead Soldiers Are Payback!"
The people responsible for the invasion of Iraq are sitting thousands of miles away in Washington and london. Do you think they care if one of their grunts, or even a hundred are killed? Hell, thats what they're there for
Why did this one guy deserve to be the 'payback' for the foolish and murderous decisions of his leaders? If you reduce people's lives to black and white statistics, what claim can you stake for the moral high-ground? Maybe the dead PERSON had a wife, and several young kids. Maybe he left school with no qualifications, and the military was the only option open to him. Or would you prefer to think of him as a blood-thirsty baby killer?

If we're ever going to change this world for the better, and end the long cycle of misery and suffering, we've got to stop reducing the lives of our fellow humans to statistics that suit our particular beliefs and\or propaghanda goals. We could all end up as statistics one day.

Wasted space

Buffy the excuse slayer

03.06.2003 22:29

Buffy Sainte-Marie
© Caleb Music-ASCAP

I wrote "Universal Soldier" in the basement of The Purple Onion coffee house in Toronto in the early sixties. It's about individual responsibility for war and how the old feudal thinking kills us all. Donovan had a hit with it in 1965.

He's five feet two and he's six feet four
He fights with missiles and with spears
He's all of 31 and he's only 17
He's been a soldier for a thousand years

He's a Catholic, a Hindu, an athiest, a Jain,
a Buddhist and a Baptist and a Jew
and he knows he shouldn't kill
and he knows he always will
kill you for me my friend and me for you

And he's fighting for Canada,
he's fighting for France,
he's fighting for the USA,
and he's fighting for the Russians
and he's fighting for Japan,
and he thinks we'll put an end to war this way

And he's fighting for Democracy
and fighting for the Reds
He says it's for the peace of all
He's the one who must decide
who's to live and who's to die
and he never sees the writing on the walls

But without him how would Hitler have
condemned him at Dachau
Without him Caesar would have stood alone
He's the one who gives his body
as a weapon to a war
and without him all this killing can't go on

He's the universal soldier and he
really is to blame
His orders come from far away no more
They come from him, and you, and me
and brothers can't you see
this is not the way we put an end to war.


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The Squaddies could have said NO

03.06.2003 22:41

Look 'Wasted space', those soldiers had a choice to go or not to go, they have minds of their own, they knew what this war was about, for those that chose not to participate in the war, not one court in the land would dare convict them for disobeying orders because this war was illegal all along.

And for your information, I actually do have a nephew in the army, and your right, he's not too bright in fact he is as thick as pig shit, he decided to join up against my advice, because I am so anti-military but there seemed no other career opportunity for him, but I warned him if he went to Iraq, I would never speak to him again, aint seen him since Christmas, only time will tell if he was there or not.

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probably lots more

04.06.2003 08:36

If there was one reported shot dead, you can bet there were really a lot more. Visit other websites for further information.



04.06.2003 12:42

I can only speculate but I doubt whether the Americans are covering up the number of dead they are suffering, at least at this stage. They seem to wear helmets and armoured vests all the time (though it must be uncomfortable in the hot weather) and never move far from armoured vehicles, at least in central Iraq. So to kill or seriously wound Americans, Iraqis who attack them probably have to be good shots and/or get in close, and possibly risk being killed themselves. For every attack where an American is killed there are probably many ineffective attacks, for example an Iraqi shooting from a couple of hundred yards out and achieving no effect other than perhaps to fray American nerves.
However, the US troops are probably far more vulnerable to this kind of thing than to all-out conventional warfare in which they have all the advantages, and I expect the steady drip of US casualties to go on. It will be interesting to see what happens if the rate of losses were to rise.

The Crimson Repat